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In the Black Woods Mountains, the full moon illuminates the snow covered landscape as a couple high school kids, Samantha and Mike, are running through the snow filled forest toward a cabin that their friend Joshua Washington and his family owns. Sam and Mike begin to panically bang on the wooden front door for any one of their friends to save their lives.
Sam: Help! Emily! Chris! Are you in there?!
Mike stops Sam thinking he heard something in the brush of the snowy mountains.
Mike (whispering): Sam, ssshhh. I think they're here.
Suddenly, something interrupts the silence of the air and causes the mountain to shake a little, Sam and Mike back away from the house as they hear a object breaking through the atmosphere. A metallic object falling from the sky, landing toward the forests in the mountains.
Sam: What is that?
Mike: I don't want to find out.
Then the door is opened by Ashley, letting the confused couple inside the cabin, hoping for safety. The metallic object smashes through trees then landing in the snow covered soil, making a large crater. The loud crash attracts a fast moving creature that calls the Black woods mountain it's home. The object has revealed to be some sort of escape pod, an alien creature busts the door open, this was the savage predator, the Yautja. The Yautja had a passenger who didn't make it. The predator drags its friend out of the pod, he then closes its lifeless eyes. He hears a screeching roar in the mountainous terrain, the roar alerts the newcomer that he isn't alone. The alien warrior opens the dead Yautja's wrist gauntlet pushing unknown buttons, ready for the pursuer. The predator clicks a button on his wrist gauntlet causing its cloaking device to turn on making it invisible. Then the alien leaps onto a tall tree branch, waiting for its prey to show itself. The thermal vision of the predator's bio mask doesn't pick up any thermal readings. The vision of the Makkapitew can only see movement, as the wendigo swiftly climbs a tree, it can see the newcomer looking around for something to fall for its trap. Then the Makkapitew watches the predator for a moment, seeing the slow movements of its prey, finally strikes, leaping on to the predator's back and knocking him off the tree branch. The Yautja rolls away and flips himself on his feet while the Makkapitew, on all fours, is looking down at its prey. Through the predator's bio mask, the thermal vision seems to reveal that the wendigo is as cold as the environment, green readings suggest that it's blood runs cold. The Yautja returns its original vision, seeing what the Makkapitew actually looks like. A deformed pale skinned humanoid with white eyes, very skinny, and hungry for just about anything, even a butterfly tattoo on its right shoulder is shown that it used to be human. The wendigo roars at the predator to try and force it to run away, but the screeching yell didn't faze the Yautja, instead the alien roars a more deeper and intimidating roar at the Makkapitew. The movement allows the wendigo to see its prey and leaps at the predator. The wendigo lands on top of the predator slashing its long claws and powerful arms at the predator's mask and chest. The damage doesn't do much at all which gives the warrior the opportunity to grab the wendigo by the neck and holding it as it tries to slash and break the predator's grip. Out of the alien's wrist gauntlet comes two blades ready to slice its prey open. The predator brings its wrist blades into the wendigo's stomach but the warrior felt something odd. The blades didn't go through the pale creature, instead, the blades make contact with the pale skin of the wendigo but slide off, as if the creature's skin was strong and slick as leather. The predator realizes this and decides to lift the creature over its head and try rip the creature in half. Instead, the wendigo slips its way out of the grip of the alien warrior, then it scurries away to get another advantage while the Yautja tries to follow the Makkapitew. Almost immediately, the predator loses the Makkapitew. The Yautja tosses a scanning drone in the sky to survey the area, as it returns the predator puts it back in his gauntlet then turns on the sat com, of his gauntlet, scanning the perimeter of the mountain in a 3D holographic map projector, trying to find any movement within the vicinity. The predator growls as he watches movement closing in on him then it makes a clicking sound as the alien warrior puts the sat com away, pulling out a combistick, a retractable spear and his plasma caster rises upon the Yautja's shoulder. The Makkapitew stalks its prey, running circles around the predator. The Yautja is no rookie about hunting, he has killed many creatures like the wendigo, the predator knows it is stalking him and he is ready for it to attack. The Makkapitew lunges at the predator as his back faces the wendigo. Makkapitew snapped a tree branch is was promptly standing upon then as it leaped at the alien warrior, it's enhanced hearing let it hear the branch snap while it lept. With a speedy reaction, the predator