22. Intensity

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There's always a difference between the outside and the inside.
Outside I am tough but inside there is softness that hides.
The softness might be because my heart is ripped in such small pieces,
that there is no strength that resides.
The toughness must be a shield that blocks all the painful tides.

The literal is not always upto the accuracy of what we see.
You might have no idea how much of broken pieces are sugar coated in that glee.
I might be much more than you expect me to be.
My thoughts go deeper than the sea.
My eyes tell you stories you aren't able to read.

My personality is as intense as the smile that floats through the tears.
I might be intriguing you with my secrets all hidden along with my fears.
But I'll let you know I have been trying to escape myself all these years
All the hopes to me are insanely dim, 'give up' is all I hear.

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