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Joji decided he needed to confront Rian about what he did to Charlie. Even if he would probably get beat up, he wasn't the toughest guy around. She was worth it though. Bracing himself for the disaster today was going to be Joji walked towards the school.

Charlie sat at home getting ready for school by putting makeup over her bruises. Lucky for her, her mom wasn't home so she didn't have to worry about her asking questions. She couldn't lie to her mom so she probably would've confessed everything to her. After she finished putting concealer over the last bruise she collects her school things and walks to school, bracing herself for whatever the day holds.

-time skip to school-

When Charlie got to school she made sure to avoid Rian and head straight to advisory, she wanted to avoid a repeat of yesterday. Unfortunately for her she had Joji in that class and would have to confront him. She can't hide forever.

The teacher usually didn't get there until the bell rang so when she got there it was just Joji and her. He watched her as she walked into the room, she felt vulnerable under his gaze for some reason. She sat next to him and they both stayed in uncomfortable silence until Joji​ spoke up.

"I'm sorry." he whispered. They both knew he had nothing to be sorry about but it somehow made the tension in the air feel better. Charlie leaned into him and didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. They stayed like that until the bell rang and the teacher walked in. The rest of the period was spent listening to morning announcements and doing work.

Once the class ended Charlie spoke up. "I know you're mad about what happened but it won't happen again okay? I love him and I'm not going to end things because of a fight." She looked Joji in the eyes smiled lightly.

Was she fucking insane? Joji thought.

"Charlotte, please tell me you're joking." He pleads, hoping his friend was telling a horrible joke. His face dropped when she shook her head. "I'm not going to let it go, he needs to pay for what he did." Joji tells her firmly.

"What are you going to do George, beat him up?" She scoffs, "There's nothing you can do."

"I'll beat him up or die trying, he deserves it." He argues.

Charlie rolls her eyes and starts walking out of the classroom. "Please stay away if you know what's good for you George."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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