snaps around hitting the wendigo with his combistick in the chest. The wendigo flies into a tree, the predator's red laser sight makes contact with the Makkapitew and the plasma caster charges a blast at the very second. Makkapitew quickly reacts and speedily runs away as a blue plasma shot takes out a tree that was behind the wendigo. The tree slowly falls downward toward the predator, the hunter steps over to the left, letting the tree smash into the snow. The predator scans the vicinity for the possessed creature, then the alien steps deeper of the snow covered trees to end his opponent, cautious for any tiny movements. Suddenly, the predator hears the explosive he had planted by using the other Yautja's gauntlet to arm an explosive mine near the escape pod. A woman's voice can be heard in the distance crying for help where and when exactly the explosion took place, the alien hunter runs in that direction. The predator investigates, a burned hole with melted snow all around the crater and inside, lies nothing. The mine explosion eradicated the escape pod and the dead predator's body but no other body is near, indicating that the hunter has not killed his prey nor any poor soul. Knowing invisibility won't work, the warrior decides to face his enemy. The Yautja takes out his combistick while aiming his plasma caster around the tree line. Immediately, the predator hears a screeching roar then he sees a flaming wendigo leap off a tall cedar tree, the hunter reacts fast. Swinging his combistick, the predator doesn't realize that the Makkapitew has grabbed ahold of the spear. The enhanced strength of both the Makkapitew and predator break the combistick in half. The hunter aims with his plasma caster, shooting the wendigo in the chest as it is in mid air, making it roll within the dirty snow, putting out the flames surrounding the wendigo's body. The Yautja having the bladed half of his combistick, throws it at the wendigo, the quick reflexes of the Makkapitew allow it to dodge the combistick. Then the wendigo sprints on all fours toward the predator, the hunter charges his plasma shot then fires. The plasma hits the wendigo in the shoulder making it stagger backward, however, leaves a large wound upon the weakened creature. The alien warrior begins to fire multiple shots at the Makkapitew, the wendigo hastily runs circles, every plasma shot missing the wendigo. Soon after, the Makkapitew found a opening by jumping on the predator's back once again and taking out the plasma caster. The Makkapitew scratches and tears at the predator's back and head. Tearing some of the dreadlocks and flesh upon the predator's back. The alien roars in agony, as his bio mask being scratched by the claws of the wendigo then he raises his arms quickly to grab the Makkapitew and tosses him. As the wendigo scurries in the air, the predator's power punch glove equipped on its left arm, the hunter lifts his arm cocking it back. When the Makkapitew comes into the predator's striking view then the predator swings punching the pale creature in the stomach, the wendigo takes a powerful punch and flies into the forest, almost vanishing. The alien grabs a medicomp to heal himself then he grabs his Glaive, a spear similar to the combistick. The speed of the wendigo allowed it to move quickly back to its prey. But the predator was already waiting for it, the second the wendigo shown itself, the hunter threw his Glaive while the wendigo lunged at the alien. The Glaive knocked many of the wendigo's sharp curved teeth out of its mouth, while the Glaive slides through the cheek of the wendigo. The Makkapitew's momentum kept it going, tackling the predator on the ground as it stands up looking at its opponent with a disfigured mouth. The Makkapitew uses its full strength to scratch and claw at the bio mask of the Yautja, eventually the force of its strikes makes the mask fly off of the hunter's face, revealing a monstrous face that makes the wendigo even look at with astonishment, fear, and disgust. The predator quickly stabs the weakened wendigo in the stomach with his wrist blades. The burned skin helped the blades enter the Makkapitew's abdomen more easily than before, the wendigo shrieks in pain as the warrior lifts the wendigo in the air with its blades still stuck within his enemy. The predator stands up while taking out his plasma pistol which he shoots the wendigo point blank in the head then he slams it upon the snow and jumps in the air, tossing a smart disc which gets lodged in the wendigo's neck. As the wendigo starts to flail its limbs, the hunter drops down on the pale creature, thrusting its wrist blades in the head of the wendigo, pulling out the smart disc stuck in its throat then the predator pulls the head off along with the spine of the Makkapitew. The Yautja grabs its bio mask putting it back on then straps the skull with the spine of the wendigo on his waist claiming his trophy. With a laugh of monstrous mockery, the predator pushes a few buttons on his wrist gauntlet, calling for a ride home which wouldn't arrive until dawn.

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