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After the 1977 explosion that Jack and his friends cause to get back to their original time on the island. In a sideways dimension from a different timeline, comes another island which seems to be fused with their island. For some reason these islands had suddenly been enveloped in a strange light and before any of the resident can comprehend what's going on, the 2 islands had combined into 1 big island. At the CenterPoint of this collision where magic is keeping the islands together, a man in green rags opens his eyes not sure what happened. This man was known as Peter Pan. Peter stands up looking around his vicinity. He finds a cave with a bright light resonating outside into the jungle. Peter didn't recognize it, it was unlike anything that was on his island, Neverland. Pan wanted to quench his curiosity to explore the cave filled with light then immediately, Peter gets flashes of what he was doing before this incident, taking Wendy and her brothers on a adventure, giving them a tour of the best views of the island. Suddenly, Peter can feel danger nearing him, then he hears Wendy in the distance calling for help. Peter quickly flies into the thick jungle toward the direction of Wendy's distress call.
Wendy: Help! Help me!
Peter: Wendy! It's Peter! Hold on I'm coming!
Peter stops as his enhanced hearing can also hear an odd sound in the same direction as Wendy. A Metal clicking sound can be heard followed immediately by a loud high-pitched yell.
Peter: What was that?! I've never heard anything like that before.
Peter continues to search for Wendy, when Peter bursts out of the brush seeing a short brown haired girl wearing a long blue dress with her back facing Peter.
Peter: Wendy!
A smile of relief and joy grows across Pan's face as Wendy turns to see her flying green hero approaching her. Wendy runs toward Peter happy as can be to see him.
Wendy: I was lost, I was scared being without you.
Peter: Your okay now, Wendy.
Wendy and Peter slowly lift their hands to touch each other's but they are suddenly interrupted with three trees on each side of Wendy and Peter gets pulled out of their roots and tossed into the air. Peter and Wendy frantically spin around to find the source of the attack. Chitik like sounds are heard then a terrifying roar can be heard as something grabs ahold of Wendy's leg and drags her through the forest brush. Peter panics as he flies to catch up with Wendy. As the unknown creature drags Wendy, it makes loud clicking sounds with Peter following.
Peter: What do you want with Wendy?! Why don't you try and take me!
The creature soon drags Wendy down a hole but Peter speedily arrives to grab ahold of Wendy, trying to pull her out of the creatures grip. Meanwhile, nearby Tinker Bell is flying through the jungle looking for Peter, Wendy, or anyone. Tinker bell comes across a weird wall with strange hieroglyphics and markings etched all over it with a single hole in the ground leading under neath of it. Tinker bell looks at the hieroglyphs dumbfounded by the context of the markings, she is interrupted at a high pitch yell and screaming that sounds like Wendy, she quickly flies toward the commotion within the unfamiliar jungle. Tinker bell finds Peter trying to pull Wendy out of a hole.
Peter: Hey Tink, can you help us out?
Tinker bell swiftly goes into the hole then immediately flies back out, hiding behind Peter.
Peter: Tink, what's the matter?
Tinker bell whispers something in Peter's ear.
Peter: It's a black monster.
Tinker bell shakes her head.
Peter: Then I'll chase it away, haha.
Wendy: Peter, hurry!
Peter: Hey Tink grab Wendy's hand and hold her.
Tinker bell shakes her head no as she crosses her arms.
Peter: Haha I'm just having some fun.
Peter closes his eyes concentrating on an imagination, smoke and heat begin to rise out of the hole. Soon, flames are heard and seen as the creature releases its grip and Peter pulls Wendy out of the hole with the creature roaring and immediately pops out of the ground revealing itself to be a pillar of black smoke which zooms out of the area, leaving Peter and Wendy shocked until Peter puts a predatory smile on his face.
Peter: Let's go chase it!
Wendy: Why? It almost killed me!
Peter: Hahaha, then you stay with Tinker bell and I'll go chase it. Go find our friends and your brothers, Wendy.
