Chad Tepper- If Thats What You Wanna Call It

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I came into our room, he had his head in his hands and he had clearly been crying. "Hey..." I said, putting my bag down. He didn't reply. "Is everything okay?" He looked up at me as I spoke. His eyes red as he swigged from his drink of whisky. "We need to talk." He said, sharply taking a deep breath in, before releasing it as a long sigh. "About what?" I asked. "Us." He mumbled, his eyes looking straight at me. I perched on the end of the bed, fear filling my insides. "I think we need to stop forcing this..." He said. "Forcing what Chad?" I asked trying to hold back the tears. "Forcing this. Us. I keep letting you down, I'm not what you wanted." He said, his voice cracked. "You don't..." He cut me off. "You know I do. I think we need a break." He said, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "So you wanna break up?" I asked, praying I was wrong. "Take a break yes." He said. "We're from different worlds Y/N. My past is dark, yours is innocent. We can't pretend we're the same people." He said. I felt my cheeks soon become damp with the flowing tears. "So it's over." I said in shock. I grabbed my bag and coat. I walked outside the door, closing it behind me. I hovered at the handle for a second, before walking away. I bumped into Jake. "Hey what's happened?" He asked, I fell to the ground- in a pile of sobs. "He broke up with me." I cried.

We were together for a year, but I had liked him for about 3 years.

Jake held me tightly, rocking me back and forth. Chad came out and looked at me, he grabbed his keys off the key rack and walked away. "You're okay." Jake whispered, everyone crowded around me. Asking questions. "I just wanna be alone." I whispered quietly. I stood up, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "Y/N are you sure you're okay to be alone right now?" Anthony asked. I nodded. "Yep." I went down to the garage and he was reversing his car. He sped away and I climbed into mine. I put on the heating and drove away. It was dark and I was driving round in circles around L.A. I ended up in a little car park. I turned the engine off and hit my hands against the steering wheel as I sobbed.

When I got back, Chad was moving his stuff out of my room and into his new room with Jake. Anthony came over to me, whilst I sat outside my room waiting for them to be done. "Hey." He said, wrapping his arms around me, I rested my head on his shoulder as tears continued to bounce off my cheeks. "In the end it'll be okay, if it's not okay, it's not the end." He said holding my hands. "Thanks Anthony." I whispered inbetween my sobs.

They call it heartbreak, but my entire body is broken...

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