| Eleven |

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"Good morning baby."

Finn's warm breath on my face as he kissed the end of my nose woke me earlier than usual.

"Mmmmm." I groaned keeping my eyes firmly shut.

"Come on baby. I thought you wanted to drop me off at the airport this morning?"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed next to me.

"No! I don't want you to go. Can't we stay here all day?" I whined like a small child.

"As tempting as lying there with you naked all day is, we really need to get moving."

"Hmm, moving like this," I said as I threw the covers off me and straddled him in one swift movement.

I pinned his arms above his head so he couldn't move. He didn't even put up a fight as I lowered my lips to meet his.

"I suppose 10 minutes won't make me miss my flight." he whispered, his lips brushing mine, igniting my body with desire.


"Come on Whit! We need to leave NOW!" he yelled from the front porch.

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm coming."

"Not the first time I've heard that this morning," he smirked and slapped my bum as I met him at the front door.

"I liked it more the first time I said it too."

"You're something else you know that? I love you."

"I'm going to miss you. All of you," I ran my hands down his torso and stopped at the hem of his pants, tugging lightly on his belt.

"I'll be back on Wednesday baby. You were the one that told me to stay for the weekend."

"I know, I know. I'll just miss you okay. I always do."

Finn had a conference starting on Monday. When I had heard it would be close to where his sister Amanda lived, I encouraged him to spend some time with her. She had moved 8 months earlier and they had both missed each other something fierce.

Their sibling bond had always been strong and distance seemed to make no difference to them. They stayed in touch through Skype and Facetime but it was never the same as being together in person. When I had called Mandy to set up the weekend she squealed like a piglet. She had a big weekend planned for the pair. They were always getting up to mischief together and were forever keeping their parents on their toes in their younger days. I was jealous of the fun they would have without me but they needed time to themselves.

"See, I told you 10 minutes wouldn't make a difference."

"Finn it was more like half an hour and Friday traffic is always a breeze."

We laughed together at the morning commute radio show and chatted about what Amanda had planned for the weekend as Finn drove and I held onto his hand tighter than usual.
I didn't like to be away from Finn. The house was so quiet when he wasn't there. As crazy as it made me, I missed the trail of mess he would leave around the house. I missed having someone to shoot the breeze with. I missed his company.
I needed some me time too though so it would be beneficial for both of us. I hoped.

Finn pulled the car into the undercover parking space and quickly jumped out to grab his bags before we shuffled into the departure terminal. While Finn checked his bags and printed a boarding pass, I made a b-line for coffee. It was only 6:30am and I was not ready to be functioning at that time of the morning. We sat and people watched and came up with ridiculous stories about the crowds around us. Time went too quickly and Finn's flight was being called before I had finished my Latte.

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