Justin Roberts- He's Ruined Me

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I've known Justin for 10 years and we've been dating for 2 and half. Today, he publicly announced he had a new girlfriend, I was always kept in the dark from the fans, secret away from everyone, except Jake. When Justin first met Jake, I did too. He seemed like such a cool dude- and his worth ethic was amazing. I was so proud of Justin when he was invited to join Team 10, and I knew LDR would be hard, but I never expected him to push me into a corner away from him and everyone else. Jake had messaged me with the heads up- and offered to come visit me for moral support. I decided to get my own back on Justin- I'm so angry with him that I need to see him face to face and have him explain everything. I'm also very, very upset and heartbroken. I had loved Justin for the entire 10 years I knew him- we had ups and downs in both our friendship and relationship, but we always fixed it no matter what. But, him publicly confirming he had a 'new girl' without contacting me once had actually ruined me.

I've gone back to self harming, my bulimia has come back and my acne is getting so bad.

I haven't left my house for 3 and half days.

He's ruined me.

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