Chapter Eight

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Jack walked through the kingdom, his eyes looking from merchant stall to merchant stall. Little Wolf had told him yesterday that she would be busy with hunter training and could not meet up for the next three or so days. He was sad that he could not see his best friend for the next few days, but knew there was nothing he could do about it.

His attention was caught by a loud voice calling out for people to gather round. He turned in the direction of the voice to see a messenger of the king. He slowly walked in the direction of the messenger, just as many other people were. Curiosity gleamed in Jack's eyes, wondering what the king may want his people to know.

"Many of you know of the dreadful terror wolves who roam our woods. They eat our herds, attack our people, and strike fear into our hearts. The king has announced that whoever killed roi des loups Coeur de Lion will be rewarded greatly! They will be rewarded fame throughout all the land, richest beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and will truly be a hero. Not to mention whoever kills the beast will marry the most fair maiden of all the land." The announcement got many people talking. Men who believed they could kill the beast to impress their beloved or win the riches of the king. The only thing Jack did not understand was, why were the wolves so terrible. Did they really do those things? Little wolf had never mentioned it. Also, what was roi des loups Coeur de Lion?

Jack had decided it was best to not tell Little Wolf. He did not want to worry her incase it affected her. He silently walked around the halls of the castle. Being the son of a famous hunter allowed them privileges, such as living in the castle along with the king and other important people. Jack was looking for his father, as he figured his father would know what the roi des loups Coeur de Lion was.

He lifted his hand, knocking on the door to his father's study. He heard shuffling and footsteps, then the door opened. His father stood before him, looking a bit annoyed.

"What do you need Jack?" He muttered, turning and walking back to the paper covered desk.

"Well, I heard a messenger of the king talking about something in the marketplace today. I was wondering if you knew what he was talking about?"

"What did he say?" Raolin asked, sitting down at his desk and looking over the papers he had been moments ago.

"He spoke of something called roi des loups Coeur de Lion. He said something about whoever kills it will be rewarded greatly. Do you know what it is?"

"Roi des loups Coeur de Lion is a monstrous beast who lives in the woods. Or is said to anyways. Many have tried to kill it, but none have succeeded. Whoever is to kill it will be rewarded greatly. They would live their life like one of the gods." Jack nodded. His question had been answered.

"What is so bad about it? Roi des loups Coeur de Lion? What has it done?"

"It had killed many of our people, along with our flocks. The beast is dangerous. Very dangerous. All who have attempted to kill it have failed."

"Okay, thank you for answering my questions father. I'll leave now." Raolin nodded, watching his son leave the study.

Jack wandered aimlessly through the streets of the kingdom. The voices of people and the sounds of horse hooves on the cobblestone ground could be heard in the distance. Jack could not help but to wonder, what would he be doing in the future? Little Wolf seemed to know. She would be a hunter for her pack. What about him though? Sure, he planned to listen to what his father told him, but what later? What would he do to get out of his father's shadow?

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