Chapter 7

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When we woke up we were in a different place not the tree but not scars teritory it was a big Cave with a Little door way leeding into a Humunges Cave and I thought the den at scars place was big this was like 3 times the size but there was a blue wolf that looked like his fur was ripped by a big wolf. I was to scared to say anything so I just wached him walk out and then a Beautiful gray wolf come in and then she saw me up "why hello ..." just then I sprinted to the smaller cave area and woke up Kira just as kira was waking up the wolf came in. "I'm sorry I scared u my name is Shelby " She said with kindness . So I said in response to be nice "I'm ....." Just then I got cut off by shelby "I know who you both are you are Wolf and This here must be Kira" She said. I was wondering how she knows our names Just then a Big Black and White wolf Came in I know who he was from the get go so I couldn't hold my self back and said "Uncle" with exitment I could tell kira also know who he was but I was still circus about who is this shelby Charitor but just then Uncle told us what had been going on and what this place is and who shelby is she is the den mother here and this is the Blade pack Territory and that he Is the alpha here. The boy I saw was apparently my older Brother tide he is Beta of the pack and then he told us to go to bed and we could expore tomarrow.

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