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Hours before the sun was to rise, the moon only illuminated the conflict below, Raiden and Kotal Kahn fight for their realms in a competition known as Mortal Kombat, and within, outworlders watch from the massive coliseum all eyes directly at the center of the arena. What used to be Shao Kahn's arena spoke with flawless reassurance as Kotal now owns it and he is fighting side by side his fellow combatants to destroy Raiden's incompetence. Outworlders cheer all the more as blood, both earthrealmers and outworlders, splatter upon the hard encrusted earth within the arena. Cries grow louder for the realm's arena to be soaked and stained with flesh and blood, the arena's eyes flash as Johnny Cage feeds the gluttonous arena with Erron Black's blood. Guns and hat stripped from his unconscious body as Johnny boasts loudly, making his way toward the strongest and final warrior, Kotal Kahn, if he defeats him, Earthrealm will be victorious. All previous earth realm warriors cheer for Johnny even his own daughter, Cassie, and ex-wife Sonya.
Johnny: Yeah! Looks like my guns shoot more accurately... (while flexing both biceps)
Raiden approaches from behind, girded in black, glowing red eyes, and a demeanor letting Johnny know if he doesn't win, he may taste Raiden's own wrath.
Raiden: Johnny, it's gonna be morning soon and Ko'atal will be much more powerful in direct sunlight.
Johnny: I witnessed his strength when he sent you home yesterday depantsed. Don't worry gramps, I got this.
Raiden: You must take him out before dawn.
Raiden returns into the seated crowd of his companions with an instant lightning strike, however, noticing a skinny man only 5'5 in height, wearing a suit worn by bartenders, slightly baggy, with the addition of a classy mustache and glasses. He seems to be serving drinks to men and women enjoying the tournament. Raiden can see this man's aura, a earth realmer, his spirit reveals much potential. He goes to investigate, meanwhile, Kotal Kahn enters the arena through the opposite doors of Johnny, Kotal Kahn steps out, causing every resident within the stadium to burst in excitement and praise to their great emperor of Outworld, the Osh-Tekk Kotal Kahn. In his primary outfit, His attire consists of gold, metal armlets on both of his arms, along with a belt that holds his Tecpatl with a leather cloth hanging from the belt. There also seems to be remnants of bones disseminated on the cloth. Kotal Kahn's torso has several tattoos which glow in varying colors depending on his combat variation. At this moment his tattoos glow blood red. He rises into the arena toward Johnny with immense glory, throwing his arms up to gain further praise. He slowly turns to Johnny.
Kotal Kahn: This all is left of Earth realm, a clown masquerading as a warrior.
Johnny: I wouldn't think so low of me, Kahn. You might regret it.
Kotal Kahn: The sky has already foretold your demise.
Johnny: Whatever you say, Nostradamus.
Round one begins! Kotal launches Johnny into the air with his single fist then Kotal grips Johnny's ankles, slamming him into the ground. The attack surprised him and caused him to be dazed.
Johnny: That was incredibly fast...
Johnny pushes himself to his feet which immediately allows him to be kicked in the chest, sending him rolling a few feet away. Cassie and Sonya watch as Johnny is getting wiped on the floor by Kahn and become worried. Raiden steps up the stairs and faces the bartender.
Raiden: You are an earth realmer, correct? What is your name?
Bartender: Uhh, sure... Yeah. I'm from Earth. My name is Escanor... can I get you anything?
Raiden: Well, Escanor... I need one more warrior to fight for our realm.
Escanor's instant response was to gulp nervously, meanwhile, in the arena Johnny flies onto his back once again, bruised and battered. Kotal Kahn grabs his komidogu dagger, slicing his chest for a blood offering which increases his strength. Johnny stands taking his busted sunglasses off his face, sending a surprising shadow kick. The green powered kick sends Kotal on his back only to instantly stand up again. Kotal Kahn leaps forward attempting to grab ahold of the Hollywood star, suddenly, a powerful pain coming from his groin drops him to his knees, Johnny's signature nut punch. Cassie shouts from the crowd with her mother smiling at the classic Johnny she once fell in love with.
