Chapter 5- The dream

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Marco moved away from me, clearly shocked from my rejection.
"S-sorry." He muttered.
"Marco, it's fine..."
I couldn't bring myself to say yes, even though I knew it would've been fun, I couldn't. I was still using him so I could take him to toffee and ludo.
I felt bad to see him upset.
I went the bathroom and went back to my room.
I sat on my bed silently and looked at the floor.
My thoughts were distracted by the sound of my phone buzzing.
I looked over,it was a message from Marco.
Hey star, sorry about that, I thought you liked me.
I rang him.
"Hey, Marco." I tried to sound happy.
"Hey star, are you sure you don't want to go on a date sometime, I just like you." He sounded sad.
"I'm sure Marco."
I ended the call and lay down.
I soon fell asleep.
~The Dream~
I watched Marco being dragged through the castle door, I whispered and followed them.
He was placed on a bed, and ludo injected him and pushed a substance inside him through the needle.
I felt sick.
I watched as he screamed in pain as the serum travelled around his body, his eyes started to bleed.
He looked at me with disgust "This is your fault, Karina."
I jumped back and felt a tear come to my eye.

I woke up crying and sweating, Marco ran into my room.
"Star, are you ok," he said as he walked into my room.
I nodded.
He stood there looking shocked, I bit my top lip.
"S-Star, your hearts, there... there black."

Everyone Has a Dark side (starco) (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora