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An advanced pod falls from outer space, soon it enters into the atmosphere of Skryim. The pod catches fire as it makes an impact right outside of Windhelm, the Stormcloak archers appear on top of the wall of their beloved city they call home. Every archer along the wall aim their bows and arrows at the 30 foot unknown metallic object. Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak gets word of the incident, shocked he follows his soldiers outside to see the mysterious object. Galmar Stone-fist, Ulfric's second in command, leads a few soldiers to approach it. Galmar notices that something is about to emerge from the object.
Galmar Stone-Fist: Get back! Something is happening!
As the soldiers begin to slowly back up, the giant spacecraft makes a few mechanical noises as a sliding door rises upward with smoke emerging from the Titan like space pod. Suddenly, two big purple reptilian claws rest against the sides of the pod's opening. As the Stormcloak soldiers watch in awe and fear as a 20-25 foot tall purple space dragon emerges from the pod, then a frightening roar shouts from the triangular snout of the space dragon, Ridley. In fear and panic Ulfric takes action.
Ulfric: Fire!
Every archer along the wall on top of the town's gate, fires their arrows at the massive draconic alien. The thick armor of the dragon deflects every arrow that comes in contact with it. The soldiers stare trembling in fear, knowing that the arrows didn't work than neither can their swords. They were helpless, if only the dragon born could come then they could stand a chance. Soon after, the space dragon Ridley begins to speak to the people of Windhelm. A dark demonic voice is heard, breaking the airwaves of the vicinity of their town.
Ridley: I am Ridley the General of the Space Pirates, I come searching for the Metroid. Do you know where I can find it?
The soldiers as well as Ulfric stand in awe that the dragon has spoke to them. Ulfric and his soldiers stand quietly unsure of what to do.
Ridley: You are useless and pathetic humans!
Ridley frustrated decides to move on while destroying everything in his way. Ridley flaps his wings making a shock wave that blows dirt and bushes away, as the soldiers cover their faces, Ridley breathes in and exhales a giant plasma blast from his mouth, taking down the city's giant wooden gate and stone wall.
Ulfric: Run! It's attacking the city, find anything to fight back. And find the dragon born!
Ridley fires a few more plasma blasts before speaking once again.
Ridley: Oh so you do speak? Just only when you scramble around like lost insects. Hehehaha.
Ridley breathes a couple more blasts destroying many buildings and killing crowds of civilians and soldiers. Ridley swoops and snatches a civilian, eating him alive than grabs another just to assert his dominance over the world, as he rips the villager in half with ease than throwing his bleeding half corpse into the clear firmament. Ridley lands upon the Jarl's castle, roaring so loud that the villagers fall to their knees covering their ears. The roar is Ridley's way of showing himself now being king of this new land called Skyrim. The roar alerts another creature who uses its long powerful armored tail to strike Ridley from behind, knocking him clean off the building and into the village smashing many buildings and taking out the cultural environment built by the natives of Skyrim. Alduin the World Eater, an armored dragon with wings for arms flapping above Ridley, concerned to what he is and why he is roaring his dominance in a land Ridley was never welcomed to. Ridley slowly rises up, snapping his tail smashing a few more buildings. Ridley becomes angry but interested at his opponent.
Ridley: A dragon?
Alduin: I've never seen a dragon like you before in Skyrim. Do you have a name?
Ridley: I am the space pirate general, Ridley. State who you are?
Alduin: I am Alduin the World Eater.
Ridley: World Eater huh? I've never heard of you, so your here to bow before me, hopefully?
Alduin: No, I am here to utterly destroy you.
Ridley: Very well.
Ridley swiftly shoots into the sky, flying toward Alduin at speeds Alduin wasn't expecting. Ulfric with Galmar runs out of the city, Ulfric commands Galmar to find the dragon born as they both look up to see the purple space dragon to be knocked off the Jarl's castle by Alduin. As the top half of the building falls to the ground, Galmar and Ulfric look at each other in shock that Alduin, another enemy, has come to the battlefield as well.
Ulfric: Find the dragon born!
Galmar: Come with me!
Ulfric: I can't just leave Windhelm, I need to stay. Just find the dragon born.
Galmar then obeys his command to search for the dragon born. Meanwhile, Alduin is tackled by Ridley landing into the thick brush of the forest, Alduin with his wings folded gazes down Ridley as he stands over Alduin with his strong two legs. Ridley steps forward to lay down a powerful strike with his strong claws but is stopped by a magical force that Alduin shouted.
Alduin: Kaan drem ov.
Ridley seems to have a peaceful feeling within his soul, losing memory of why he is fighting Alduin but immediately comes back to him.
Ridley: What is this?
Alduin: I have magical abilities called Thu'um it will help me dine on your otherworldly flesh and pick the meat from my teeth with your very bones.
Ridley: I don't care for peace, and that is why you underestimate me, you don't know anything that I can do.
Ridley roars as he strikes Alduin on the neck. Then Ridley uses his powerful clawed arms to grab Alduin's neck and lift him but is stopped as Alduin breathes a massive breathe of red fire in his face with an incredible heat of flames. This gives Alduin the advantage to take flight in the air then shouts while Ridley takes damage from Alduin's flame breath.
Alduin: Gaan Lah Haas.
The shout saps Ridley's stamina and health allowing Alduin to take advantage once again. Ridley tries to flap his wings but his physical energy has been taken away as well, making Ridley frustrated.
Ridley: I feel.. Weak..
Alduin: Fus Ro Dah.
Unexpected to Ridley, Alduin's next shout forces the weakened Ridley flying many yards into the base of a snow capped mountain. Creating a small crater of the base of the mountain. Alduin disappears before Ridley was able to reattain his strength and stamina.
Alduin: Zul mey gut.
The Thu'um allows Alduin's voice to be heard but his location to be unknown. A heavy rainstorm is created with wrathful lightning strikes and loud thunders by another of Alduin's Thu'um.
Alduin: Strun bah qo
Ridley looks around for his opponent but can't see where the voices are coming from.
Alduin: Ven Mul Riik
Slowly, a thick fog forms around Ridley. Ridley flies in the air to get out of the endless fog but is immediately swiped by Alduin. Ridley is hit with a armored tail as he turns around he sees nothing then is swiped again by Alduin's powerful wings and tail.
Alduin: You are in my territory.
Ridley is flown back as he dodges lightning strikes, Alduin comes from behind Ridley and knocks him away with his tail. Ridley sees a glimpse of him flying away, Ridley breathes plasma beams in Alduin's direction. Ridley becomes irritated as he directs the plasma beam all around him, hoping to at least knock Alduin out of the skies.
Alduin: Joor Zah Frul
The Thu'um forces Ridley to land on the wet soil of Skyrim.
Ridley: I can't fly...
Ridley sees a figure flying toward him, Alduin uses another Thu'um.
Alduin: Wuld Nah Kest
Alduin speeds by faster than before with whirlwind sprint toward Ridley but the space dragon has his sights on him. Alduin goes in for a powerful head butt which Ridley was able to swiftly maneuver the strike as Ridley then grabs ahold of the tail, slamming Alduin onto the ground. As Ridley leaps on Alduin using his beast claws to hold down the gigantic wings of Alduin, Ridley charges a powerful plasma breath, he is suddenly interrupted as Alduin bites his throat then uses his powerful legs and tail to throw Ridley off of him. Ridley screeches in pain as he lands back on the wet soil, he slowly stands to see Alduin once again, gone. Seeing a body of a dead Stormcloak soldier, Ridley eats the corpse, after ingestion the small meal, it healed Ridley, regaining his strength and closing his wound on his throat. Ridley looks up as Alduin uses another shout flying in the cloudy firmament, a shower of meteors fall from the sky down toward Ridley. The meteors rain down destroying the land all around Ridley, making big craters. Ridley shoots out a few big sized fireballs to counter some meteors headed toward him, thinking smart, Ridley then hardens his armor, harder than steel and turns a dark blue color as well. Ridley looks up as another meteor heads toward him, Ridley lifts himself in the air, shooting through the tough meteor, destroying it instantly. Knowing that Alduin is listening, Ridley shouts to his enemy.
Ridley: I have dawned the nickname the Cunning God of Death. Let me demonstrate for you that I am too tough to kill.
