Battle Of The Raiders

40 3 0

Saturday June 31st, 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Entry #8
Followers Of The Apocalypse Outpost

Dear journal, yet another turn of events. I woke up this morning staring at the barrel of a Laser Rifle. Who was holding it? I couldn't see for a moment. The voice called out orders to me. "Stand up! Keep your hands where I can see them!" I did as I was told.

I finally saw who it was. It appeared to be a man with a spiked mohawk dyed green. He was dressed from head to toe like some kind of punk rockstar crossed with a Raider. He had dirty leather armor with dull spikes on the shoulders. "Walk forward. If you try something stupid, I'll shoot you dead."

I did what I was told. I had nowhere to run. There were more people just like him looting the whole room. All looking for something to steal. All outfitted with either a Baseball Bat, a Shotgun, or a Laser Rifle.

I walked forward and looked around for Maria. I couldn't see her anywhere. All I saw was that whole office was now trashed and 2 men in lab coats laid dead in the floor at the front of the desk. The man had jammed his rifle into my back and instructed me to get on my stomach. I laid down on my stomach and he tied my hands behind my back.

He picked me up off the floor and put me in a chair beside Maria who was also tied up. A couple of men came through and then a woman walked over with a Full-Auto .45 Pistol in her hand. She was dressed like the others and even had her own strange hairdo. Appeared to be a buzz cut dyed blonde with a snake shaved on the back. She pointed her pistol between my eyes and said "Do you want to die?" I said no and she did the same with Maria which she got the same answer.

She asked us both "Do as I say and we'll make sure you won't. My name is Bite. I'm the leader of this gang." I looked up at her and asked "What gang is this?". She replied bluntly "We're part of The Viper Gang". I remember this guy Ramirez back at The Vault telling me about this group. They're very similar to The Fiends.

They do the same activity and wear similar clothing and are also Raiders, except The Viper Gang actually focus on gaining better energy weapons and higher artillery and follow an ancient religion based on snakes. They don't go straight for drugs, but they still abuse them as much as The Fiends do and they're both just a branch of Raiders. Bite explained to me what was going on. "We're just raiding this place for supplies. We don't want too much blood on our hands so we're keeping prisoners, if they comply. You 2 will do just fine. We have an exchange going down here tomorrow with another crew. They're King Linus' Circle. They're from The Fiends" I sighed. "We want you 2 because we were told that you was a scientist and this other girl is a hunter. We can definitely use that for this arrangement."

I looked at her questionably and asked "Why would you need us for an exchange deal?" and she replied "Well, we want you 2 because we want this exchange to be an ambush. We're defecting from our allies, The Fiends, and focusing on our religion. We can't take any chances with them. They're too reckless". I now understood what was the purpose. She needed us to take the first shot of the ambush. Divert the attention to us and possibly kill us, and then her gang jumps in for the rest and takes all the supplies.

It makes perfect sense. She leaned down to us and said "You know, you don't have to do this. We can just have you killed right here and deal with it ourselves.". I couldn't die right here. Not like this. And neither could Maria.

Plus, I had a bone to pick with King Linus. "Sign us up" I said. She untied us both a few minutes later and gave us a rundown on the whole plan. We are to take down anyone of our choice to start the ambush. I had one .308 bullet for King Linus.

Me and Maria decided to scout from the tops of the buildings. We both had a plan of our own after the ambush. During the ambush, we throw some grenades down in the battlefield and use the Vault Map to flee from this outpost and head back home. I didn't read the map because Maria wanted to find a couple other vaults, so I decided that she read it and I follow her back to The Vault. Tomorrow, we'll be home.

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