The Rescue

27 2 0

Thursday September 22nd, 2278
Overseer David Allen
Legion Execution Field
Entry #5

Dear journal, we've officially rescued Doctor Harrison. This afternoon, our people from NCR had spotted a large Legion Party moving out southeast of The Mojave. They appeared to be escorting a prisoner. We got a visual of the prisoner and we saw it was Doctor Harrison. Finally.

After months of searching for our friend, we've finally got sight of him. They were taking him to an execution field that The Legion has used in the past. Once we got sight, we made our move. We had NCR Ranger Snipers on a large hill above the field watching over us. The rest of us went into separate teams covering each corner and side of the field.

We remained quiet as The Legionaries started preparing. They made him stand on a stool above a tree and tied both of his wrists together. They then tied the other end of the rope to one of the huge, thick branches of the tree. Once they had it secured, they kicked the stool out from under him. He was now hanging in the air with his arms up high above him. His chest, which had a red X spray painted across his dirty clothing, was completely exposed and open.

They all laughed as they started throwing punches at him in the chest and stomach. He grunted taking them. They all kept punching and soon, the motherfuckers started beating him with clubs. He howled in pain with every single strike of the weapons. It seemed to amuse them.

Maria, who was crouched down near me had been tearing up. She looked at me and said "Overseer, we need to move now! They're gonna kill him!". I smirked. "Not today." I replied. I then took out my flare gun and fired it into the air.

The flare was a signal to the others. The flare soared into the air with a loud hiss. The Legionaries stopped and turned their attention to the sky. The mysterious flare had startled them all. After this...hell broke loose...and we were pretty damn proud of it.

14 people in Armored Vault Suits had ran out in the battlefield. All armed with Assault Rifles and Machetes. We all let out a battle cry as we ran forward into the heat of battle. Soon it was all hellfire and brimstone. When we needed help, The Rangers had picked some Legionaries off for us.

Screams, bullets, stabs, and blood was all around us. The battle waged on for 45 minutes and I had seen true warriors fight for their friend's freedom. In the end, 6 people had died on our side. We lost Rodney Stuart, Yolanda Rose, Kevin Eisner, Corporal Lyle Andrews, Gregory Vorhees, and Officer Joe Anderson. Not a single Legionary was left standing.

We all came together and got Doctor Harrison down from the tree. He couldn't stand. We took the bruised and beaten man and kept him near us as we torched the entire field with Flamethrowers and Molotovs. After months of looking for our friend, we got him. We lost people, but sometimes, responsibility demands sacrifice.

The most righteous receive life's greatest treasures. We're getting him back to The Vault now.

Overseer out.

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