Chapter Sixteen

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Another two days had passed and Jack still felt conflicted. He knew killing the roi des loups Coeur de Lion was the right thing to do, but he hated having to hurt Little Wolf. The feeling in his chest only grew with each passing moment, and he knew what it was. Jack knew what it was, but would not dare admit it, to himself or to her. Admitting that it existed would only worsen everything. It would only make in more painful.

Silently he walked through the castle halls. He heard quiet footsteps echo against the walls before Alia appeared by his side. He stifled a sigh, putting on a fake smile.

"Good day, Princess Alia." Jack said with a slight nod.

"Good day to you as well, Jack. So, when are you going to head out to k-kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion? We will need some t-time to plan our w-wedding." Jack had completely forgotten about the promise the king had made to him. Once he killed the roi des loups Coeur de Lion, he would be given the princess's hand in marriage.

"Oh, right. Uh, why don't we plan after I kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion?" Alia nodded quickly before walking away, her head lowered shyly. He noticed the blush covering her cheeks just before he left. He sighed. Jack felt bad for the girl, she liked him, maybe even loved him, and he felt nothing in return.

Jack sat on the river bank, watching Little Wolf as she studied the water.

"So, any wolves you-- like or, anything? How does it work for you, exactly?" He felt horridly awkward asking the question, he was not even really planning to of asked, it just slipped out. She laughed slightly, looking up at him.

"Even if I did, I could not be with one. I am wolf at he-art, but not on t-the out-side." Jack nodded, looking down. How he wished for his blush to fade. She stood and crept over to him, sitting next to him.

"Why do you ask?" Curiosity shone in her eyes as she looked up at him. Jack shrugged, not daring to meet her gaze.

"D-dunno. Just w-wondering I g-guess." He slapped himself mentally for stuttering, but he still felt extremely awkward. She nodded, seeming to accept the answer.

Jack sat leaned against a tree. He knew he needed to end their friendship, and soon. He looked down at Little Wolf, who was snuggled into his side. The sun bathed the forest in an orange red hue, trees casting long shadows that pained the forest floor. He swallowed thickly, struggling to calm his breathing.

"Fire-Flower, we need to stop this." Her head lifted from his shoulder, confusion in her eyes.

"What do you me-an? Are you un-com-for-table?" He almost wanted to smile at her broken French, but refrained himself.

"No, Little Wolf. O-our friendship. We cannot be friends anymore." Even more confusion flooded her eyes. She obviously did not understand the fact that their friendship was forbidden. It was and had always been forbidden.

"Little Wolf, you are a wolf--and I a hunter. You live amongst wolves who kill the human's flocks and our people." Her head tilted and she shook it slightly.

"We do not attack you. The wolves only pro-tect them-selves. You are wrong. Hu-mans attack us. Hu-mans are in the wrong." Jack shook his head, surprised by her words.

"Fire-Flower, wolves are the enemies here. They are monsters, beasts. They need to die." Hurt flashed in her eyes and Jack realized exactly what he had said, but he did not take it back. He felt anger rush through him. She was in the wrong here. Wolves were the enemies, and needed to be killed.

"J-ack, wolves only pro-tect them-selves. You have been told lies." Her voice was calm, but pain was evident in her gaze.

"Lies! Ha! You are the one telling lies Fire-Flower. Claiming the wolves are not evil. You are the one being fed lies." Jack stood up, pushing her away.

"All wolves need to die! They are cruel monsters!" Jack spat out the words, not realizing everything he was saying.

"J-ack, l-list-en, p-ple-ase." Her voice shook. It felt like her very heart was being torn out. He called her a monster, a beast, a liar.

"Is the little pup going to cry? I do not know how I did not realize it before, you are just like the wolves! You should of been an omega, a stupid, worthless omega! Go! Go crawl back to those mutts you call family!" His voice was taunting, using whatever he could think of against her. She let out a choking sob, tears beginning to stream down her face. With that, she ran. She ran and ran and ran. His every word echoing in her head.

Jack watched her go. He took deep breaths, calming himself. Only a single thought rang out through his head. What had he done? What the hell had he done? She surely hated him now, but perhaps it as for the best. It still hurt though. Knowing he had said all those things to her hurt. He hated himself for it. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself again. Letting out an angry scream, he punched a near by tree. He cradled his now injured hand, closing his eyes in attempt to stop the tears. How he hated himself.

She ran and ran and ran. Tears streamed down her face freely. It felt like he had torn out her heart. Why did it hurt? Why did it hurt so bad? She wanted to die. She skidded to a halt, finding herself back at camp. She swiftly looked around, finding who she was looking for. She quickly made her way towards him.

"Why did you listen to her?" She half asked half yelled. Lionheart stared at her in confusion, taking in that she was crying.

"Little Flame, what do you mean?" He asked.

"All those years ago! Starlight convinced you to keep me! To give me a chance! Why? Why did you listen to her? Why didn't you just kill me?" She sobbed. Pain and anger swelled within her. Starlight crept forward, standing near Lionheart.

"Little Flame--what is wrong?" Lionheart shook his head, confused by her behavior.

"You s-should of just killed me. Why must I suffer this fate? Why would the Moon and Sun and Stars allow such pain to exist?" Starlight looked at her in pity, realized what Fire-Flower was feeling.

"Little flame--"

"Y-You could make up for your mistake!" Fire-Flower said, speaking like she had thought of a brilliant idea.

"J-just kill me now. Make up for your mistake." Fire-Flower nodded to herself as if it was a good idea.

"Little Flame I would never do such a thing! Now go calm down!"

"Why? Why won't you? You can make up for you mistake all those years ago! Just do it! Just kill me already!"

"Little Flame! I will not kill you!" Lionheart snapped, unsure and fearful of why she felt this way. Fire-Flower let out a sob, she turned, running from camp. Lionheart stood to follow her but Starlight shook her pure white head.

"I'll go." She murmured before racing after their adoptive daughter, tracking her scent.

Starlight tracked the scent to a cave. The snowy wolf could hear the girl's sobs. Starlight let out a whine, feeling sad for her daughter. Starlight viewed Fire-Flower as a daughter, as she was a daughter to her and Lionheart in all but blood. Starlight crept into the dimly lit cave, her ears down.

Fire-Flower had her arms wrapped around her legs, her face hidden. Starlight padded forward, sitting next to the sobbing girl. Fire-Flower lifted her head faintly, and was quick to wrap her arms around the snowy wolf. Starlight placed her head atop the girl's in an act of comfort.

"Shh Little One, I am here. Shh, just let it out." Starlight murmured comforting words.

"W-why d-dose it h-hurt so m-much?" Fire-Flower hiccupped, burying her face into Starlight's fur.

"We cannot be happy without pain. Trust me Little One, this happened for a reason. If he cares, he will return. Please remember to try to be forgiving. All mortals make mistakes, even animals and especially humans." It was easy enough for Starlight to figure out what had happened, Starlight knew the feeling of heart break all too well. Her tale with Lionheart was not perfect. And so the mother and daughter sat there, the wolf comforting her human daughter. Moonlight shone on the two through the cave's entrance, as if the Moon Wolf was attempting to comfort Fire-Flower as well.

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