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"You cheater!" Charlie yells and throws a pillow at Joji. He's laying on the floor while she sat on the bed "We said no blue shells you ass!" She pouts as her character's car get hit by the shell putting Joji in first place.

"Suck it up buttercup, a game's a game." He laughs and throws the pillow back at her, missing horribly. She throws her controller on the bed and lays back.

"I don't want to play with a cheater anymore, it's no fun." She gets up and kicks Joji's butt. "I'm going to tell your mom." She laughs and heads to the kitchen where his mom is.

Joji chases after her and grabs her by the waist. "Stop being a snitch!" He tries to pull her back into his room but she breaks away.

"Never!" Charlie dashes to the kitchen and runs behind Joji's mom. "Dana, George is being mean to meeee." She whines and puts her arms around the older woman.

Dana has been like Charlie's second mom since she was a little girl. Charlie's mom was always working when she was little so Joji's parents took care of her and treated her like their own.

"George what did I say about being mean to guests? Especially little Charlotte here." Dana jokingly scolds her son and pats Charlie's head.

Joji glares at Charlie while she sticks her tongue out at him. " She's just being a sore loser mom." He rolls his eyes and gets a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Only because he was cheating!" Charlie shouts. Joji takes a drink out of his water bottle and spits some at her making her yell. "Dana look!" She screeches, pointing at him.

"Okay enough you two, bed time." Dana announces and gets up from the table. "I swear you guys act like actual siblings." She shakes her head and walks away from the two pouting teens.

"You got us in trouble snitch." Joji flicks Charlie's head and walks to his room before his mom could yell at them. Charlie pouts but follows him.

"I'm tired." She announces and lays on the bed. Joji lies next to her and pulls her closer to him. With her head on his chest and their legs intertwined they lay in comfortable silence.

"I missed this, I miss us." Joji whispers and leaves a kiss on the top of her head. It was friendly but it still left butterflies in her stomach.

"I know I'm sorry, it's just Rian. He gets a little overprotective and doesn't like me spending time with other guys." Charlie tries to explain, but as she does she realizes how dumb she sounds.

"Hm, sounds like a real douchebag​ if you ask me." Joji grumbles and pulls her closer to his body. "What did he say when you told him you were staying the night with me?" He starts chuckling but stops when he realizes Charlie went silent.

"Wait you didn't tell him?" He knows he shouldn't get mad, but he still feels anger flow through him.

"I was going to but he was in a bad mood, so I decided it'd be better if he didn't find out." She answers timidly and sits up. 

"That's bullshit! I'm your best friend, you shouldn't have to sneak around to hangout with me." Joji shouts scaring Charlie a bit.

"I know! He's just overprotective, I'll talk to him about it okay? Now let's just go to sleep, please George." She promises and grabs his hand.

Unwilling he agrees and intertwines their bodies again. Charlie is his best friend and he'll be dammed if he was going to let some loser try to take her away from him.

My longest chapter wow I actually liked it

Next chapter will focus on Charlotte and Rian's relationship

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