I want them out.

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Yuugen POV

After a couple more minutes, the young boy passed out again in Gaara's arms.
I was happy for him. Being a medic; I deduced many things the boy had tried to keep hidden. The layered bags under his eyes, frail frame and shaking hands—signs of an insomniac. His lack of weight and height, clearly anorexic and the scars on his wrist.... Signs of serious depression. Now he's safe though. I don't like the thought of him going back to that damn village.

I made sure that Naruto was asleep before I spoke. "What's going to happen now?"

"I'm not letting him go back. Especially not with his 'team' the way they treat him, his condition will just worsen. I can also speculate what happened to him on the way here." Gaara donned a thoughtful look on his face for a moment before calling. "Temari!!!!!!!"

The blonde came bursting through the door, her Fan ready to attack. After noticing that no one stood a threat, she straightened up and put her fan back on her back.
"What happened? Is Naru-Chan ok?" The blonde inquired

"Yes, he is. I need you to do something for me though." Gaara stated, whilst Yuugen struggled to smother a laugh at the younger blondes nickname.

"Anything." The wind user turned deadly serious in a moment.

"I need you to summon Team 7 and their recent employers to my office immediately. Now."

"Ok Gaara, is that all?"

"Yes. Please make it quick though." The red head requested firmly. And with that Temari left the room, at full speed to do as requested by he you get brother. Said brother turned to the other conscious member of the room.

"Yuugen was it?" He asked receiving a small nod in response. "Please look after Naruto whilst I tend to some very important matters."

Knowing what the jinchuriki was implying. The medics face split with an evil Grin. "I will take good care of him. Just as I ask you do to our recent visitors." Gently removing the frail boy from his arms, and laying him peacefully on the bed, Gaara stood and quickly a cited the room, taking careful measures to not slam the doors on the way out. As much a his like to vent his anger on the inanimate objects, he didn't want to risk waking up his.... His what? What was Naruto to him anyway?


We trudgingly made our way to the Kazekage's office, after being ordered I do so by the blonde bimbo. Tem-tem... Temari! That was it! Temari. To be honest I never really liked her she seemed so horrible. She treated her brother so horribly before, like she was scared of him. I pitied him. Nobody should ever be treated like that. (A/N.. - - Sakura, just shut up like..... UGH I know I made you this way but shhhhhhhhhhh...
As now I was being accused. Of treating Naruto badly! (A/N *siiiiiiiiiigh*) Sure I was hard on him sometimes, but I thought that since he never had parents... Maybe I could take their place.

But now. AGH! The attention he gets here must be going to his head. He thinks that just because he was a little bit tired, everyone would be nice to him. But I am not falling for it. I am the mature one of the three of us. And I also think that medic, and the sand siblings completely over reacted before.
I mean seriously, what could be that bad we can't even see under his jacket?
I think he's making it all up to get more attention. It's disgraceful, especially since Gaara has clearly been through a lot more than that idiot! People were afraid of him just because of his sand.

Sure, Zayuma and Kita-San were acting a little bit strangely when we artived, but we had been travelling for 3 days. So they were probably just tired. They were lovely people after all.

And now here we stand in the office with Gaara, Temari, the cat kid and out clients-wonder why they are here?

My thoughts were interrupted when Gaara spoke swiftly, and harshly.
"I want you out."

"I'm sorry, would you please eleborate." Kakashi Sensei reasoned.

Gaara huffed and pointed at Kita and Zayuma-San. "I. Want. Them. Out. And seen as they are your clients, I'm guessing you will be going with them too."

"YOU CANT DO THAT! THEY HAVENT DONE ANYTHING! THEY JUST CAME HERE TO VISIT THEIR FAMILY IN HONOR OF THE KYUUBI FESTIVAL!" I yelled inprotest. How dare he?! They just want want to spend a good time together with loved ones.

When I finished my rant, I realised that Gaara's sea foam eyes widened noticeably.

"Miss Haruno. If I may ask, when is this Kyuubi festival?" He asked me. I don't see how this relates to anything but I answered anyway.

"Well the festival would have started the day we left, and it ends in a few days." After my explanation, all three of the sand sibling turned thee heads to Kita and Zayuma-San. And if looks could kill, I'm pretty sure that two guillotines would have appeared and started work.

Temari was the one to break the silence that had begun. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! THATS WHY YOU DID IT!?!?" She started towards the village couple, with her fan ready to attack. "HOW DARE YOU?!  I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW!!!!!"

Whilst this was happening, her brothers made no sign of stopping her.
All of a sudden, A flash of dark blue appeared and Sasuke was infront of the two and ready to defend.



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