Cassie: Yeah! Break his manly parts dad.
Back at the bar, Escanor shakily admits to Raiden of being nothing but a nice guy and pacifist, sweating so much it looks as if he's crying.
Escanor: I c-c-couldn't g-go out t-there. I-I don't fight... uhhh... I mean look at me.
Raiden: Escanor stay with me. If Johnny loses and there is no one from Earth to fight then we will be doomed and Outworld will gain control of Earth... Forever. Please Escanor, you are our only hope.
Escanor looks toward the distant horizon, the sun's almost out.
Escanor: O-Okay... I'll do my best. (In a facial expression that's hard to understand if he even has a speck of confidence within him.)
Kotal Kahn's tattoos begin to glow from deep red to yellow as the dazed Johnny leaps forth in a Superman punch. Cassie realizes the danger.
Cassie: Oh No!
Kotal grabs ahold of Johnny, smashing his tight grip into Johnny's face.
Kotal: On your knees!
Forcing him to his knees as he pulses yellow energy into Johnny before slamming him over his shoulder onto the ground. Next, he pounds his fist into Johnny while on the ground, and finally lifting him over Kotal's head. He commands a moonlit ray of light to cascade and enshrouds Johnny then by enhancing the light, it scorches Johnny. Burning his skin and disintegrating his clothes, the scream of the painful brutality Johnny endures is sheltered by the excitement and violent cheerful screams of praise from the Outworlders. Kotal's markings instantaneously turn back to blue. Cassie and Sonya become distraught and filled with anguish themselves as they watch Johnny thrown into the golden dirt of the otherworldly minerals, burned like barbecue meat, while Kotal raises himself in arrogance thinking Outworld has won the tournament, a violent lightning strike hits the bloody floor, Raiden teleports into the arena grabbing the badly burned Cage and teleports away to heal his wounds, being the cause of such a bloody mess. The Outworlders become silent of what Raiden has left in exchange of Johnny, a skinny Escanor carrying a divine golden axe named Rhitta that he cannot lift and simply struggles with even dragging it. His new attire looks too large to properly fit him, black-yellow boots, and the same baggy pants. Kotal Kahn glances at the fragile man then glares at Raiden who carries Johnny out of the bloody combat with Cassie and Sonya by his side.
Kotal Kahn: Raiden! What is this!? We won... the tournament is over!
Raiden: This last Earth realmer has volunteered to fight for Earth. The Elder Gods must grant his request by law of Mortal Kombat!
Raiden sets down Johnny and begins to heal him while Cassie and Sonya sit by his side, knowing Raiden will take good care of him.
Kotal Kahn: Hahaha, very well. I will crush this weakling like the insect he is.
Escanor: Uh Oh!
Round one starts with Kotal Kahn's hands glowing into a dark substance called blood magic, he tosses a form of dark blue flames at Escanor who instantly dropped the handle of his golden axe and cowards into a swift sprint. After moments of this, Kotal becomes interested at how fast this human is, dodging every magical attack Kotal sends his way.
Kotal Kahn: It clearly seems I cannot catch you nor are you strong enough to attack. However, I have something to end you quickly.
Kotal unsheathes his massive Macuahuitl sword, tossing its heavy weight and obsidian jagged edges toward Escanor. The long wooden blade slams into the dirt the jagged edges grip into the soil causing a large magical tremor and forcing Escanor to trip over the brute force of the Osh-Tekk. The crowd goes wild their Emperor will win. Suddenly, Kotal Kahn feels the warmth light rays of the sun peak over the distant horizon, it's morning now and Kotal bathes in the dawn, closing his eyes. Round two starts and the people are more silent than the night itself. He soaks it all in, tattoos glowing yellow once more but brighter than against the low moonlight.
Kotal Kahn: Now I will grow as the sun. You will be enveloped in my fla...
