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The sun sets in the distant horizon and a small wooden boat slowly gains on an island, close to Gotham City. Ivy Valentine, a tall, short silver haired woman girded in a dark purple dominatrix style outfit with a massive amount of her cleavage and thighs and hips exposed, despite wearing high boots and long gloves. Her Ivy Blade held tight in her right hand, prepared for a fight. She glares at the island in front of her called Arkham Island, a famous asylum covers most of the land. However, things have gotten dark, the place is covered in vegetation and unpredictable plants, even the buildings spurt large vines and plants out of their windows and cracked walls. Bodies of guards, doctors, and inmates water the soil with their blood. Ivy has tracked the Soul Calibur on this island as the men she paid row the boat through the calm waters and slowly approaching the island. Someone has the Soul Calibur here, Ivy can sense it and she will do anything to get it. The two men halt next to the wooden dock and watch as she rises upon it. Their eyes widen, they couldn't stop themselves from glancing at Ivy's outfit, doing a horrible job at covering her body. She continues to walk while one man shouts at her. A succulent British voice answers him back.
Man: This is crazy lady... even Batman couldn't stop her.
Ivy: Be still, I shall return once I am done here.
Both men look at each other in shock. Ivy steps off the dock and moves forward into the growth of amazing and vast plantation, the plants communicate with each other. The communication travels a long distance from the courtyard of the island and into the Botanical gardens filled with green. The plants finally reach Poison Ivy within seconds, they feel the powerful presence of Valentine who struts even closer to the essence of Soul Calibur. A security guard hangs upside down by one of many vines which have dominated the ceiling and walls of the garden's building. His arms dangle downward as he struggles to become free. With bright red lips filled of elegant lust, Pamela kisses the guard upon the lips, soft and pleasurable, giving him a seductive charm which completely takes over his mind. He didn't want to become affiliated with anything this woman does but upon touching her lips with his, he needed her. Poison Ivy had infected many guards and inmates with pheromones. She opens her light green eyelids that match the rest of her skin. Her piercing dark green eyes roll over to the nearest plant in annoyance, her bright red hair lightly tugs as she turns her attention to the plants, warning her of a potential trespasser. Poison Ivy's costume is rooted in plants resembling a corset and divides at the chest, revealing much cleavage. Her plants also cover most of her legs up to her thighs. Her voice is slow and seductive, and has a sense of assurance with a speck of irritation.
Poison Ivy: A trespasser? Let her come, I love watching arrogant humans die.
Ivy speeds toward the Botanical building, upon finding the front entrance Ivy sees a hedge of vines separate and a woman's voice erupting the air particles. The voice echoes like thunder.
Poison Ivy: I can feel you, come closer. Don't be shy.
Ivy Valentine: I know you have the Soul Calibur! I'm not here to play with you!
Poison Ivy: Oh, but my plants are so bored!
A thick vine slowly slithers from the rooftop of the Botanical building, as it makes its way over Ivy's head. Valentine slightly turns her head and widening her eyes upon hearing the snake-like vine just as it wraps around her neck, choking her and lifting her feet from the ground. A second vine grips her ankles keeping her body from struggling. Instantly, Ivy lifts her sword chopping off the vine around her neck then the one around her ankles. Landing on her feet she gasps for air while holding her neck. The attack hurts Pamela as she groans in pain.
Ivy: Fine, I'll play with you for a little while.
Ivy hastily rises to the front door of the building, kicking it down with a right forceful front kick. Valentine immediately sees Poison Ivy walking down her throne made out of plants; security guards, doctors, inmates, and even the powerful Batman surround her throne and the green in her control. Batman's eyes glow green of pheromones, his brainwashed mind lusts over Mother Nature herself.
Ivy: Let's see, What should I cut off first?
Poison Ivy: You really think you can beat Mother Nature?
Ivy lifts her sword and dashes toward Pamela ready to strike, however, vines block her sight from attacking Poison Ivy. The sword makes contact with a thick durable vine which only scathed the green skin off as Ivy attacks Pamela once more. Ivy swings her sword toward Poison Ivy and her vines approach the dominatrix, however, something odd happened her sword fractured into pieces and zipped around her vines in blinding speeds. Her sword has turned into a razor sharp whip that could reach a length to thirty feet, its keen blade tip flanking toward Pamela who barely realizes. Before it could impact Poison Ivy's deceitful flesh, a brainwashed Batman grips the long whip and pulls away from Ivy. Valentine is flung forward as Batman cocks back his fist.
Poison Ivy: Batman's here to protect me from the cold woman.
Valentine leaps forth with the momentum and her bladed whip retracts back to a sword. She brings it into Batman's left shoulder then with a forceful right leg, she kicks him through a bush. Within the bush is Soul Calibur, a crystalline and ice-like design with a glowing sphere. The sword is levitated into the air by Poison Ivy's vines.
Poison Ivy: Well, it seems this is why you're here. Though, I can't just give it to you, you attacked my beloved children.
Ivy: Then I'll tear everything apart!
Ivy flicks her wrist causing her sword to quickly turn into a whip and grabs Poison Ivy.
Ivy: Ensnare!