Peter smiles and winks as he flies off toward the same direction the puff of smoke took off to. Peter comes up with a plan to get the smoke monster's attention. Peter gets behind a bush then begins to mimic Wendy's voice, crying for Peter.
Peter (with Wendy's voice): Peter! Where did you go?! Hello!
A few hours of this, nothing has happened. Peter begins to think it ain't gonna come until he hears a machine like growl that echoes around him, the smoke monster hovers over Peter, flashes of lightning strike within the magic smoke almost taking pictures of Peter. Peter snaps around to see the pillar of smoke staring Peter in the face. Peter feels like he should talk to it.
Peter: Hello, who are you?... Not a talker huh? Hahaha, your a odd creature, I'm gonna call you... Uh.. Smokey. Yeah, Smokey hahaha. You get it because your nothing but smoke.
Then suddenly, the smoke lunges at Peter devouring him, Peter within the smoke sees the flashes of lightning but they seem to show memories of Peter and his carelessness toward danger. Like chopping off Captain Hook's hand and feeding it to a crocodile, soon after, Peter laughs at the sight of it.
Peter: Haha, it's funny the crocodile still wants the rest of him! Ohh!
Immediately, the smoke monster releases Peter then speeds away.
Peter: Hey wait.. We're not done!
Peter follows the ball of black smoke, but after a while, Peter loses the creature's trail. Peter busts through the thick jungle environment, Peter stares at a sandy beach with water surrounding it. Behind him a small sized black smoke speedily zooms by, behind Peter. Peter turns around to see nothing.
Peter: So it's a game you want to play huh? Hahaha!
Then Peter looks to his left to see Wendy standing at the tree line upon the sand of the beach.
Peter: Wendy?
Peter approaches her by gliding toward her.
Peter: You should've seen that creature it was like black smoke! Actually it is black smoke. Where's Tinker Bell?
Wendy: Tinker bell is trying to find my brothers and the rest of the lost boys.
Peter: Oh ok.
Peter suddenly feels danger nearby.
Peter: Wendy, you need to run.. Something bad is about to happen!
With a smile growing across her face, Wendy in a creepy expression gives Peter a shocking reveal.
Wendy: You speak to me like I'm Wendy...
Peter looks on at the false Wendy, Wendy then uses some kind of force as she lifts her hand to send Peter onto his back and rolling down the beach into the water. Peter stands up to see Wendy gone, Peter walks close to the tree line. His enhanced hearing could hear the clicking sounds of the smoke monster, louder than the oceans waves roaring. Then the fearsome roar is heard within the jungle, but somehow the black smoke monster appears behind Peter. The black smoke grows bigger in scale, the clicking noises grow louder as well. Peter turns seeing the smoke towering Peter, he then smiles at the odd creature. Smokey quickly and powerfully strikes downward on Peter. The smoke swallows Peter once again but more violently, the smoke tosses him around within it, ripping Peter's clothing and suffocating him. The pillar of smoke then tosses Peter in the air which benefits Peter as he takes flight into the air. Peter takes out his short dagger, the smoke monster extends a smoky tentacle and wraps it around Peter then slams him on the ground. As this happens, Smokey makes noises like a loud type writer while he slams Peter again and again onto the sandy beach. Peter starts to bleed from his nose and mouth, the smoke monster then throws him into the tree line, slamming into a tree. Peter stands up wiping the blood off his chin while wielding his dagger on his right hand, Peter no longer sees a large pillar of black smoke, instead, a man wearing a black shirt and pants with a rope belt tied around his waist. Peter smiles as he glides toward the man.
MiB: I was hoping I could use you.
Peter: Smokey, so this is your face? I'd rather see you as Wendy, haha.
MiB: Don't get cocky.
Peter: What did you want to use me for?
MiB: To get me off this infernal island.
Peter: Why? Neverland is amazing, you never get to grow up.
MiB: Which is why I need to get rid of you, your still a kid.
Peter: What's wrong with being a kid?
MiB: This is a waste of time, I will finish this.
Before the MiB could return to his smoke form, Peter stabs him in the chest with his dagger.
