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Somewhere in Outworld, a black dragon with white eyes and etched with blue markings along its back, arms, legs, and face, speedily flies through the tainted firmament of the new dimension toward a tall building, presumably a castle. Within the castle lies the throne of the Dragon King and in the throne chair sits, a humanoid like dragon with huge wings, hooves for feet, three long sharp claws upon three fingers, bull like horns with a ponytail between them, a long powerful tail, a red, gold sash and shoulder guards. Also, a dark blue gem attached to his scaled chest, the Dragon King Onaga. Before Onaga is Shang Tsung and Quan Chi who carry in a badly beaten and scarred Shao Kahn.
Shang Tsung: What shall we do with him, your Majesty?
A deep draconian voice answers the sorcerer back.
Onaga: Put him away! I am not finished with this pathetic fool, just yet.
Quan Chi and Shang Tsung drag the unconscious former emperor of Outworld to the dungeon underneath the Dragon King's castle. After a few moments, Onaga stands from his chair as he feels an unknown energy force that somehow Onaga is familiar with, Magic. A orb that flashes a blue light is seen just outside of the doorway of Onaga's throne room then settles back into darkness. Soon emerging from the darkness, a rather muscular young man with long, dark blue colored hair. He carries a sharp gaze at the King of all Dragons upon his throne; his eyes have black circles around them. He is dark-skinned, and on his body he bears the same light blue markings the black dragon has. For attire, he dons a high collared, black cloak, which also bears his draconian markings, a necklace of sharp red claws around his neck, a sash around his waist, a gold arm ring tightened around his right upper arm, and baggy pants that are decorated the same as the most former article of clothing. This man walks through the door way into Onaga's throne room.
Acnologia: I smell dragon.
Onaga: Who dares confront me?!
Acnologia stops several yards away from Onaga. Onaga becomes angry.
Onaga: I am the Dragon King, state your reason for being here!
Acnologia continues his gaze.
Acnologia: To think that dragons still live... I am displeased.
Onaga looks at the intruder as samurai warriors of the Dragon king's army surround Acnologia. They pick up their spears and swords ready for battle, but Acnologia speedily takes out all 10 warriors within a few seconds. Then he turns back to Onaga, he breathes in then exhales a blue blast of etherion Magic out of his mouth.
The breathe of the etherion dragon slayer blew up in his face but had no effect on Onaga, as he is resistant to all forms of magic. The cloud of dust disappears, Onaga seems to still be standing while his throne behind him has been utterly destroyed.
Acnologia: Interesting...
Onaga looks behind him then back at his enemy.
Onaga: You have sealed your fate!
Onaga raises his warriors from the dead to fight Acnologia, but Acnologia was more interested to fight Onaga as he breathed another etherion blast, turning them into ash. Then he leaps forward at amazing speeds with a powerful etherion Magic surrounds his right fist. He collided his iron fist with Onaga's face, knocking out teeth and sending him flying out of the castle and into the dirt of his home world Outworld. Onaga stands up seeing his enemy slowly approaching him. The purple void of darkness hanging in the firmament is a sole example of the carelessness Onaga has.
Onaga: You have power, enough to knock me off my feet.
Acnologia continues to walk closer as Onaga decides to breathe a giant fireball toward Acnologia. He takes the hit, the flame engulfs Acnologia, covering him from head to toe. Onaga observes his enemy taking the powerful and hot flames, suddenly, the flames seem to disappear from his head down. Acnologia is eating the flames, gaining more power as he does so. Onaga: That's something...
Acnologia swiftly pursues Onaga with his cloak lifting into the air, revealing the rest of his clothing and body. Onaga breathes a flamethrower of fire which doesn't prevent Acnologia from punching Onaga in his gut then quickly sweeping him off of his feet. Onaga becomes angry as he flips back onto his feet with the aid of his wings, stomping the Outworld soil making a mini earthquake, staggering Acnologia backwards. Onaga then flies in the air, punching Acnologia in the face, keeping his momentum he goes left from right and right to left hitting Acnologia. After many times, Onaga comes flying in to try and finish Acnologia but is stopped when the dragon slayer had transformed his right arm into a blue scaled arm with dragon scales hard as steel. Acnologia grabs the right horn of the Dragon King, slamming the humanoid dragon into the earth, forming a small crater. Then the etherion dragon slayer lifts Onaga with his left arm, punching with his scaled right arm sending the Outworld dragon inside another building connected to the Dragon King's castle, making a big sized hole into the tall Outworld building. Acnologia breathes in and exhales a giant blast of etherion Magic, destroying the building, collapsing on top of Onaga. The Dragon King bursts out of the collateral damage, shooting into the air. Acnologia looks into the sky, seeing Onaga flying and grabbing rubble and tossing it at the dragon slayer. A boulder comes down hurdling toward Acnologia but the dragon slayer punches with his scaled arm rock into pieces, crumbs and pellets of rocks fly in the air as Acnologia grabs them and eats them. Onaga unsure of what to do next, calls in the rest of his army.  The samurai soldiers of the Dragon King come out of the Outworld city which sits near the king's castle, soon they surround Acnologia. The dragon slayer closes his eyes then opens them to reveal pure white eyes as he then grows and transforms into a giant black dragon. Acnologia roars making a shockwave that blows all of Onaga's army into the castle, killing them. Acnologia the black dragon of the apocalypse tackles, head first, Onaga into another building, flying straight through which Onaga lands.
Onaga: He has taken the form of a dragon?!
Acnologia flips his powerful tail knocking the Dragon King several feet away.
The black dragon stands in front of Onaga, intimidating.
Acnologia: I recognize you as my enemy dragon and I shall slay you!
Onaga is surprised as Acnologia flies into the air and breaths in then exhales a etherion breathe which makes contact on Onaga but no effect as Onaga seems to fly out of the blast, hitting Acnologia with his powerful tail staggering him back a little. Onaga uses his big clawed hands to scratch the giant wings then grabs ahold of the black dragon's head yanking him downward as Acnologia whips his tail around and uses his claws to try and get out of the Dragon king's grip. Onaga then kicks Acnologia in the face with his hoofed leg knocking him into the ground, Onaga lands on top of the black dragon creating a shockwave that inflicts pain in Acnologia's chest. Onaga breathes fire into his face but to no avail as Acnologia snaps his jaws over Onaga's head then throws him into the air. Onaga's face pours blood as his wings allow him to take flight but before Acnologia could regain his flight, Onaga shoots a giant breath of flames at Acnologia making a huge flame engulf around the black dragon. Onaga thinking with an open mind that his opponent may still be alive, Acnologia speedily flies out of the flames then flies past Onaga ripping a hole into his lower abdomen. Half of Onaga's torso, gone by the claws of Acnologia. Onaga drops to the ground then the black dragon stomps on top of the Dragon King which finally kills him. Soon after, Acnologia lifts off and flies away toward a portal for more bloodshed.
Acnologia: Now All that is left are the eight dragon slayers. Until all dragons are completely annihilated!

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