Chapter 6- Going back 'home'

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"Wait w-what!" I screamed and ran over to my mirror.
My pink heart stickers had peeled off and were stuck to my top, showing the broken black hearts underneath.
"Marco I-I." I started, Marco shushed me.
"Who are you Star, have you been lying to me?"
"N-no Marco I-I," I stuttered.
I sighed.
"Marco I think you need to know the truth, I just can't hide it from you anymore."
He looked shocked, but he nodded.
I bit my bottom lip.
"Don't look." I got up and went to my wardrobe.
I found my black dress and lipstick and changed into them.
I replaced my mascara and took of the contacts.
"Marco, look at me."
He looked over and he went pale.
"You look, n-nice Star, but why didn't you dress like that in the first place?" He rubbed the back of his head.
I shook my head and shrugged, "I had to."
"But why star."
"Listen, my name is Karina and I'm not from here."
"Well sta- Karina, I know your not from here, your from America, right?"
"Well yeah, I guess." I shrugged, I wasn't going to tell him why I was here, right?
"Karina, why did you fake your identity." Marco put his hand on my shoulder, I shrugged him off.
"The people I lived with made me, I don't have parents, no one has ever really loved me before." I sighed and he looked at me sympathetically, "They died when I was young."
"I-I'm sorry."
I shook my head, "That's not the whole reason."
"I'm here because," I was luckily saved by my phone ringing, I picked it up and held my finger up to marco to signal him to wait.
"Hey Karina, we have a problem." Ludo sounded urgent.
"What's up?"
"I can't tell you but, we need to test Marco, now, we're coming to pick you up in 5, be ready."
He ended the call.
"Hey Marco, how about you meet my second parents." I laughed nervously.
"Sounds cool." He nodded and walked out the room.
I wiped a tear away and changed into my star butterfly outfit.

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