California Bound

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I wake up to my Grandma shaking me "Breakfast, better come get it before it's cold" she said I got up and stretched I seen Kellin and Braxton still sleeping he looked like the first night I seen him his hair falling perfectly on the pillow and his arm sprawled across the bed he must've had him arm on me to Braxton was in the same sleeping postion as him I then woke up Braxton "It's time to wake up Daddy" I said she smiled and carefully jumped on him "time to wake up daddy" he woke up "Oh no, you woke up the wrong person, you didn't wake up daddy, you woke up tickle daddy!" "oh no" I said playing along he then got up and started tickling Braxton then pretended something grabbed him from the edge of the bed and then pretended to fall he then got up and got on the bed "Oh no did tickle daddy get you? she was still recovering from the tickling he put on his clothes and picked up Braxton and had her on his hip and then we walked downstairs he put her in a chair and sat beside me we began eating "So you're the boy" my grandma said "Yes M'am" he said "Well you're so nice, that's a first" I felt embarassed but Kellin was laughing they then kept talking and we finished eating and me and Kellin cleaned dishes we walked up to my room "You ready to go back?" I asked "Yeah, whenever you're ready" he said "Okay I will get dressed and get her stuff packed" "Okay I will go play with her" he said I smiled and then I began getting dressed I put on my clothes and did my hair and then I did my make up and I fixed my three bags of clothes and I go to Braxtons room and Kellin looks hilarious he's wearing eye shadow and lipstick and blush and looks amazing I burst out laughing he also has his hair in a ponytail sticking straight up I take a picture and I put the phone back in my pocket "C'mon Mrs. I mean Mr.Quinn" I said playing with him I took him to the bathroom and started to wipe off all the makeup "If you wanted your makeup done I would've done it" he laughed I cleaned off the makeup and we walked back to Braxtons room and I begin packing some of her clothes and get all her clothes into two big bags and have one big bag for toys to keep her occupied until we got her some more we then put all the bags in the car I left one outfit out for Braxton andI put her in it and I braided her hair and then we walked downstairs "Bye love you" I told my grandpa "Love you to Mackie,see us soon" he said "I will" I said he smiled and we got in the car then we arrived at the airport and I hugged goodbye to my grandma and I got on the plane holding Braxtons and Kellins hand I came here alone and I am leaving with my family. We then land and we drive back to my place I show Braxton everything and then let her take a nap "so what are we going to do now we're going to have a baby?" I asked "You should come move in with me" Kellin said I thought about it for a while and it has more space and I would love to live with Kellin "Okay when?" I asked "Maybe tomorrow" he said "Okay" I said then we got up and we got in the bed and fell asleep with Braxton

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