Chance Sutton- You Left Me

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"Come on." I called up the stairs, she came bouncing down- her bag dragging behind her. I stuffed her water bottle in the side. "Have you got everything?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Mum I'm nearly 12 I can do stuff myself." She said slipping her shoes on. I put her coat on and kissed her forehead. "Bye Mum." She called. "Walk safely, don't forget to..." The door closed. "Don't forget to be careful." I smiled to myself. I went upstairs and started on my makeup. I did my hair in loose curls and started my vlog. "So Ellie has just gone to school, so I'm going to spend the day doing some worky bits. See what I can get done for my new project." I said to the camera. I heard a car pull up. "I will catch up with you guys later." I switched the camera off and slipped my slippers on. I went downstairs as there was a knock. I grabbed the key and opened it. My breath was taken away. My body froze. My blood went cold. "Hey." He smiled, he said it like it was nothing. Which I think made it so much worse. "W-w-hat are you doing here?" I stuttered completely shocked. "To see Ellie, you don't think I forgot?" He laughed sarcastically. "This is no joke Chance, why the fuck are you here?" I asked losing my temper. "I-I wanted to see Ellie." He said softly. "Over 13 years Chance, since you walked out and left me here alone. I have raised our daughter, you've not given a single penny towards her life you've never even fucking met her." I shouted. One of the neighbours turned his head. I grabbed Chance and pulled him inside. I closed the door and looked at him. "I thought we could do this between us, but I will take legal action." He said sadly. Tears filled my eyes as he picked up a photo of me and her. "She's so beautiful, like her Mum." He whispered, I quickly looked down to the ground. "She asks about you." I whispered. "Really?" He asked in awe. "All the time, I always told her Daddy was working overseas." I said sadly. "She asked to see a picture of you a couple months ago, I showed her the picture of me and you when Team 10 went to Hawaii." I half smiled. "What did she say?" He asked excitedly. "She said; 'Mummy, Daddy's very handsome. I hope one day he can come home, I'd love that.'" A tear rolled down my cheek. He held my hand. "We can make her dream come true." He smiled. "It's been so long Chance." I said, not letting go of his hand for fear of him running. "Please give me a shot." He begged. "I'll tell her you're coming home tomorrow after school. If you don't show up, I will never forgive you." I said sternly. "I'll be here 4.30pm sharp. I won't let you or Ellie down." He said. He kissed my cheek and slipped away. I was still so gobsmacked.

24 hours later;

Ellie had gone off to school with a spring in her step, she was very excited to meet her Dad when she came home. He arrived at 4, so we could talk before she arrived.

"Come in." I said ushering him in. "I can't believe you actually came." I smiled. "I promised." He said.

She came home and ran into the lounge. His eyes teared up. "Daddy?" She grinned. She ran over to him and she jumped into his arms. He looked up at me. "I think I'll go make drinks." I smirked to Chance.

Everything was perfect.

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