Chapter Nineteen

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Jack lead the hunters forward, slowly walking into the dark alley way. He intended to find les cavaliers loup. He would just have to hope he could actually find them, being he had been unconscious going there and back, wherever there was. He continued on, standing multiple feet away from the entrance to the alley now. Jack looked around, trying to figure out what to do now.

"So, now what?" On of the hunters, Glenn, asked. Jack turned back to them, squinting his eyes in attempt to see in the dark, but he could only see the silhouettes of everyone.

"Well..." He said, trailing off as he was unsure of what to tell them.

"You do know how to find them, right?" Joel asked, his voice filled with venom. He was not exactly keen on believing that the wolves were not their enemies.

"Er, well, you see..." Many of them sighed in disappointment or muttered in annoyance. Jack swallowed and looked around, trying to find some way to fix the situation. His eyes narrowed, noticing the outline of someone coming near.

"Hello? Who is there?" Jack called out, earning the attention of his hunters. All of them remained silent as the unknown man made his way towards him.

"Jack Grosvenor, correct?"

"Yes, are you from the les cavaliers loup?" Jack asked.

"Indeed. Follow me, I will take you and your hunters to them." Jack looked back at his hunters, beckoning them to follow before he followed the man deeper into the darkness.

The hunters all sat around a large wooden table, talking with one another. The large wooden double doors soon swung open, revealing the man with light colored hair from days before. He had a welcoming smile on his face as he entered the room and sat in the empty chair at the end of the table.

"Welcome hunters, thank you for coming. Now, you all must be wondering exactly what it is we are going to do." All the conversations ceased, everyone's attention focusing on the man.

"Well, first of all. My name is Ruben, leader of les cavaliers loup. We fight for the wolves and wish to restore the peace our ancestors once held. I believe with your help, we could restore peace and end the bloodshed between humans and wolves."

"How, exactly, will we end the war?" A hunter, Allan, questioned, a curious look in his eyes. Jack was glad to see that all the hunters in fact seemed interested, all except Joel, who just looked bored and annoyed.

"Well, we are not quite sure yet. Perhaps any of you have an idea?" The hunters looked at one another, silently thinking of ideas.

"Could we try to convince everyone that if we left the wolves alone, all would be well?" One asked.

"We thought of that, but it would be difficult. Especially to convince people such as the king and Raolin Grosvenor." Jack felt a chill go down his spine at the mention of his father. His father hated wolves with a very strong hate, the reason why unknown to Jack. His father was determined to wipe out all the wolves in the forest. It would be impossible to convince him. But this lead him to another thought, what if his father found out that Jack had, in a way, switched sides? Raolin would likely consider it betrayal, and he could be punished by the king for this. Jack cleared his head of these thoughts, this was the right thing to do. They needed to bring peace between the humans and wolves.

"What if we refuse to kill the terror wolves and try to convince as many people as we can that the wolves are not evil? Then the king and Raolin will be forced to listen to us and would not be able to punish us, not if they wish to keep the kingdom under their control." Many of the hunters nodded in agreement to that idea. It seemed like it would work.

"Yes, but think about the wolves as well. They kill our flocks to spite us, it would be impossible to convince many with them eating our sheep and goats." Ruben said in reply to the idea.

"We would need to tell convince the wolves themselves for any of our plans to work. We know little of these wolves expect for the fact that they are huge, being that they are terror wolves. We do not know if they have the intelligence of humans, and naturally they do not speak French, and doubtfully would be able to understand it. It seemed our task of restoring peace will be impossible." Many faces fell, feeling as if they had failed. The task of restoring peace was not as simple as they had expected it to be.

Jack looked around, unsure. He knew the answer to this. It would be possible to form a peace treaty or something similar with the wolves, as they had human intelligence. They did not speak French, and he and the hunters did not speak wolf, but he knew someone who did speak both. She would likely be happy to translate words between the two races, as she seemed to want peace just as much as he did.

"I may have the answer to this problem." Jack announced, instantly all eyes were on him, looking shocked and curious.

"So, you are saying the elle loup fille exists, and that she was your best friend from when you were a child?" Thatcher asked, looking at him in shock.

"Yes, she does exist. And yes, she was my best friend from when I was younger."

"Well, how do you know she will help us?" Glenn asked. He had explained how he had been best friends with a wolf girl when he was younger. All his hunters had been shocked, as he had told no one, including Thatcher.

"I have actually been meeting up with her since I returned here. I'm sure she would be happy to help us, but I'll make sure tomorrow." Ruben looked excited at the new information he was learning. Jack had shared what he knew about the wolf pack, including that they were very intelligent, had a pack system, and such.

"So, I'll talk with her tomorrow and see when we could talk with the wolves." Jack finished, slowly standing up from the chair. Ruben nodded and the rest of the hunters stood up.

"Thank you hunters. I am happy to welcome you to les cavaliers loup and to call you all cavaliers loup."

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