Kotal Kahn opens his newly yellow colored eyes, however, he glares upward in shock and disbelief. Escanor. The man is now eight feet tall, gripping his divine axe in his right hand with ease, his clothes fit him properly, and his spectacles are gone, and his body seven times more impressive than the Emperor's own muscular frame. He stares down Kotal Kahn with a changed demeanor. He lifts Kahn's Macuahuitl and drops it by his side.
Escanor: You expect me to fall by a stick?
Kotal Kahn: W-Who are you?
Escanor: In all realms such as this, kings and emperors are as numerous as grains of sand... but I am no such thing. I am an existence unlike any other in this world, the Lion's Sin of Pride, Lord Escanor.
Cassie glances back to see Escanor now huge and buff, a totally different person.
Cassie: What happened to him?
Raiden and Sonya look in complete shock of such a transformation.
The whole stadium of watchers become flabbergasted and worry for their grand Emperor, including those who fought beside him; like Reptile and Erron. Only Ermac can see this pinnacle of a man's soul. It stands as a sun itself, growing with the blazing beast above the warriors. And his aura... damn.. his aura. So overwhelming it reigns supreme of Kahn's, though, Ermac can't save him without forfeiting the tournament. Kotal Kahn keeps his yellow eyed gaze into Escanor's bright blue.
Kotal Kahn: You're a cub grown to a mere jaguar... I could use someone like you.
Escanor: I have no reason to serve those beneath me for all I feel for them is pity, nothing more.
Kotal Kahn: You attempt to wound me with such arrogance.
Escanor leans toward Kahn's face, the Emperor rising at the top of Escanor's chest, showing who the small one really is. His orange hair moves with the breeze as does his mustache. Kotal's feathers attached to his headdress wave with the Osh-Tekk warrior stepping back.
Escanor: ... That is my sin.
Kotal Kahn: Haughty words coming from a weak human, cowering and running away from me earlier.
Kahn uses his blood magic, five times more powerful with the aid of the sun, he binds Escanor like a coil. Wrapping around his large body not giving him any room to move. The dark powers hold him still while Kotal Kahn picks up his obsidian jagged sword. Suddenly, a blinding light shines, the whole crowd tries to cover their eyes the best they can but the heat and brightness is overwhelming even Kotal causes deep lacerations with his bare toes and feet into the Earth as the pressure seems to push him back. The light slowly fades and Escanor stands unharmed and free. Kotal Kahn stares impressed, however, his legs become weak at the sight of this man, forcing Kahn to shake it off. Instantly, Escanor's axe, Rhitta, is hastily swung, catching Kotal surprised as he only has enough time to raise his left forearm, blocking the sharp blade of Rhitta and the loud snap of bone and the Emperor's cry reveals Escanor broke his whole forearm, nearly cutting off his appendage. The force throws Kotal several feet into the air then dirt rolls several more feet. Dropping his sword, Escanor approaches bringing down his axe to finish Kotal, instead, Kahn rolls out of the way dodging Escanor's powerful axe attacks, leaving many good sized scars in the Outworld soil. Kahn rolls onto his feet, gathering his strength and stamina he charges and leaps forward with a powerful knee strike, connecting his attack into Escanor's face. As the Lord of the Sun staggers back in one big step with a bloody nose, Kotal Kahn uses his magic to call down a ray of sunlight that enshrouds him and heals his major arm injury.
Kotal Kahn: You were a fool to challenge me... I am the God of the Sun.
Escanor: It matters not what you are... You are going to apologize to me, for being born into my world.
The Lion's sin of Pride lunges to strike a powerful blow with Rhitta, Kotal teleports behind to dodge his attack while gripping his sword laying upon the ground. Escanor quickly approaches Kotal swinging a few more times which Kahn dodges. He steps back as he cuts his hand with his komidogu, leaking blood onto his obsidian blade. Kotal swings with Escanor blocking, Kahn has blood magic moving throughout his sword, making it many times more durable and stronger than it was. Kahn stretches out his right arm, a Sunstone disc appears into his hand then tosses it, the projectile only shatters on impact having no effect at all as it breaks on Escanor's chest. Escanor lifts his left leg and thrusts a powerful front kick into Kahn, forcing him to be thrown across the stage and crashing into the stone wall of the arena. Moments later, as Kahn stands hardly injured, he notices the sun growing evermore. Escanor stands even taller now and his muscles widen much more than they were. What catches Kotal's attention is the rather miniature ball of flame that floats over Lord Escanor, it's extreme heat melts the stones that make up the arena, also the clothes and armor of Outworlders seem to burn away. Anything within the vicinity of this "second sun" slowly melts as it grows bigger and brighter with the actual sun.
