Chance Sutton- Cheat

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His arms were around her waist clinging onto her tightly. His lips were pressed up against her neck, slowly moving to her lips. When they locked, you could feel the chemistry in the room. He lifted her up and pushed her up against the wall. He ran his hands along her spine. Her hands tugged at his short hair. He moaned. "CHANCE WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed. He dropped her and she grabbed a blanket to cover herself up. She was a girl from my school I recognised her by the lack of clothes she had piled on the floor. He slid his boxers on and followed me down.

I was snapped out of the memory, by the bell ringing obnoxiously loudly. "Homework is due in next lesson. Get those essays done." The teacher said we all grabbed our bags. Eyes were on me as I walked down the corridor, everyone knew Chance had cheated. From our previous argument and break up 2 days ago. I was tired, drained and fed up of constantly crying. I walked to my locker and opened it up. A note tumbled into my hands. My name was scribbled on it. Jake and Anthony came down the hallway as I scanned over it. Our squad was kinda awkward at the moment, because we were all bestfriends. They leant against their lockers opposite mine and whispered to each other. I ripped up the paper, closed my locker and dumped it in the bin on my way to next lesson.

It was lunch and I was walking to the cafeteria with Jake. "How are you now?" He asked as we joined the queue. I picked out a bottle of water and a salad. "Um bad...I mean I'm really struggling, because I miss and love him so so much." I said paying for my lunch. I waited for Jake and we walked to our usual table. "This sucks Y/N." He sighed as we sat down. Anthony and Lola were flirting as usual. Chance came over and Jake closed the gap inbetween me and him, so Chance couldn't sit there. Anthony slid up to me on the other side, so he sat down opposite me. I stabbed at my salad and didn't eat much. I drank some of the water, but being near him made my heart ache. I saw her walk into the canteen and my blood was boiling. Chance quickly distracted himself by picking at his food. Jake tried to hold me back. I was fuming. I grabbed my bag and stormed over. She looked taken aback. "It was you wasn't it." I growled angrily. She pretend to be confused. "Huh?" She said in a sweet voice walking to her table. I pushed her. "It was fucking you." I spat. She put her tray down and folded her arms across her chest. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I clenched my fist- released it quickly and slapped her round the face. She instantly fought back and slapped me back. She grabbed a fist full of my hair and Anthony raced over with Jake. They pulled us apart as teachers raced in. We were dragged to the Principal's office. My cheek was stinging and my scalp hurt. She had also scratched my cheek.

We were in a lot of trouble and given Twilight School until 6 for 3 months. I headed to my next lesson, my anger still rising. I sat down next to Anthony and he held my hand tightly. "You're gonna be okay." He whispered soothingly. I was so angry at the whole situation.

Twilight School started tomorrow, so I had tonight to try and explain to my parents what had happened. I stepped in the door and they were both stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. I kicked my shoes off and dumped my bag down. "What is going on with you Y/N?" Mum asked angrily. I didn't want to cry, so I tried to hold it in. "Nothing. I had a scrap with a girl at school." I said opening the fridge. I poured myself a glass of water. "Y/N tell us now what is going on." My Dad demanded loudly. I shut the fridge door as tears poured down my cheeks. "She's the girl that Chance cheated on me with okay? I lost my cool, because it sucks to be heartbroken. I was just dealing with my emotions." I shouted. They both looked taken aback, I hadn't told them that after 2 and half years Chance had cheated on me. "Y/N.." Mum said softly. "I don't want to talk." I sobbed as I ran into my room. I slammed the door and slid down the back of it, tears bouncing off my face and down my neck. My phone buzzed. 'Chance'. I wiped my eyes and looked at his text. 'Your parents called. I'm outside. Talk to me. Please.' I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My mascara was all smudged under my eyes and they were bloodshot & puffy, my face was tear stained. I was shaken up. I threw a pair of sweatpants on with a jumper and headed downstairs. I slipped my UGG boots on and put my key in my pocket with my phone. I opened the door and Chance was sat on the drive. Instantly, I teared up again. I snivelled and sat down next to him. "What do you want?" I cried. "Haven't you done enough?" I spat. He moved in front of me and held my hands. "There is no amount of apologising they will fix what I've done and I know that. That night, I was drunk and I'm not trying to excuse myself, but I love you and I always have. I will do anything to show you, please Y/N I miss you so so much. I love you." He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. Out of habit, I wiped it away. "I love you too." I mumbled. He pulled me into him tightly and I sobbed into his shoulder, clinging onto him tightly. "I am so so sorry baby." He murmured, caressing my cheek with his hand. I leant in and kissed him electrifying my soul. Our fingers entwined. "Clean start." He said. I nodded and kissed him again.

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