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Joji rushed home after school. He couldn't believe Charlie ignored him all day. He was just trying to help her, why couldn't she realize that? God she was so stubborn. He ignored his mother's greeting when he walked through the door, all he wanted to do is try to call Charlie and see if she was still alive.

As soon as he got into his room he closed the door and pulled out his phone. Clicking on Charlie's contact he flops on his bed and holds the phone to his ear. The phone goes straight to voicemail and Joji groans. If she thinks she can ignore him she's very wrong.

He calls again and the line rings before going to voicemail again. He keeps calling her phone until he gets tired of hearing the automated voice telling​ him to leave a message. "Charlotte please answer I'm worried about you. I'm sorry if I was being pushy just please call me back, love you."

He knows he's overreacting but what if Rian hurt her again. The thought of him hurting Charlie sent​ rage throughout his body. How could someone hurt their significant other like that? Especially someone so sweet and pure like Charlie. Joji new he needed to do something, even if Charlie told him to stay away from Rian. No one hurt his Charlie.
hi guys it's been awhile but im gonna try to update more often and possibly a new story coming up 👀

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