Chapter 9

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I was expecting to wake up I'm the tree but I didn't. I was locked in a cell that was nothing like the one in Scars teritory I looked around for  Shelby,Myra,Fang,And Hound but none of them were there. I'm very Confused, I hit a wood piece of the cell To try to get out but it just hert  my head. What the is going on We're am I, I asked myself. I looked around there was a water bowl and a food bowl and then I realized that I was in no ordinary cell because the bowls were made of Gold and the wood was a door and the cave was a big room that was made for a king not some little runt and yes I called my self a runt but anyway the room also had a wool bed in it. We're  am I, I started freaking out and then I heard a knock on the door just then a fermilire voice  asked "Can I Come In please". I was still very confused but I really didn't know what else to do so I said " Ok you can come in". I thought it was weard that it  would ask to come in instead of just coming in but then I realized that it was Fang. She was wearing a gold Chain Tira and a light blue necklace,after that I was really confused,but just then a Warrior wolf Walked in Behind her and just stood there after that I past out.

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