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*Private chat between Belle and Zelena*

Zelena: hey

Belle: uhm...hi?

Zelena: so uhm, how are you?

Belle: fine...I guess, how 'bout you?

Zelena: good..

Belle: why you suddenly decided to text me.?

Zelena: I've heard about you and Gold.

Zelena: so I decided to ask how you were feeling...

Belle: so...nice of you...

Zelena: so...do you wanna meet at Granny's tomorrow? At 5 pm?

Belle: lmao

Zelena: lmaozoned

Belle: what?

Zelena: I mean what?

Belle: anyway, of course, 5 will do...

Zelena: so I guess, see ya tomorrow?

Belle: yes, bye.

Zelena: ok, bye...

I'm WickedBeauty af 😍

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