Chapter 10

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~A Few days later~
"Uhh my head" I said opening my eyes . Then I realized that I was being dabbed on the head with a wet cloth everything was blurry and super bright. I just layed there and tryed to figure out what was going on until I felt really heavy and sleepy and then I saw black. I woke up in the wool bed only to see I was still in the room and in pain. I looked around and saw fang and shelby in the room just laying there watching me exept they were asleep I tryed to get  up but pain shot through my body like a rocket hitting the moon at a million miles and hour. I yelped so loud that I woke up shelby and fang and 2 other wolves came running in I was on the floor in a madder of seconds. They must've relized that I tryed to walk because they just layed me back on the wool bed and Left . What the was going on why was I here and who are these Wolves. I still had the same questions as when I first arrived. I saw shelby and fang walk out but there was nothing I could do about it I felt like I couldn't speak or walk just was able to wonder and Sleep. I Must have fell asleep again I opened my eyes to see the same room but something was off like there was someone outside right by the door I could see the shadow of the figure but nothing else I hoped out of the bed and then a sharp pain shot through my front right leg again. " that hurts." I wispered to myself just barley soft enough for the wolves not to come running in. I just limped over to the door just then the door opens and hits my face "ow " I said as I fell backwords onto the ground. "Oh I'm soooo sorry Master Wolf I only came to give you more water....I....I didn't relize that You were awake are You ok" said a little wolf about my age that is franticly talking and walking around me as my vision refocused. "Ya I'm fine." I said getting up. "Who are you." I said looking at the wolf "oh I'm just your servent Lila,Master Wolf" She said putting her head down for her eyes not to meet mine. "Why are you calling me That?" I asked curiously wondering. "Because your one of my Masters, Master Wolf." She said awsering my question calmly. Oh my is this girl for real why am I one of her masters and who is she and why am I here.....great now I have more questions.


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