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*Private Chat Between Snow and Emma*


Emma: mom, calm down, we're not in a hurry

Snow: but I am! It's my daughter who's getting married!

Emma: and it will be perfect, but not now, it's 3 am

Snow: I can't sleep!

Emma: how much coffee did you drink?

Snow: 10

Emma: sigh

*Emma has left this chat*

Snow: :(

*private chat between CoraTheMother and Regina*

CoraTheMother: c'mon darling, it's YOUR wedding, let me plan it!

Regina: you planned it last time, nope thanks

CoraTheMother: bit this time you're happy to get married

Regina: I know I am, and please don't bring my past in this

CoraTheMother: so can I plan it?

Regina: No, Snow's gonna plan it

*Regina has left this chat*

Regina sighed and sat down on the couch, putting her head in her hands. Now everything from her past is back in her mind once more, and saddens her, it's not the greatest time to think about it, but it's there, and it's not going away.

"Did your mother bug you about the wedding too?" She heard familiar voice speak up from behind her. She lightly chuckled and answered faint 'yes' to Emma.

"Hey what's wrong? Listen if you don't want a big wedding than we can get married right now" Emma joked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"No it's not that, it's just... just forget it" Regina gets up to go up into her room but Emma stops her and pushes her down to the couch.

"Nuh-uh, tell me what's wrong, you know you can tell me anything, if you don't wanna get married now, we can do it year later" Emma reassures her, while holding Regina's face in her hand, making her look cuter than she already is. Regina shakes her head and holds Emma's hands in hers.

"It's not that, it's just... my mom brought up my last, and well first wedding, and it's not the nicest memory to be honest, it just made me sad" Regina admitted making a face.

"Is that so? Listen, it's in the past, and it's been a long time after that, this time you want to get married, you should be happy, don't stress yourself over that, think about right now, forget the past, throw it in a garbage can, I don't care" Regina giggled at Emma's words.

"Keep smiling, I don't wanna ever see a frown on your face" Says Emma sternly.

"Ok, mom" jokes Regina while giggling lightly.

"I thought I was daddy" responds Emma jokingly, at her words Regina's eyes widen and she hits her on her shoulder.

"Shut up" murmurs Regina and Emma smirks.

Meanwhile, in the dark corner, Zelena is watching them, texting every detail to Cora. But, just as she was about to go back to her room, she drops her phone, and it made Regina and Emma look at her direction. Zelena starts running for her life as Regina chases her with fireball and curse words. Emma just laughs at Regina's adorableness.

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