Chapter Twelve

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The horse drawn carriage moved along the cobblestone path, heading towards the kingdom. As the carriage drew near, a few people turned their attention to it, quickly realizing who it was. Word spread quickly through the kingdom and soon many people were gathered in wait for the carriage to arrive.

The carriage slowed as it entered the kingdom, people yelled out cheers and such as it passed. Inside, a man, about twenty four or twenty five with dark hair sat. He watched the carriage pass by many adoring people.

"They sure love ya eh Jack?" A man about the same age with brown hair said. His voice was light, as if he were joking.

"They sure do Thatcher, and who can blame em? This is where I'm from!" Thatcher nodded in agreement to his friend's words.

"Excited to be home Jack?" Thatcher asked, his gaze flickering from the carriage window to his friend.

"Course I'm excited. Get to see my mother and father and maybe even slay the roi des loups Coeur de Lion. Who knows what might happen." While at his hunter training, Jack had heard a lot about the roi des loups Coeur de Lion. It was yet to of been killed, all who attempted were never seen again.

Jack had also learned a lot during his hunter training. He learned not only how to sword fight and use a bow, but many other things. He learned how to identify animal prints and track them, he learned of animals sleeping patterns, and their strengths and weaknesses. Once his hunter training was over, he traveled to many different towns, slaying dangerous beasts and raising in fame. For four years he had been gaining fame and riches, and many said he would soon be even more famous than his father.

Jack had decided to return to his home for the time being, as he had not seen his mother or father in a long time. Twelve years to be exact.

The carriage slowed to a stop as it neared the castle. Jack and his best friend and second in command for his hunting group, Thatcher, climbed out of the carriage. He could hear some of the townspeople yelling for them, but they both knew it was best to just ignore them. The two quickly made there way into the castle, the shouts of the townspeople fading.

Jack pushed the door to the throne room open, gaining the attention of Raolin and the king.

"Ah, Jack, Thatcher, welcome, welcome!" The king called out to them, sounding pleased.

"Your majesty." Both men bowed before walking towards the king and Jack's father.

"I've heard you have become an excellent hunter, Jack. Rumors have spread that you will be even better than me." Raolin said, looking at his son.

"Perhaps, I only wish to rid the world of such creatures that harm us."

"A good boy you have raised Raolin." The knig commented.

"Thank you your majesty, now lets get to what is on hand." Jack and Thatcher looked at Raolin, having not expected a mission so soon.

"The roi des loups Coeur de Lion, is still alive and lurking in the woods near by. Jack, I wish for you and your men to hunt it down and kill the dreadful beast. Kill its pack as well, if you can." Jack had learned not long after entering hunter training, what the roi des loups Coeur de Lion was. It was a wolf, a wolf unlike all other. It was said to be four times as big as the regular wolf, its pack being twice as big as normal wolves. The roi des loups Coeur de Lion was a monster. A monster that needed to be killed.

"Of course father. I shall take my best men out in, let's say three days. we shall kill both the roi des loups Coeur de Lion and its pack. We shall rid the kingdom of these beasts once and for all." Raolin smirked at his son's words.

"Good. Do remember you will be rewarded greatly for this, correct, your majesty?" Raolin turned his head towards the king.

"But of course. Richest beyond your wildest dreams, unimaginable fame, and, my daughter's hand." Jack faintly recalled the king's daughter. She had been about eight when he had left for hunter training. Jack remembered many claiming that she would grow to be the most beautiful girl in all the land.

"Sounds wonderful, your majesty. I shall not let you down."

Jack and Thatcher walked about the castle halls, discussing who they should take for the hunting trip in three days.

"We have to take Stephan and Colt. They are the best hunters in the group, besides us, that is." Jack chuckled, shaking his head at his friend.

"I must agree with you, those two are brilliant hunters. Who else?"

"Allan and Joel?" Thatcher suggested.

"Allan, not Joel. That's three, plus us. Should we take one more?"

"Glenn, we could take Glenn." Jack nodded, repeating the names of the hunters in his head.

"Alright, so me, you, Stephan, Colt, Allan, and Glenn. Anyone else? Will that be enough to take on the roi des loups Coeur de Lion and its pack?" Thatcher nodded.

"For now, lets go with this. If we find we need more, retreat and gather more hunters." Jack nodded, the plan seemed like it would work perfectly.

"So, you and the princess huh? What's 'er name? Ally? Maria?"

"Alia you idiot." Thatcher laughed, looking at his friend's annoyed expression.

"What's up? She is the princess. Some would kill for your position." Jack shrugged. Honestly, he had no idea. It was merely the idea of marrying the princess, or anyone, really. He had thought girls were pretty and such before, yes, but never had much interest in any of them. Thatcher had thought he was insane when he told him about never having an actual interest in anyone and had gone as far as questioning his sexual preferences. Jack had assured him he liked girls and was not attracted to him or anyone in their hunting group.

Jack just had never had much interest in anyone, and he figured it was just due to their personality. It was probably for the best though, as he needed to focus on his hunting career. He needed to keep whoever he could safe and rid the world of creatures like the roi des loups Coeur de Lion.

Little WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora