Chapter Thirteen

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Jack blinked sleep from his eyes, stifling a yawn as he walked out of the room he had been staying in. Today was the day he was to lead his hunters to kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion and its pack. Jack could only hope that he and all his hunters would return alive, as some of them had families to feed and protect.

He made his way down the hall, now fully dressed and fed. He and the hunters would be gathering in the throne room at two, and it was currently noon. His hands were stuffed in his pockets as he toured the halls he once roamed as a child. He wore thick leather armor, as it could protect him well in battle and was light enough to move swiftly as a hunter. His sword and bow were in his room, as he would not need them for at least two hours. His head lifted at the sound of quiet but swift footsteps. His head turned and his gaze was soon met by the blue eyes of princess Alia.

"Oh! Jack, hello. It's, nice to see you." A shy smile sat on her face.

"Hello Alia." He said politely, nodding his head slightly. They had not been wrong to guess she would be beautiful grown up, as she was. With light blonde hair, perfect skin, and shining blue eyes she was considered the fairest girl in all the land. She was also the girl who's hand in marriage had been promised to Jack, assuming he killed the roi des loups Coeur de Lion and its pack.

It was not hard for Jack to notice that she had taken a liking to him, as a hunter he was to be observant of his surroundings. Smiling nervously at him, shy glances, constantly blushing, it really was obvious to Jack. From how it seemed, Jack would likely marry her whether he killed the roi des loups Coeur de Lion or not, as her father would want to keep his daughter happy. But Jack, as always, had no interest in her. Sure, she was pretty and a lovely girl anyone was lucky to have, but Jack just did not feel attracted to her.

"So, y-you're going to kill the roi des loups Coeur de Lion huh? T-that's really brave of y-you." There was also the stuttering that gave her away.

Jack shrugged. "It's just my job as a hunter. I don't do it for the money or fame." Alia nodded, looking down.

"W-well, I should g-go. It was nice t-t-talking, J-Jack." Her face flushed red and she swiftly walked away, her head down in attempt to hide her face. Jack chuckled slightly, shaking his head and continuing on with his walk through the castle.

His sword hung from the belt around his waist as Jack walked into the throne room. A bow, along with a quiver of arrows were on his back, the string of the bow around his chest. The five hunters going with him, along with his father Raolin and the king, all stood in the room.

"Our finest war horses are outside waiting for you all. I hope you all return to us alive, and remember, these are not normal wolves." Jack and the other hunters nodded, before exiting the room with Jack in the leader. Jack could only hope they would all return alive, these were his best hunters, and he had grown close with them all over the years, he would hate to loose any of them to the beasts they fought.

"Alright men, I hope to celebrate with you all later over out victory over the roi des loups Coeur de Lion." Jack announced as the ymounted the war horses.

"And us you, Jack." Stephan called out, the others murmuring in agreement. Jack nodded before directing his horse in the direction of the woods, the other five following close behind.

"Think we will see the elle loup fille?" Thatcher asked as they rode through the poorer part of the kingdom towards the forests.

"The what?" Jack asked, his head turning to his second in command.

"You know, the elle loup fille? Rumored human girl living almost the wolves?" Jack rolled his eyes, sighing and shaking his head before turning his gaze back to in front of him to direct the horse.

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