Ivan Martinez- Baby

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I tried to stop her screams- my head was pounding and I'd had barley any sleep. "Come on Mill." I whispered to her. She continued to scream. Ivan came into the room- still half asleep. We tried feeding her, playing with her, changing her nappy, wrapping her up in warmer clothes...She just wouldn't stop. I passed her to Ivan and sat down for a second. He soothed her instantly, placing her in her Moses Basket. I rocked her for a little, until her quiet snores echoed. "Come here." Ivan mumbled. He pulled me into him and I sobbed silently. I never stopped her screaming- she always wanted Ivan. I felt like the worlds shittest mother. "Hey baby you're okay." He mumbled. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against my temple. "Ivan.." I stuttered, tears flowing. "Yes beautiful." He said caressing my cheek. "I'm sorry I can't be a real Mummy." I sobbed. "Shh don't say something like that. You're an amazing Mummy and Millie adores you." He said soothingly. I clung onto him- I was still a baby myself I'm only 19, Ivan's 19 as well. The baby wasn't exactly planned, butI don't regret having her. She lights up my world, despite the fact she also makes me feel down. But, she's gorgeous. She is always wide awake and engaged. Ivan fucking adores her; he never lets her out of his sight. She is his world.

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