Chad Tepper- Fiancè

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"Hey baby." He said, grabbing me by the waist. I pressed my lips against his. "I missed you." I whispered, rubbing my hands on the back of his neck. "I missed you too baby girl." He said, kissing me on the lips again. "How was your day?" I asked, flopping onto our bed. He laid next to me, I laid on my back and he laid on my stomach. He propped himself up by his arm. "Actually really good, we finished off filming the 'Saturday Night' music video." He smiled. "Bet you looked gorgeous." I smirked, running my hand along his chest. "Hm bet you can't wait to see it." He smirked back. He jumped up. "Chaddddd." I moaned. I got up. I'd been at the Team 10 house for the whole day- I was in sweatpants and a cropped Adidas jumper, paired with fluffy socks and a messy bun with 0 makeup. The only 'glam' thing I was wearing was my engagement ring, a beautiful diamond one. Chad proposed about 3 months ago.

I had a bath and pampered myself. I got out and self tanned, before throwing an old oversized T-Shirt. "You're orange affff." Chad teased. I flipped him the middle finger. "It's called trying with your appearance." I teased back. He pouted and pretended to be offended. He 'stormed' away. "I love you." I said. He instantly turned around and ran over, swooping me into bridal style and throwing me onto the bed. "You love me?" He laughed, tickling me. "Yes, yes I love you." I said, laughing hysterically. "Good thing that, because I actually love you too." He said. "Chad.." I said sitting up. He sat next to me. "What?" He asked tucking a loose hair behind my ear. "I'm really glad I met you, you've flipped my life upside down...In the best way possible." I smiled. "Your cute baby. And I'm so, so glad I met you to beautiful. I love you more than you'll ever understand and we're gonna be together forever." He said. We had a heavy kissing session.

I looked at him and knew he was the man of my dreams.

A/N: A cute, lovey chapter, because I know a lot of my chapters are sad/depressing. So, I thought I'd shake it up. Keep requesting- my inbox has been brimming with requests and it's lovely to connect with all of you.


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