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* Group chat *

Regina: Snow... where are you?

Snow: outside walking with David, why?

Regina: well... your house is on fire...

Snow: WHAT?!!!

Regina: there I see Emma at the window laughing with alcohol in her hand.

Regina: I think she set house on fire...

Snow: Emma! WTH?

Emma: imy uagin faannnnnn!=!+&/!!!

Regina: Omg, she's wasted.

Henry: she fell of the window, laughing, I think she puked on the floor.

Snow: I'm COMING HOME!!!

Charming: I think she took the drugs I hid under my bed.

Snow: WHAT!!!

Charming: it's a joke, calm your titts.

Regina: Don't ever tell women that!!!

Bookworm: she's at my library, she smashed a book on my computer and said 'learn u idiot'. :(

VivaLaSwanQueen: hahaha, she's trying to set Regina's apple tree on fire, gtg stop her before she does anything with that.

Regina: WHAT!!!


Snow: You can do what you wanna do, idc anymore.

Charming: same.

Regina: HERE I COME!!!

Red: whoa, what have I missed.

Hook: Emma set house on fire, then smashed book into the computer, and then she tried to set Regina's apple tree on fire.

Snow: Really, she could have just read it...

* Snow removed Hook from the chat *

Zelena: very, interesting things had happened, I'm sad I missed it... Cora, what happened to the tree?

VivaLaSwanQueen: I don't know, I left as soon as I saw angry Regina.

Zelena: ok

* Red has left the chat *

Regina: I... I... I have to go, Emma's at your house, bye.

* Regina has left the chat *

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