Chapter 1

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"Amanda dear! Do say close to us darling, we can't have you getting lost in the crowds now." My step-mother called to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the other blood relations to myself.

"My name is Add, not Amanda and I want to explore the outdoors, not walk around boring shops indoors."

"I gave you the name Amanda and I can call you what I want. You can't go outside, it's dirty and no place for a woman of your status." My step-mother shot me down, my heart dropping with the dreaded w word.
I turned to my dad, who was standing close by.
"Dad! Can I go explore outside? The shops are boring."

"Sure Add, just stay safe." My dad mumbled, reaching for a car magazine.

"Harold! Girl's shouldn't be allowed outside by themselves!" My step-mother's annoying high pitches voice wailed. "It's dangerous and anything could happen."

"Add will be fine, Charlotte. Add knows to be aware and to call should anything happen." Dad waved her off, winking at me and I jogged out of that horrible, horrible makeup store.
Why have a store for just makeup anyway? It's a waste of time and I don't find it hot or sexy on others.

I turned out of the mall and towards a park we passed on the way, and made my way towards a bench I could see. Once settled, I sighed as closed my eyes.

Have I introduced myself yet? I don't think I have, my apologies.
My name is Aiden, but I prefer to go by Add for the moment. I am a bisexual 18 year old from Britain. At the moment, I'm on holiday (still in Britain), and we've come to visit my aunt and uncle, who live about four hours away.
I have a younger sibling called Jane and I had a older brother- but I'll tell you about that another time.

I can just hear the question that everyone wants to know, so I'll tell you.
I am transgender (female to male) and I am not 'out' yet to my family, so I have to deal with the horrible Amanda name. Some of my close friends know and cover for me in times of need (you guys deserve medals). I knew I have been trans from around the age of 13, so a good chunk of my teenage life (well, all my teenage life).
I wear a binder (courtesy of my friend, who kindly bought it for my 16th) and it helps me with my dysphoria immensely. I am prone to tiny panic/anxiety attacks, but I can control them.
I think that's all, right? Yeah, let's continue with the chapter!!

As I let my eyes rest, I felt as though I was being watched. I opened my eyes and looked around, seeing nothing but a child and parent heading towards that play area close by. Taking the feeling as nothing, I closed my eyes again and snoozed off.

Male 1 POV:

"Silly mates, wanting me to go out for ice cream when we clearly have plenty at home," I muttered sulkily, kicking stones and twigs in my wake as I strolled through the park.

"But oh no, we have to have Ice cream that's in date. It's only three days out, it'll be fine."

As I continued to rant to myself and kick inanimate objects in my way, my wolf surged forward suddenly, making me focus back to the real world and take note of my surroundings.
I looked and all I could see were trees and the path I was on.

Why the hell did you try and take control, pupshit. I was having a rant about how picky our mates are.

Quiet, human! Can you not see what is in front of you?! And for heavens sake, stop calling me pupshit, I only do things you don't want me to do for a reason.

Yeah yeah, what am I supposed to be looking at?

The beauty right between those trees.

Once my wolf went quiet, I focused through the trees and saw someone sleeping on a bench.
Why would someone be sleeping on a bench in the afternoon? They are so open to pickpockets.
I heard my wolf growl in annoyance, so I re focused.
They look round about my age, probably a little shorter than me- wait, a lot shorter than me.


Okay okay, keep your fur on.

I got a bit closer and looked at the face of this person.

They had beautiful silver hair shaved on the sides and the long bit on top tied up in a stereotypical 'man bun'.
I looked even closer at their face. It was very clean, no moustache or beard, and very nice cheek bones. I couldn't quite tell what gender they were, their scent was going away from me.

Human! Imagine this person in the arms of another male or female that is not any of our mates.

Why should I do that?

JUST... DO... IT!

Fine fine.

I stared at their face and imagined them in the arms of a male celebrity.
I growled as a wave of jealousy and anger washed over me, which surprised me a lot.
"What the hell?"

I told you human, but did you listen to me? No. You never listen to me.

Yo yo, look, I'm sorry, I will do my best to listen to you from now on.


I watched the beauty napping on a bench. Quickly, I contacted my mates through our mind link.

"Guys, guys! I've found them."

Found what? The ice cream? It's about time.

No, you idiot, our mate. Our other one.

"What?! Really?! That's awesome. Are they hot? Are they pretty? Are they female? Male? Tell me!!"

"Hold up Sixx, yes I have found them. They are so beautiful and sexy..."

"And? Are they male or female?"

"I... can't tell. Their face looks so feminine, but the clothing and lack of breasts is very obvious. I don't know, my wolf isn't giving me a clear answer."

Doesn't matter, where are you now?

In the park, with a bag full of melting ice cream.

Stay where you are, I'll send one of the boys and River out to get you. It's a good time to introduce ourselves and see how they react to us.

Okay, love you.

Love you too.

And I felt Sixx close the link to go tell the others.

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