Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jack quietly knocked on the room. He heard rustling before Thatcher appeared, opening the door.

"You know the plan, right?"

"I know the plan Jack. If Raolin asks where you are, you are out either at the market place or planning your mother's funeral. Do not worry, I've got this. He will never know." Thatcher said, reassuring Jack that he knew what to do.

"Alright, I can't thank you enough Thatcher. I'll be back in a few hours." Jack said in reply before he quickly walked down the hall towards the courtyard.

His eyes flickered around the small clearing searching for her.

"Little Wolf, Little Wolf, are you here?" Moments of silence passed before he heard the creaking of a branch. His eyes flickered upwards to find her sitting on a tree branch, a smile on her face. Jack could not help but to grin as she slid off the branch, landing on the ground below.

"How is con-vin-cing people going?" She asked. Jack sighed. He had not seen her since the night the treaty was made, so she did not know of Raolin's threat.

"Raolin, my father, found out about us becoming allies with the wolves. He says if we do not help him kill the wolves, he will see to it that me and all my hunters are executed. He claims interacting with the wolves in a friendly manner is treason. Him and the king are close, so if Raolin tells the king, me and my hunters surely will be hung." Her eyes widened, filled with fear and anger.

"But, you are his son. How could he...?"

"He is my father by blood, yes, but my real father died long ago. That man his what is left of my true father." She squeezed his hand, pity in her eyes.

"Now don't go feeling bad for me. I have you, and my hunters. You and my hunters are my real family."

"What are you go-ing to do?" Fire-flower asked, looking up at him.

"Well, me and my hunters decided it going to be a double betrayal. He'll think we are betraying and killing the wolves, while we betray and kill him and his hunters. You will let the wolves know of our plan, right? Don't want them thinking we actually turned on them." She nodded.

"I will be sure to tell them."

He chuckled, memories of his childhood returning to him. They had found the cave they used as their hideout when they were younger. The pool of water shone crystal clear, and the cave seemed to of barely changed.

"Now this brings back memories." Jack chuckled, a smile on his face. He remembered all the times they came here, playing in the water, making up adventures, dreaming of what they would be when older. How he missed those days. The days they had no worries, and did not have to think much of the future. He would never of thought his friendship would lead him to where he is now. Jack did not regret anything though, as every choice lead him here. And here was where he wanted to be.

Little Wolf peered down at the water, a grin on her face.

"It is nice to be back here." She murmured, turning her gaze towards him. He nodded in agreement.

"Sure is." Jack sat down next to her, peering down at the crystal-clear water.

"Wonder how it got so, clear." Little Wolf snuggled into his side. He wrapped an arm around her, smiling. He remembered how she always did this when they were kids.

"It is hidden away from the rest of the wor-ld. Must be nice." She replied.

"I wish we could just stay here and hide with it then. Just us two in our own little world."

"I wou-ld miss my pack tho-ugh." Fire-Flower murmured.

"Yeah, and I'd probably miss my hunters, even if they are idiots." She laughed faintly.

"But it is a nice thought." Fire-Flower hummed in agreement. Not having to deal with the upcoming war sounded nice.

"Who would of thought that one seemingly normal day would lead us to this. One single day seemed to decide our entire future." Jack's thoughts traveled back to when he first met Little Wolf.

"Hello there, who are you?" The younger version of Jack stared down at the redheaded girl, his eyes bright with curiosity. He had never seen her in the kingdom before, and she did not look like she as from any where near by. He knew of no kingdom who allowed a girl to not wear a dress, let alone fur pelts. He was quick to notice her eyes. They were beautifully strange. They were a bright blue with zig zags of forest green. They were unique, he liked them. Confusion coursed through him as she did not answer.

"Can you not speak then?" He asked. Then he realized how stupid that question was, of she could not speak, she could not answer him.

"W-w-wo-w-wol-w-w-wolve-wolves. Wolves!" Jack only felt more confused as she began to stutter, finally managing to say a single word. Wolves.

"Wolves? What about them? Are they hunting you down? Did you see one?" He could not help the questions that tumbled from his mouth. What if she had seen an actual wolf? He had heard stories of the terror wolves, huge wolves the roamed the forests. They were said to be huge, and the leader was said to be bigger than a horse.

"L-l-l-l-li-li-li-livvvv-livvvvve. Livvve Wolves." She drew out the 'v' when she spoke. It was clear to him she did not speak French. "You live with wolves? Cool! It is fun? Do you get to hunt with them and stuff?" Jack figured that was what she meant. He had no idea if she could actually understand him though.

"You can understand me, right?" She nodded her head. "Okay. Well, my name is Jack. I live in the kingdom over there." They spent the rest of the afternoon talking, well, he talked, she listened and replied best she could. Jack made it a goal to teach her French, so that she could speak.

"You can understand me, right?" She nodded her head again.

"Okay. Well, my name is Jack. I live in the kingdom over there."

Jack heard loud barking in the distance. He knew wolves were near and figured it was best he leave. "I should get home, I'll come back as soon as I can Little Wolf! Bye!" He smiled all the way home, happy to of made a new friend. He liked the nickname Little Wolf, so he decided to call her that from then on, even if he did find out her real name.

Fire-Flower nodded in reply. "Who wou-ld of thou-ght us me-eting as pups would lead to all of this." She murmured in agreement. Jack's gaze flickered over to her, her head moving to meet his gaze moments later.

"Well, whatever happens, just know I love you, okay? As a best friend, and as a lover. You are both to me."

"I love you too, as my be-st fr-i-end and as mate." He smiled gently before pressing his lips to hers. His eyes closed and he enjoyed the moment. He enjoyed the moment of peace he had with her. For at the very moment, it was just Jack and his Little Wolf.

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