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During the Great War, atomic bombs were dropped on every corner of the globe. People took shelter in Vaults. Special designed shelters underground so they could survive the blast. When they exited the vaults, a new world was seen before them. One with many mutated humans, animals, and even plants. New societies formed and a completely new universe was made all by the hands of the survivors. Some chose to stay in their Vault and some chose to explore the new world. Now, to The Mojave Desert. The vast wasteland that remained between California and Nevada.

Saturday June 3rd, 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Entry #1
Vault 859

Dear journal, it's been a rough week for The Vault, but we managed to hold on. Yesterday, we were able to gain some new supplies from the exploration of the outer skirts of the Mojave Wasteland, but we're still being threatened by those Raiders from the camps below us. There is a total of 46 people in The Vault now. 20 men, 15 women, 6 young men, and 5 little girls. Out of all 46 of us, there is only 4 doctors including myself.

We all work on the Hospital Wing on the far west end of The Vault on the 5th floor. Doctor Vega is my good friend. She was a war nurse for the NCR for a long time. She fled the NCR during a Deathclaw attack. She made it out alive and found our Vault.

The Overseer let her in, gave her a job, a place to sleep, and a new life here in The Vault. She has long hair as black as mine, brown eyes, and she's about 6" tall and is my age (29). Doctor Crane, at 34, was my other good friend. He is not only a great Doctor, but he's also a skilled survivalist like me, and is a Vault Officer. So he's like a scientist and a peacekeeper.

He even grew up in The Vault like me. While scavenging in the Wasteland with some other Vault Members, they were attacked by a pack of Fire Geckos. He fought them all off and even managed to get the crew to safety as they were lost. After a week, they returned to The Vault with only one member radiated. He was awarded a special medal by The Overseer for his heroic bravery.

He is kinda tall (about 5'10") and his body is very built. He had a brown fade and green eyes. Then there's Doctor Fields. Or as we call her, Kid. At only 17 years old, she became the youngest Doctor in The Vault. Born and raised in The Vault like me and Doctor Crane, she stayed in school to get her degree and trained to help the injured and sick.

Than she became one of us. Short with blonde long hair and had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. We all were equipped with a Laser or Plasma Pistol, which was our choice, and a Lab Coat. Like everyone else in Vault 859, we were given a Vault Suit, a job, a new home, and a new family for some of us. Some weapons or clothing or even some people in The Vault are from The Wasteland.

The Overseer sends some people to go out exploring to gather all these. Only 6 people have died while exploring. Today was just a normal day at work for us Doctors. Making Stimpaks, RadAways, Jet, Rad-X, and all sorts of those things for all the people in The Vault. No patients today either.

We don't get a lot of days like these. I must go now. Hopefully I'll be able to complete my research on the Radscorpion Venom Antidote.

Doctor Harrison out.

Sunday June 4th, 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Entry #2
Vault 859

Dear journal, It's been a nice morning so far. I woke up in my living quarters on the east wing of the 8th floor of The Vault and ate at the restaurant next to it for breakfast. I had some Gecko Steak and 2 cups of coffee. The Vault has about 2 restaurants, 4 diners, and 3 cafeterias. Some of the animals and creatures that were killed in The Wasteland were brought here by the hunters and they are cooked by the volunteers of the kitchens.

After breakfast, I stopped by Doctor Vega's residence so we could walk to work together. We had a total of 23 living quarters. All were 2 person rooms. Each had a couch, 2 beds, a radio, 2 wardrobes, a bathroom, and a weapons closet. It was 2 people per room of course. I shared a room with Alexander.

A retired NCR Drill Sergeant. He was a very brave and built man. Although he retired, he wasn't a day over 50. I guess everyone was tired of the NCR at one point. After meeting up with Doctor Vega, we made our way to the elevator and got up to the 5th floor where the Hospital Wing is.

As we were on the elevator, she said "it seems like yesterday, I stumbled in this place and found my new best friend". I smiled at that memory. "Seems like yesterday we was getting our new lab built" I replied to her. The elevator then stopped at the 6th floor and a little boy called Blake got on with his father, Thomas. Thomas worked at the Power Plant on the 1st floor.

He didn't call us doctors. He always referred to us by our first names. He always did this because he thinks that we're not real doctors because of the way we're given the title. Because of the war, there were no medical schools or colleges anymore, but we had 2 libraries and an enormous school. We're taught everything we need to know of course.

To become a doctor, we took numerous classes, read literally hundreds of pre-war medical books, and found numerous holotapes on surgery and medical procedures. After 5 years of proper training, we were awarded with a degree signed by The Overseer. Of course we were doctors, we just didn't have an official degree signed by a university or medical school, but that was good enough for everyone else. If anything, we were better then the pre-war doctors. But anyway, it was a nice day at work until we got an announcement by The Overseer. Apparently, we had a Mole Rat infestation on the 2nd floor.

Luckily, they were exterminated and no one was killed, but we had 2 women who were all scratched up. We managed to take care of them. I better get going now. We're just about to conduct brain surgery on a Feral Ghoul.

Doctor Harrison out.

Monday June 5th 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Entry #3
Vault 859

Dear journal, I don't know what's going on! It's 10:06 pm and the alarms are blasting loudly. Someone said that there has been a disturbance at the Vault Door and The Overseer has sent guards to look at it but there is no report back. We're still awaiting the feedback and the cameras to the Vault Door room have been destroyed. People are in panic and The Overseer has issued a Shelter in-place. 2 men from the armory just a floor down from us has volunteered to keep in the lab to protect us just in case something happens. Both outfitted with riot gear and machine guns. I'm starting to hear gunfire from upstairs, but they're all hitting walls and doors. It sounds like they're not even hitting people. That's very strange. Usually th

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