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** Vulgar language and abuse **
"Hey babe how was hanging out with Camila?" Rian asks Charlie and puts his arm around her as they walk down the school halls.

Instead of telling him about going to Joji's she told him she was going to her friend Camila's house, even though she hasn't even talked to her since Junior High.

"Oh it was fun." She answers with a nervous smile. Rian looks at her and tightens his grasp on her.

"Really what did you guys do?" He's looking at her with a fake smile and anger in his eyes.

"Um, you know haha the usual girly stuff. I don't want to bore you with the details." Charlie chuckles nervously and tries to pull away from him.

"Fuck he knows, fuck fuck fuck!" Is all that's going through her head.

Suddenly Rian pulls her into an empty classroom and locks the door. He quickly traps her against the door and himself.

"Really? Because she posted on Snapchat that she was at her boyfriend's house, without​ you." He grabs Charlie's wrists and pins them against her chest. She stares at him in fear as he squeezes her wrists, most likely leaving bruises.

"Rian please stop, you're hurting me." She whispers pathetically. 

"Aren't you going to lie and say you were home huh? I know where you were you little slut, you were with that fucking Jap George Miller. I knew you were a good for nothing whore!" His hand collides with her left cheek and a sob leaves her mouth.

"Don't think you can disrespect me and get away with it bitch. Wait till I see that motherfucker you were fucking behind my back he's gonna get it worse than you." He spits in her face and grabs her by her hair. With all his force he throws her across the room and with a loud crash she lands against some desks.

"Clean yourself up before you leave, you don't want anyone knowing what happened to you slut." He says venomously before slamming the classroom door. 

Charlie lies with her knees to her chest and sobs. How could she be so stupid and think he wouldn't find out? She's so dumb, a good for nothing whore.

You deserve it, you knew he'd find out yet you still went with George and now you put him in danger. Dumb bitch.

After laying there in self pity she got up and tried making it look like she wasn't just assulted. She picks up a couple of the chairs she fell on and leaves the classroom. She slowly closes the door and starts walking towards the bathroom.


I'm in no way shape or form trying to romanticize abuse. This isn't going to be a story where Joji is her knight in shining armor, he's just going to help her get through it.

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