Peter: I wanted to fight you with a sword but it looks like you didn't have one so.. I decided to finish this instead.
The MiB looks down at the blade in his chest, he looks back at Peter smiling then rips it out of his chest. While holding the blade, offering it back to Peter.
MiB: You want it back.
Peter takes his dagger back.
Peter: Do it again?
MiB looks at Peter confused, then he offers a deal.
MiB: You are a kid and I will offer a second chance for you, How about you leave me and I won't kill you or your girlfriend.
Peter: I don't have a...
MiB: Wendy, I know how she feels about you.
Peter: No deal.
MiB: What?!
Peter: No, I want to fight you.
MiB: Then I will kill Wendy first.
Peter: You can try.
MiB gets frustrated as he shape shifts into a pillar of smoke before Peter Pan. Smokey then flies into the jungle to do what he said he'll do. Peter catches up flying right beside Smokey as they race toward the heart of the island. Smokey extends a tentacle, knocking Peter into a tree then lands on his back. A split of magical light is seen keeping Neverland and the other island noticeable from each other. The cave of light is next to the split of both islands. Wendy and Tinker bell have stumbled upon it. Wendy and Tinker bell hear the clicking sounds and high pitched yell of the smoke monster, they both hide in a bush. Then Smokey appears, taking his original form, he looks around knowing that Wendy and Tinker bell are close. MiB then shape shifts into his smoke form, he slowly creeps toward Wendy, grabbing her leg through the bush. Tinker bell tries to grab Wendy's arm but to no avail as she is weaker. The smoke monster slowly begins to swallow her, using a smoke tentacle to try and shove her in but is stopped by Pan who jumps inside of Smokey. Peter then imagines a wall inside of Smokey, a wall appears separating the puff of black smoke, Peter starts to laugh at what he did. Irritated of Peter playing around, Smokey lets go of Wendy then shape shifts into Peter Pan. Pan gets excited.
Peter: This is a new adventure! I get to fight myself, ha. Wendy get back.
Smokey: I have been saving this for a while now. Let's test you out.
Smokey grabs the dagger strapped against his waist as the original Peter does the same. Peter and Smokey (in Peter's form) clash their daggers together. Slicing each other's clothing but Smokey seems to not draw blood at all. Smokey swings his dagger downward but Peter blocks with his dagger then kicks Smokey away. Peter then smiles as he floats into the air taunting Smokey that he is more skilled than him. Smokey begins to rise up also, into the sky. Peter gets even more boastful.
Peter: Ha, you should probably go home. I'm too much.
Smokey: Don't tell me what I can and can't do!
Peter: Oooh, someone's angry! Ha!
Smokey flies into Peter thrusting his dagger at him, Peter dodges the attack bringing his into Smokey's back. Smokey elbows Peter in the temple of his head sending him backward a few feet. Peter spins with his dagger, the edge of the blade cuts through Smokey's throat, still no effect on Smokey. Wendy shouts to Peter.
Wendy: Peter you need to Find a weakness!
Peter (while clashing daggers): Why don't you?!
Wendy: Ugh.
Smokey uses his telekinesis to throw Peter against a tree then he slams him against a big rock on the river bed leading into the cave. Peter bravely tries to pick up the rock but is stopped by Smokey using his telekinesis once again to bring him close, resulting in Smokey stabbing him in his stomach. Peter falls into the small river bleeding.
Wendy: Peter!!
Tinker bell grabs ahold of Wendy's shirt to stop her from intervening the fight. Peter tries to imagine something that could help him from dying but couldn't concentrate from the pain. Smokey walks toward Peter then with his dagger stabs him two more times into the stomach. Smokey then transforms into his smoke form, devouring Peter within himself and tearing him apart looking like a swarm of insects flying in a circular motion. Smokey throws what remains of Peter, his hat and blood. Smokey reaches for Wendy, the sky lights up returning the two islands where they originally are in time. Wendy and Tinker bell huddle together terrified and distraught of what had happened to Peter.

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