She pulls Pamela with her bladed whip then uses her full strength to launch Poison Ivy into the air. Her magical sword breaks apart, slicing and piercing through Pamela in a large circle while in the air. As Valentine gets ready to slam Pamela into the ground, Poison Ivy's vines slap Isabella off her feet and into a deep plantation of thorns and bristles. The plants wrap themselves around Ivy's wrists and ankles, keeping her restrained even puncturing her soft flesh. Suddenly, a purple alchemy spell symbol appears beneath her and the thorns, the magic sends flames which instantly burn away the horned vines. Pamela shrieks from the heated sensation, feeling the flames her children just died from. Isabella steps forward swinging her extended whip-like blade into Poison Ivy's waist and pulling from her deep wound. Valentine swings again but this time a thick vine deflects the attack and swipes at her. However, The vine misses as the dominatrix steps back. She grips the other end of her extended sword, charging magic into her attack. She spins with one leg while the other is raised behind her, as she comes to face Pamela's direction, she flings her elongated sword with immense force under the dancing vine and into Poison Ivy's shins, sweeping her face first into the grass-filled floor. Both become inflicted with small wounds from each other's attacks; only the small wounds from blade and plant alike leaking various amounts of blood. Pamela finds her footing while becoming more frustrated with her enemy. Ivy slowly caresses down her waist as she crystallizes her skin into bark which grants her stronger durability. Next, she opens her palm and a vine slithers from her hand it has a thick ball end used as a melee weapon, the datura hammer.
Poison Ivy: It seems my plants are having more fun than I.
Ivy swings from a long distance and her snake sword stretches toward Pamela who reacts quickly. Her vine deflects the elongated sword as she oscillates, then she extends her weapon kicking the opposite end with her right leg which causes the vine to roll out toward Valentine. The ball end suddenly flicks upward into Ivy's face making her dazed, giving the opportunity for Pamela to swing her hammer in an uppercut. The force knocks Ivy on her back but she immediately rises to her feet, flicking her wrist so that her sword transforms. Poison Ivy takes control of the field as she uses wide ranged attacks. Valentine uses her snake sword to deflect two more vine attacks coming from Pamela, until, Ivy glances downward and thrusts her whip of blades into the ground. Poison Ivy throws the ball end of her datura hammer which Isabella easily catches. Pamela becomes shocked as her bladed whip bursts from underground and slices through her tough rhymidome armor. Pamela gasps as Valentine pulls Ivy closer grabbing her opponent while pulling out her sword which is now a normal short sword. As her sword shatters, parts of it stick to Pamela's armored body, making her levitate.
Isabella: You're in need of some discipline! I'll teach you to behave!
While in the air, the sword pieces slash Poison Ivy several times, breaking and slashing her bark armor, until the shards slam her to the ground.
Isabella: Satisfied?
Poison Ivy screams in agony as she lays upon the soft soil, her armor gone and body weak.
Isabella: You really thought you could win? How cute.
Poison Ivy: It's rude to keep a girl waiting...
Isabella: Hmm?
Suddenly, a plant out stretches its leaves slowly turning itself around as it reveals long sharp teeth on a large head filled with multiple bright green eyes. It's vines slither around Valentine and wraps its snake like arms around Valentine and yanks her toward its dripping wet mouth, wondering how good Ivy will taste. However, Valentine was able to slash the vines holding her which harmed Pamela as well. Causing Poison Ivy to fall to one knee in pain.
Isabella: This is the end!
The dominatrix uses her alchemical properties to enchant her sword in flame like magic taking the form of a rather large bow. She releases her fiery arrow, that only masks her sword in flame. Her bladed whip acts like an arrow that is launched into the head of the large plant monster, instantly bursting the plant in flames.
Isabella: Go ahead. Hate me.
Poison Ivy: Stop this! You're killing my child!
Poison Ivy summons a mini dinosaur like plant that spits a projectile at Valentine. Ivy blocks two projectiles and dashes toward Pamela.
Isabella: Then I promise you won't suffer... much.
The Night Shade spits one last spore before burrowing underground, This spore impacts Isabella's left hand causing her hand to become disfigured like its rotting away. Ivy screams from the immense pain while Pamela finally rises to her feet.
Poison Ivy: A billion micro-organisms has entered your bloodstream. Spores will grow, replacing the blood in your veins, and when I'm done, your flesh will be replaced with bark.
Isabella: This can't be! Hmph, you'll pay for this.
Valentine uses alchemy magic to destroy the spores within her bloodstream with supernatural fire. Pamela watches in shock as the spores burn away and her left wrist has rotted only the skin, leaving muscle exposed. Pamela grabs a toxin which rests in the palm of her right hand, she blows the toxic dust but only a speck of it reaches for Ivy's face. The toxin was instantly countered by Valentine using her right leg for an outward kick, knocking the toxin out of Pamela's hand in blinding speeds. She used the momentum in her above sized average breasts to increase her speed. Lastly, Valentine whips her weakened opponent into the air.
Isabella: Taste the power of my blade. Shred apart!
She starts an alchemist spell to trap the opponent in a ball, splits the blade up into small pieces, however, before the blade could finish off Poison Ivy, Pamela takes control of a vine. It slithers like a snake toward Ivy then grasps Isabella's waist once again. The vine throws Valentine away from Pamela, dropping her snake sword from the unexpected force. Her alchemy trap releases Pamela as she sits up to watch the vine toss Valentine into the open maw of the scorched plant mutation. Isabella lands within the long sharp mist of teeth then disappears as the creature munches upon her body. Seconds later, the creature uses his tentacle like vine to grip the chewed up outfit of Isabella and smacks it on the soil.
Poison Ivy: You're dead and buried, love.
Pamela pets her mutated child before picking up the Ivy blade in her hands.
Poison Ivy: Hmmm. I believe this woman's magic may prove useful. What do you think, darling?
The burned mutated venus fly-trap groans in agreement. Pamela sits back at her throne, its now night and she needs rest. She closes her eyes as a grapevine slowly descends into Poison Ivy's mouth, plucking off a grape and chews slow with a moan of pleasure. Within the small brush however, an unconscious Batman opens his eyes, they are filled with vengeance and they're no longer glowing lustful green.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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