Chapter 11

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"Um......" I said looking at the door that was behind her. My chance to exape is right behind this girl maby I can fool her Maby just maby. " Lila You done in there how hard is it......" Said a bigger wolf that came in the room talking to Lila and then seeing me up and I have my paw up so I didn't walk on it. And there goes my chance to exape there is no why I could outrun this wolf. She was so tall I mean really tall. " Oh hi I didn't relize you were awake...I'm sorry to bother you..Lila let's go." The tall wolf said trying to push Lila out the door. "Uh......May I ask you your name please." I said trying to stop them."Oh..My name is Kyla I'm your personal gaurd so if there is anything you need let me or your outher guard Shatsy know....Master Wolf ." Kyla said pushing Lila out the door and shutting it behind them. Well that what word am I looking for .......intersting..nah.....Oh Eventful. Well I'm going to see what I'm doing here. I walk up to the door and I try to open the door but I'm just a little to short to reach the rope handle...Darn. What can I use to reach that rope um...... oh the bucket from the water Lila left it here I can use that. I grabed the bucket and moved it over to the door and grabed the rope and pulled and the door opened and I dropped down I slowly walked out of the room/place I looked for the guards but they were no were in sight. Perfect I can get out of here,I slowly walked to the back of the hut thing.

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