The Exchange

12 2 0

Monday August 14th, 2278
Doctor Wayne Harrison
Cottonwood Cove
Entry #19

Dear journal, I've been through more then I can handle at this point. Yesterday morning, The Powder Gang took me out to the desert to trade me. 150,000 Caps sold to a man from Caesar's Legion. Just when I thought things could get worse, I'm being sold to the most horrible faction known all around. As we were walking through the desert, I had been in handcuffs and shackles just like the prisoner I was.

Except this time, I had my Lab Coat and Jeans. While I was walking with the 6 men who had rifles, I couldn't help but replaying everything in my head. Vault 4, killing King Linus, The Viper Gang, my stay at Nellis AFB, everything. We walked for 2 hours until we saw 5 men approaching. I recognized them immediately. Men from Caesar's Legion.

Red clothing and armor similar to ones of Roman Empire. 2 were carrying Brush Guns, 1 was carrying a Hunting Rifle, and the other 3 were carrying Machetes, Lever Action Rifles, and .357 Magnums. The man in the middle called out to us "Ave, true to Caesar.". Latin? The Man With The Hollow Voice said "Yeah whatever. You got the caps?". The man who had called out had a man beside him who opened a case.

150,000 Caps. The man closed the case as the Powder Gangers smiled. After this, I saw 8 men come up from the right side of us. They all had NCR Armor on. Some carrying Service Rfiles and some carrying Sniper Rifles. They all aimed at The Legionaries and Powder Gangers.

The man in the front of them shouted "BY ORDER OF THE NCR, YOU ARE HEREBY UNDER ARREST FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING!". It's the NCR! The Powder Gang and The Legion had aimed their weapons at the NCR Troops. It was a standoff. They all aimed their weapons at each other and were calling out threats and not shooting while I was watching.

"Let Doctor Harrison go and we guarantee your safety!". They knew my name? After he had called out that order, 4 more men carrying Assault Rifles had appeared on the opposite side of the NCR Troops and had also aimed at The Legionaries and Powder Gangers. All had Armored Vault Suits. I recognized them immediately.

It was people from my Vault! Officer Brody Davis, George Hall, Tyson Margera, and John Hudson! The Overseer must've sent out a search party! Officer Brody had shouted as he and the others aimed at The Powder Gangers and Legionaries "MEN! YOU ARE ALL SURROUNDED BY THE NCR! LET DOCTOR HARRISON GO OR WE WILL FIRE!". They were outnumbered by 1.

And by they, I meant the Powder Gang and The Legion. They both had hatred for The NCR. Vault 859 and The NCR had teamed up to come and rescue me. The Man With The Hollow Voice had said "Now gentlemen, why don't we put our weapons down and discuss this like men?". The man from NCR said "Not a chance in hell Nixon! You've been out of prison long enough. Now it's time to take you back. Dead or alive! Your choice!".

The Man With The Hollow Voice, who I seen now as Nixon, had smirked. He then said "Sorry Sarge. I like things my way and my way only. Open fire!". After he shouted those 2 words, I couldn't hear anything but gunshots firing from all around me. Bullets had been flying all over the place. Officer Davis and moved me out the way as him and his team along with the NCR Troopers move down from the hill and down to the small battlefield and he even unlocked my shackles for me and kept me down.

The gunfire was deafening and I had soon only heard ringing in one of my ears. I kept watching the people from my Vault along with The NCR Troopers who had fought for my freedom take cover and shoot. I saw one NCR Troop get shot in the shoulder. He had ducked down and called out to one of his buddies to help him. Officer Davis had been shouting something to me, but all I heard was ringing.

The same high pitched ringing. I looked over the rock and saw The Legionaries and The Powder Gangers shoot in our direction. I saw 2 Powder Gangers get shot and killed. After this, I saw one of them throw a lit stick of dynamite over at us. I saw it land beside John.

It exploded and sent me flying sideways and away from the rock and beside another. I couldn't see a thing as the explosion had caused a thick sheet of smoke and dust cover my whole vicinity followed by my vision being blurry. My whole body felt numb and I tried moving but couldn't. I was laying on my back. As the smoke cleared and my vision focused, I saw 3 NCR Troops on the right side of me who were laying on the ground.

Dead. Then, as I looked to my left, I saw Officer Davis run to me. As he was running, a bullet had hit him in the side of the arm. He turned to shoot in the shooters direction, but it was too late to defend himself. A bullet had went through his neck.

I watched my friend lay on the ground and bleed while he was clenching the side of his neck. I watched on the other sides of me and caught a glimpse of the others fight for a few seconds then slowly turned my head back to Davis. He reached his hand out to me, but he was too far away. As the pool of blood was covering the ground he was laying on, I saw the life slowly drain out of his eyes. His arm stopped reaching for me and he laid still, looking right at me with his lifeless eyes wide open.

A good man had died for me. I looked up and saw a Legionary who then knocked me out with a punch. When I woke up, I was laying in a chain link cage in the middle of some kind of Legion Camp called Cottonwood Cove. I had raggedy clothes on, my body was still in pain, and I had a bulky collar around my neck. I noticed the Pre-War technology immediately.

A Bomb Collar. I saw a Legionary Assassin walk over to the cage I was in and say "Looks like you're in the right place now. You'll be seen by the mighty Caesar later on today. For now, rot!". He then walked off. So, this Caesar guy. He could have some answers for the sabotaged Med-X.

I guess I'll have to wait and see. Well I'm prisoner again, but this time, by people i hate the most. Goodnight.

Doctor Harrison out.

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