A Journey

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The next morning I woke to the song of the birds. I opened my eyes I wasn't in my wolf form anymore. Curiously I lifted my head, I was now facing Peter and he had an arm latched around my waist. I felt my cheeks burn scarlet and about million absurd gestures, I managed to roll out of his grasp. I looked around the sun was shining and the Beavers were getting ready to leave.

"Marigold dear, would you wake everyone up?"

I smiled nodding and growing a snowball in my hand I threw it at Milo it hit him in the face and he groaned.

I made my way over to Peter lightly tapping him, "Peter," I said softly and he opened his ocean blue eyes.  

"We've got to go" He nodded and I helped him up.

I grew another snowball and chucked at Milo who was trying to go back to sleep.

"Mar!" He shouted annoyed.

"Get up" I shrugged throwing my arms in the air.

Peter started waking Lucy and Susan up. Lucy looked tired but I don't blame her she had a big day and a bigger one ahead. I am pretty sure Lucy was sleeping with her eyes open.

"Peter put Lu on my back" I shifted to a wolf.

"Peter put Lu on my back" I shifted to a wolf

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"You sure?"

"She's sleepwalking Peter it's no big deal"

He walked Lucy over to me and we started making our way to the Stone Table.

We looked off at the frozen flat land, the snow shimmering sunlight.

"It's so far," Lucy lightly complained.

 "Its the world dear, what did you expect?"

"Smaller," Susan said glancing over at us.

It was midday and the Beavers were ahead of us. "Come on! Hurry up" Mr. Beaver shouted at us.

"If he tells us to hurry up one more time"

Peter huffed bending down so Lucy could piggy-back.

"I am going to turn him into a big fluffy hat."

I laughed and saw everyone laughing or smiling.

"Hurry up!"

"He is getting a bit bossy," Lucy agreed.

"No, she's behind you!" Mrs. Beaver shouted and we turned around a sled was coming fast and in our direction.

"Run!" Peter shouted and we took off.

My heart pounding as I looked back at the sled getting closer.

"In here!" We hid in a small ditch that had an opening into a hidden rock.

My heart pounding and breathing ragged, I sucked in a breath watching a shadow stand over us. My eyes studied the edges then it clicked when the shadow disappeared.

"Is she gone?"

"It's not a she." I murmured glancing up.

I started walking out and everyone whisper shouted my name.

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