As the rain slowly diminishes, Ridley is then hit with flames from above the clouds, seeing a silhouette of a dragon through them. Ridley does not hesitate to pursue it, he speedily gains on the dragon but Ridley notices that the dragon's scales and armor are colored and shaped differently. Ridley grasps the tail of the dragon pulling it in, but this dragon was not Alduin but one that he called to help him. The dragon breathes flames into Ridley's face but is immune thanks to his hardened armor, angrily the space pirate bites the head of the dragon forcing its mouth closed then rips off the head. Immediately after, Alduin from behind shouts fire breath at Ridley getting his attention.
Alduin: Yol toor shul.
Ridley quickly flies toward Alduin, dodging his unrelenting forces and taking the hits of his fire breathe and frost breathe which seems to have no effect so far. As Ridley gets even closer ready to attack, Alduin shouts a Thu'um which slows down time allowing him to maneuver Ridley's attack. Afterward, Alduin shouts another called Marked for Death which takes away Ridley's armor and damages his health. Ridley begins to lose altitude, then Alduin goes in for a kill but as Ridley's daze becomes fixated on Alduin pursuing him, Ridley claws at Alduin's face leaving a mark down his eye and cheek, then Ridley smashes the top of his head simultaneously, kneeing his chin upward. Then Ridley grabs Alduin by the throat then flies into the ground, dragging his face and body through the earth making a big long crater, then Ridley stands over Alduin with his foot on his chest digging his claws into him. Alduin roars in pain as Ridley speaks.
Ridley: You are the most obnoxious enemy I've ever faced, it's good that I am going to finish it.
Alduin: Raan Mir tah.
The shout makes nearby a mammoth and Giant to help him with battle. Ridley bites Alduin's leg ripping away then he spits out toes and flesh of Alduin. The space dragon looks alarmed as Alduin shouts again but cannot see him anymore, becoming ethereal.
Alduin: Feim Zii Gron.
Alduin flies through Ridley just as the mammoth charges him with its very large tusks and the giant swings its club at the oversized alien dragon. The purple space pirate lifts his leg then crushes the hairy elephant within the earth, immediately after, Ridley grabs the giant and rests his jaws over its head ripping then chewing the giant's head. Ridley slowly lifts into the air looking for his opponent, to get his attention Ridley starts to laugh.
Ridley: Hahaha, you expect to beat me by hiding! (Whispering); I need to get closer to him this time.
Alduin's Thu'um that made him ethereal vanishes, appearing behind Ridley. But Ridley's enhanced hearing and fast reflexes allowed Ridley to snap around biting Alduin in the neck. Blood spews out of the ancient dragon as he breathes fire trying to get Ridley to lose his grip. Ridley begins to scratch and tear at Alduin's stomach, Alduin roars in pain. Alduin uses unrelenting force to break out of his enemies strong grip, Alduin is dazed taking too much damage.
Just when the dazed Alduin was able to return to his mind, Ridley shoots a beam of purple plasma energy which knocks Alduin out of the air, Alduin becomes irritated of his enemy. Alduin lifts back into the air as Ridley charges at him, Alduin does the same while shouting fire breathe and frost breathe even an unrelenting force but to Alduin's surprise Ridley changed his armor into steel once again, immune to both of types of breathe and swiftly dodges unrelenting force. When they come to meet in the sky, Alduin is stabbed by Ridley's spear like tail. Ridley slowly lifts him closer, out of pride and anger Ridley decides to give Alduin an overkill. Ridley looks into Alduin's eyes, using his powerful arms to rip Alduin's wings off then pulls his tail out of the soft stomach of Alduin as he then opens his mouth wide with his claws.
Ridley: Open wide!
Ridley then fires a plasma beam into Alduin's mouth, soon, the plasma disintegrates the body of Alduin, leaving only his wings left of him. Moment later, Ridley finds the baby Metroid.
Ridley: I've finally found you.
Ridley carefully puts the Metroid within a transparent container then he flies into space, leaving Skyrim for good. As he flies into the black lake filled with stars, the dragon born standing on a cliff edge, staring at the space dragon leaving in awe and shock with his mouth opened.

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