Kotal Kahn: Is this actually... a man?!
Escanor: No need to apologize anymore... You have soiled my mood. Cruel Sun!
Escanor throws the ball of flame into Kahn, as the sun hurdles toward the Emperor's eyes, Escanor shouts one last thing before an explosion bursts the arena's wall and accidentally injuring nearby Outworld watchers.
Escanor: Pride Flare!
The sun bursts its entire heat and bright light causing almost a nuclear blast that blows a crater into the soil and even disintegrated the stone wall of the arena. Cassie and Raiden make eye contact while Sonya holds a healed and unconscious Johnny. The entire arena shakes from the destructive blast, rearing up Cassie and the others.
Cassie: Holy shit... I think he won.
Raiden: Don't be so sure. Ko'atal's strength and power comes from the sun... he might have just made him more powerful.
Cassie: You gotta be joking.
Escanor tosses Rhitta over his shoulder, arrogant of his assured victory. However, Kotal Kahn steps out of the collapsed damage, his yellow tattoos grow even brighter.
Kotal Kahn: Hehehaha, your powers only heal me. When a god speaks, you should heed him.
Escanor's body grows even more with the sun, his height is a towering ten growing its way toward twelve, his muscles bulk stretching his outfit into extreme sizes, and his beloved axe Rhitta still remains as tall as Kahn but now feels like a child holding a small branch within Escanor's mighty hands. Closing his eyes with an excited and haughty smile.
Escanor: Of Course, however, gods only heed me. If you hadn't told me of your relationship with the sun this fight wouldn't entertain me in the slightest.
Kotal Kahn: He struck me with an apocalyptic attack as if he knew it would heal me? By the power of the sun's grace, what is this man?!
No Osh-Tekk will bow before a human!!
Escanor: I am not just a man... I am the pinnacle of the human race. Now... shall we continue.
Escanor steps forward with a tensed fingered palm facing the sky. Kahn can only look straight up in awe of his enemy's height and build, sensing his strength can overwhelm an entire army. Kotal teleports his blade within his hands, still the blood magic enchants his sword, Kotal swings toward Escanor and as he goes to block, Kahn teleports behind. The Emperor slams his blade into Escanor's upper back, left shoulder and starts to saw downward, eager to cut through his tough flesh. Escanor swings a back fist into Kahn lifted into the air and slides through the golden dirt, the powerful fist was impressive which forces him on his knees.
Escanor: What's wrong? Did you drop something?
