Chapter 3

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My head hurts so bad, and why is it so dark? I thought with a groan as I sat up in a unfamiliar bedroom.
Was I kidnapped? Have I been drugged?
Luckily, my brain gave me a quick recap just before I panicked again

I must have passed out in Rowan's arms and he brought me here.

I threw the covers off and sat on the side of the bed and looked down.
Someone changed me into short shorts and a big white T-shirt. The shorts were so short, my boxers were out, but I wasn't too bothered, they left my binder on (which I shouldn't really be sleeping in, but its getting old and it's quite loose now, so a few extra hours won't kill me or my lungs).
I stood slowly and ambled towards the door, sticking my head out cautiously. It was a very nice looking hallway with three door on either side of the hallway and what looks like a stair case towards the end (I seem to be in an room at the end of the hallway). I closed the door behind me and padded quietly down the hall.
I felt quite relieved at the fact the floor and stairs were carpeted (red carpet, very nice), made me feel quieter. It was a short staircase with only 20 steps leading into a long wooden hallway with two closed doors and an open double doorway, which I think lead to a kitchen judging by the chatter and scent of food coming from there.
I sniffed that air harder, trying to decipher what was cooking.

Is it? No .. It can't be... Can it?

I walking hurriedly to the open doorway and stuck my head around the corner.
Oh my word, I think I've just stepped into heaven.
I'm smelling my favourite food being cooking by a handsome as fudge male who had multiple hot males sat around a table along with a very pretty female.

I'm not drooling, I swear!

As I was staring at everyone in the room, the female spotted me.

"I see our princess has awoken."

Princess? I am a male, I should be a Prince? How did they figure it out?

I tried to correct them.
"Actually, I'm not-"

"How was your sleep, was the bed comfy enough?" One of the males asked.

"Oh yes, it was glorious, but could I just say, I'm not a g-"

"You must be hungry, you've been out a good few hours. Sit, I will get you some food." The man by the stove pointed to a open chair at the table and another ushered me towards it.

"Thank you, but I need to say, I'm not a g-"
I let out a quiet "oomph" as I landed with a bounce on the chair and a plate of the delicious scramble eggs was placed in front of me.

Scrambled eggs. Scrambled Eggs. SCRAMBLES EGGS!!!
Deciding for the moment I'll correct them later, I grabbed a fork and dug in.
I moaned at the heaven in my mouth.

"This is so good, how did you make them so perfect?" I asked the man at the counter.
"It's an old family recipe, so I'm glad you enjoy them princess."

Again with the princess!

I quickly finished the plate and sighed at the feeling of fullness.

"Who changed me?"

"I did," the female said. "But I didn't remove the bra as it was too tight to take off without breaking. We need to go out and get you some proper ones."

Oh dear...

"No, I don't want any new ones, it's fine."

"No, it's not. It's too tight and it is putting pressure on your chest. It is final, we are going to get you some new ones."



I sighed.

"Why are you taking me out when I don't even know you? Why am I comfortable with all of you anyway? I've only met Rowan." And I gestured in his direction.

Their faces went sombre for a moment.

"Do you believe in werewolves?" One of the guys asked.

"I believe in the fact there is no proof that they are real nor any proof they are not, why?"

"Because we are werewolves."

Did someone tell them? No, no one could have, they look so nervous about what my answer will be.
They all looked so tense, and dare I say it... Scared.
I took a deep breath.

"If you're comfortable with it, I would like to see it with my own eyes before I believe you. It's not that I don't, but I would like to see it."

They all relaxed at my answer and looked to one another.

One guy stepped out.

"Michael will show you, he has the prettier wolf of us."

"I'm sure all your wolves are adorable and strong." I contradicted, shielding my eyes as Michael shucked his jeans off, followed by his shirt.
I winched as a horrible cracking sound filled to room, before it went silent. I looked through my fingers and gasped.
In front of me stood a humongous wolf. He was a beautiful mocha colour with gorgeous gold eyes.

I looked away from his eyes.

"Is it OK for me to stroke you, Michael?"
I heard claws clacking on wood before a cold nose sniffed my right hand. I brought it up slowly and Michael started to rub himself against my hand, making really cute chuffing noises when I scratched a particularly itchy bit behind his ear. He slowly relaxed even more until I had his massive head in my lap, him panting at my ministrations.
His tongue lolled out and licked my hand, making me laugh at the tickly feeling.
"Thank you Michael for showing me your beautiful wolf." I said and Michael stepped away and I shielded my eyes as the cracking sound filled the room, followed my silence and then the rustling of clothing.

"You can open your eyes now sweetheart." Someone say and I opened my eyes to Michael grinning at me with an outstretched hand to help me up.

I grabbed his hand and almost dropped it with the intensity of tingles going between our skin. He didn't flinch and lifted me up until we were shoulder to face (his shoulder).

"Now you've seen us, what do you know about mates?" One of the men asked. I grinned happily.

"More than most."

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