Chapter 2- Meeting Marco

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Stars pov
I finally arrived in earth and looked around, I had no idea where I was, or what I was supposed to do.
I called ludo.
"Hey ludo, what am I supposed to do?"
"I've dropped you off outside a highschool, look to your left and there should be an office, go in there, once you get to your new home call me, I have some things i need to discuss."
"New home?" I muttered
"You'll understand later."
He ended the call.
I looked around and found the sign, I headed to the door and knocked on.
A tall man answered the door and gave me a huge grin.
"Come inside." He held the door open for me.
I walked inside and looked around, the room was so lit up, unlike at home.
I rubbed my eyes and sat down.
He flicked through some files "You must be star butterfly?"
I nodded, I hated that name.
"From America." I added.
He pulled out a red file and opened it, got you.
I was surprised at how prepared ludo was for this.
He showed me the file, I read it, he had even included old parents names- ludo summers and toffina summers.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"You ok?" He took the file and put it back in the draw.
"Yeah I'm fine."
At that exact moment I heard the door open behind me and I turned around to see a woman force a young boy into the room.
"Mum, I told you I'm a misunderstood bad boy!" He yelled at her.
She kisses his forehead and left the room, shutting the door behind her.
I felt a tear escape from my eye.
"Oh right, this is Marco, you will be living with him until it's time to go home." The man walked over and patted Marco.
"This is star butterfly."
I cringed at the sound of that name.
"Hey." I whispered.
"Hi." He waved.
"Marco I'm letting you leave school early so star can get used to her new home."  The man opened the door and let us outside.
I followed him up the street not saying a word.
"So I-" Marco started but I cut him off.
"Yes, my name is stupid."
"It's not, I was just going to ask you where your from."
"Oh, America." I lied.
Even though being bad was part of my job, I felt bad to gain this boys trust and trick him.
I sighed.
"Are you ok, you look sad?" He patted my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
We were silent the rest of the way home.
He showed me to my bedroom and left me to settle in.
I took out my phone and rang ludo.
"Hey Karina, things going ok?"
"Yeah, I want to back out, I can't do this..." I sniffed.
"Wait what?!" Ludo yelled.
"This boys, he's just so kind to me, I feel bad that we're probably going to kill him."
"Humans are horrible, don't fall for their tricks.
"Ok, sorry." I muttered.
"Don't worry Karina, just don't tell him about us, or your magic."
"I won't." I ended the call.
"Hey star," Marcos mum came inside my room with Marco.
Marco hugged his mum and introduced us.
I felt my tears flow back again.

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