Next, Kotal glares up like he's struggling to get to his feet. Escanor smacks Kotal with Rhitta knocking him away once again, leaving a large gash upon his chest. Escanor grips the handle of Kotal's obsidian edged blade ripping it out of his minor sawed wound, tossing it over his shoulder, Escanor's durability surpasses the increasing strength of Kotal Kahn. The Lord of the Sun's strength increases hour by hour with the sun, tripling that of Kotal Kahn's, and soon it will be high noon. Kotal Kahn regains his macuahuitl and throws it toward Escanor's glowing orange mustache, he lifts Rhitta just in time to block. After blocking the thrown saw blade, Kotal Kahn leaps with a solid knee strike, forcing Escanor's wrist and hand to fracture, dropping Rhitta. As Kahn descends to the ground he pounds two powerful elbow strikes on top of the Lion sin's head. Then as he lands on his feet, Kahn called upon the sun's power. Two rays of light envelope both warriors, drastically increasing Kahn's strength while the sunlight rays were intended to burn and bruise Escanor, the ray of light only sparkle upon Escanor's spirit giving him more power than before. Kahn lunges with the komidogu dagger in his right hand and Escanor leaps with a strong tense fist, Kahn reaches under the powerful swing and thrusts the blade into Escanor with his added power from the sunlight, the blade penetrates Escanor's lower abdomen causing blood to spurt out of Escanor's mouth, staining his mustache. Then blood magic stirs within him bursting forth from the lower back of the Prideful Lord, as Escanor stands dazed and pained by the magical dagger pouring blood from his injury. Kotal steps back to gain more strength for the final blow, he cocks his right arm back, reaching for more solar strength to punch through Escanor's chest and to pull out his heart. This does not work. Escanor sent his large fist which reached more solar power than Kahn, and made contact with Kahn's fist. The snap of bones is heard, the most durable object Kahn has ever witnessed crashed into his fist breaking his wrist back and bone of his forearm snapping into his bicep, his momentum keeps moving forward as Kahn's right rib cage shatters on impact with Escanor's two foot wide, god-tier arm. The Emperor is knocked back a long ways, bleeding internally and through the mouth and nose. Kotal Kahn calls upon the sun once again, he stands as it slowly heals his arm and rib cage, eccentric pain and anguish enter Kahn's body from unknown power while being healed.
Kotal Kahn: I need to end this man before he gets any stronger. Before he has the chance to kill us all.
The muscles around Escanor's lower abdomen close up his wound and stop the bleeding, it's now high noon and Kahn's heart pounds with fear for the first time in a long while. Escanor stares back into the Sun god's eyes, his pupils have disappeared, mustache rises with his disturbing outstretched grin, his body is bulking past any living creatures limits, his height has doubled from fifteen feet, and his body oozes with solar power to the point of flames bursting from his flesh. His shirt has ripped clean off his body and pants seem to slowly lose its form. The Lord of the Sun has reached his peak, the invincible incarnation of power proudly named The One. Every person in the audience fear for their Emperor and the Earth realmers become shocked at Escanor's final transformation, his power and presence melts the ground the man stands on.
Kotal Kahn: What kind of sorcery is this?
Kahn rips out his Tecpatl sickles in one more hopeful attempt to critically injure this man. With teleportation as his main advantage for speed, Kotal attacks all around Escanor, slicing and stabbing the sharp sickles into the very flesh of the Lord of the Sun. Kotal Kahn slows and halts his attack, teleporting behind him and stabbing the sickles into his back, the large tattoo of a lion roaring into Kahn's face helps him realize everything Kotal had, did not work. Instead, Escanor flips around as fast as a flash of light, filling Kahn with dread.
Escanor: Naught but an itch.
The Lion's sin of Pride grabs Kahn by both arms, the tight grip and purifying flames cause Kotal to scream in pain and agony.
Escanor: How does it feel to be looked down upon by a human?
Escanor grips Kahn's face with his oversized right palm.
Escanor: Sunshine!
Escanor flicks his wrist which snaps the Emperor's neck and finally as Escanor releases him into the air, the pinnacle of his magic power takes effect. A bright light, rich and larger than anything before, explodes from Escanor's vicinity. The light disintegrates Kotal's entire body, not even ash is found. The arena's fighting grounds become burned and charred, stones and clothes melt, and leaves many Outworlders blind. Raiden and the other Earth realmers stand as a witness of man capable of being a god. The single minute of high noon is up and Escanor's body decreases from the invincible incarnation and returns back to fifteen feet. The shining ray of light shines through the firmament that contacts Raiden, the Elder Gods have announced the winners of Mortal Kombat, however, his only response was a jaw dropping gasp toward Escanor as he grabs Rhitta and exits the battlefield.
Escanor: Your beauty matches that of the sun, your lips shine brightly eager for a pungent kiss. Her eyes drip like honey with a warm calm gaze inviting exceeding bliss. Wild and yet rational, a mystery you are. The greatest sorceress in all of Britannia. I will find you!

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