Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
Uncover The Truth

Jinho got a rental car to drive me to the university. Mom called in for another day off at work so that she could see my dorm. She said she won't be able to sleep at ease if she doesn't see where I would be living. My sister also came, but she pretty much slept on the whole way to Seoul.

I'm supposed to be excited.
But I'm sad. I'm going to miss them.
It would be so lonely without my mom's nagging whenever she comes home from work, without her asking me to run errands, without Jinho annoying me, without dropping by his music workshop, without my sister to ask me to buy her cravings. We all wish to get away and live by ourselves until we're actually in the moment of getting separated from our loved ones.

It's like I would go insane in any minute so I pulled out my phone and ran through my latest saves. I smiled at my pictures with Sorin at the wedding party. I wondered if the newlyweds have opened our present. I hope we didn't ruin a good mood.

I scrolled down and downㅡuntil I saw him. My heart leaped. I clicked on the video. The sight of the beautiful sea creatures brought me back to that time. I was feeding them when I suddenly focused the camera on Hongseok.

"Hey! Guess what else is beautiful?"

He smiled as soon as he saw the camera. That beautiful, beautiful smile still brings warmth to my heart.

"The coral reefs." I said, followed by a happy laugh as he frowned.

And then he reached for me across the boat.

"Careful! I can't swim!"

The video focused on the sea as I heard the sound of him kissing me. Jeez. My cheeks were flushed. I hid my face by turning towards the window.

"How many things haven't you learned yet?"


"But you know how to kiss amazingly."

My heartbeat raced the way it did back then when he said that.

"Chill, the fishes won't eat us even if we fall." he said with a chuckle. I miss him so bad.

The video moved but we were both still out of focus. I had to endure the sound of us kissing. Captured very clear by the video.

I knew we pulled apart because the scene moved again. "Hyunjoo, I..."

There was a speedboat back then.
But in the video, I heard him clearly, with the help of headphones. I rewind to that part.

And then I rewind again and again.
And once more.

"Hyunjoo, I think I'm in love with you."

He's in love with me. I rewind. The whirling wind and the speedboat's noise can't take it away. He's in love with meㅡor he was. He really was.



Seonho won't pull away from hugging me. We just parked in front of my dorm. My dad drove us here and mom also tagged along. I'm still resenting them for certain reasons but I'm happy they made time for it.

I laughed and tried to get Seonho's arms off me. "Seriously! You are worse than a glue!"

His whole body shook as he laughed. "Hyung! You better treat me good food when you come back for holidays!"

"Yes, yes, I get itㅡ"

"I'll miss you, hyuuuung!"

"Aishㅡseriously!" I yelled jokingly and pulled away. He looked taken aback, but then I smiled widely. "I'll... miss you too."

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