Chapter 9- Goodbyes

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I arrived in earth, right outside Marcos house, I was about to let myself in like always, but I thought otherwise and knocked on.
Marco answered, "what's up?" He had a tone of panic in his voice.
"I'm here to say goodbye, Marco."
"Star? What ? Why? Arnt you staying here."
I shook my head "don't call me that, I need to go back."
"What's going to happen to you?"
"They are going to control my mind, so I won't be a person anymore, I'll be like a robot." I shuddered nervously.
Marco looked at me in disgust, "Why??"
"Because I let you go, they get mad when they don't get what they want." I sighed.
"So, you gave up your own life, for me?" Marco grabbed my hand as I tried to walk away.
I nodded "I have no purpose anyway, I'm evil." I patted him away and walked back to the portal.
He ran after me and tried to jump into the portal with me, but it closed before he reached the entrance.
I arrived at home and ran to my room, staying out of sight of toffee and ludo.
I lay on my bed and began to sob.
A little while later I heard my door open and ludo walked through.
I stood up.
"You found him?"
I shook my head.
He gutted and grabbed my arm.
He pulled me through the endless corridors until we reached the lab.
There was an old man sitting on a stool in the middle of the room, he pushed me inside and slammed the door behind me.

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