A Heart Broken Girl Part 3

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I escape from my thoughts quickly and sigh. "Look, Aaron, I-". Aaron cuts me off quickly. "I think we should stick to being best friends".
My heart fell to my feet. What the hell? How could he possibly say that to me. Like I don't already know that. Ugh, I am so disgusted with Aaron's behaviour.

"You know what, Aaron". I say, my voice crackling a little. "I don't even think I want to be best friends. I don't even want to be friends". I tell him. Aaron sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Listen, Lacy". He begins. "No". I yell. "Maybe I don't want to listen, Aaron. Maybe I want to make my own decisions. Did you ever think of that, huh". I ask on the verge of tears.

He sighs and run his hands through his hair again. My throat felt clogged. Like I couldn't speak anymore. "Lacy, that girl meant to nothing to me, I swear. He whisper shouts. "Who is she, Aaron". I fold my arms. He gives me a worried look before sighing and running his hands through his hair for his third time already. The tears stung in my eyes as I swallow a huge lump in throat- or at least try to.

"Nobody, Lacy". He whispers. My arms were still folded as I waited for a better answer. "She has a name, Aaron. Doesn't she". I ask. He sighs, fold his arms and leans against the neighbors door. I unfold my arms and roll my eyes at him.

"I..". His voice trails off. "You what". I ask. I bit my lip, waiting for the worst answer possible. "Ava". He says. I looked taken aback by his words. I have heard of an Ava. She was a nerd who had glasses and a lisp. Aaron and her use to date until Aaron got over her and broke her heart. Why would he want her back now?

Song: She's Broken By: Marissa

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