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The Soulless One, a customized Belbullab-22 starfighter, the personal ship of General Grievous, leader of the Confederacy of Independent systems' Droid army. On his way to the planet, Utapau, in order to escape the grip of the Republic and their feeble Jedi. Their numbers all hunting Grievous after destroying most of his army and savagely ambushing his forces. Obi Wan Kenobi follows suit, nearing The Soulless One through the void of the Universe.
Obi Wan Kenobi: This is General Kenobi, I have Grievous in my sights.
Obi- Wan flicks buttons within his starfighter, The Interceptor. He grips the red button that will destroy Grievous once and for all, a hope filled laser cannon shot into the exhaust, blowing the General's ship and even him into pieces.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I'm taking the shot.
Within the Soulless One's operation seat is Grievous getting readings on his radar of two ships approaching, one slowly and one fast. He recognizes the slow moving one as Kenobi, possibly locking on Grievous' ship as he speaks with a deep, raspy voice that sounds like a droid with a burnt voice box.
G. Grievous: It seems The Negotiator is done with preventing battles and wants to start his own. Hahaha. (Loud raspy cough) But who is this?
Grievous' sharp finger made of mixed duranium and durasteel taps the glass. His mixed metal exoskeleton resembles that of a inhuman skeleton, although, his organs and burned flesh around his yellow greedy eyes show a horrific and painful backstory. He looks out his cockpit to see the large unknown spacecraft to fade from it's invisibility field and reveal its full form before Grievous. His ship is struck in the exhaust pipe by Obi-Wan and blows his ship into a large fiery explosion, fading into nothing but metal drifting away, however, Grievous is blasted toward the Law Giver, an alien covenant ship. The small ship is shook by the aftershock of Grievous' ship blown away. Obi-Wan glares at the unknown purple- dark blue ship.
Obi-Wan: General Grievous is de- What the? What is that?
A grey scaled arm with four fingers, its index outstretched than the others, presses a few buttons on screen, launching a plasma torpedo out of its large cannon. A deep hollow voice speaks.
The Arbiter: I have a mission to complete, I won't allow you to soil it.
The plasma torpedo shoots into Kenobi's ship like a blur, Obi Wan's life ends abruptly.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Nooo!
Wiping the starfighter and the human from the universe in an instant. The Elite alien known as Thel 'Vadaam continues his journey. The hunched back grey alien with deep red-yellow eyes, less reptile-like, peer through the golden warrior helm of the Arbiter armor, covering his whole otherworldly countenance. His large hoof like feet move like a swift lizard's, the Arbiter's design carries a heel shape that aid the superhuman strength of the Arbiter's lower body.
Arbiter: Shame to waste such honor...
A loud scratching noise stirs his attention, like a piece of rubble sliding roughly above the Law Giver, seemingly not letting go of his ship. He fires a magnetic pulse that would launch the nearby rubble from the ship, as he hears nothing more he moves on. Disturbingly, behind the Arbiter is General Grievous attached to the ceiling of the small but roomy space shuttle by his sharp android talons, his grey cape flows downward as he flips onto the metallic floor causing The Arbiter to rear up hearing a sharp *clink*, shooting his Plasma rifle at Grievous. Using his hands, Grievous deflects the bolts, piercing the ship little by little with each plasma shot that ricochets off Grievous' hand. His four mandibles attached like a form of jaw filled with small sharp teeth on each, they flex as Thel 'Vadaam speaks.
The Arbiter: What do I call you? (His plasma rifle still aimed at the trespasser).
G. Grievous: (Cough, cough) I am the master of the most powerful droid army the galaxy has ever seen! You will hand over your ship to me... or be annihilated under my hand.
The Arbiter: It won't be so easy.
G. Grievous: You are a bold one, but you must realize.. you are doomed.
The Arbiter hastily grips his second plasma rifle spinning upon one knee with impressive speeds, the Elite takes fire. Grievous swiftly deflects two blasts with both hands, lifting his armorweave cape which blocks the rest of Thel 'Vadaam's plasma shots. Hidden under his cape, Grievous equips his Grievance striker that was attached to his waist. Grievous fires back with his own customized DT-57 heavy blaster, Arbiter realizes this just in time to spin-flip over his bolts in speeds Grievous is familiar with. Then the armored Arbiter quickly sprints onto the wall using his large reptile-like feet, dodging more of Grievous' plasma bolts. He launches himself off the spacecraft wall, dropping his powerful right foot into Grievous' face, forcing him to stagger back almost losing his balance.
G. Grievous: Argg. I have never encountered a species such as you.
Arbiter: Only a few species ever have.
The Arbiter stands back putting away his plasma rifles, attaching them to his waist. He grips two large handles designed specifically for the Arbiter's race, consisting of a curved hilt and housing an energy storage, it rested upon the platform next to his controls to the Law Giver. He arms both on and two blue-silver long triangular blades shoots out of the sides of the Arbiter's hilts, the energy swords. G. Grievous: Ohhhhh. Hahaha. That... (cough, cough) is an interesting light saber design...
Grievous slithers his robotic arms out of his long cape, two advanced sword-like handles resting in both hands. Pressing the red button on each, a blue plasma straight blade elongates from Grievous' right hilt and a green in his left.
G. Grievous: I must add it to my collection!
To the Arbiter's surprise, Grievous' hands begin to spin blindly, his light colored blades jolting like steel fans. The Arbiter backs up slowly as the light sabers moving toward him striking the floor and burning it's tough, metallic design. Leaving glowing red-orange scars, the more brighter and hotter which grows with his speed and nears the Arbiter's lower body. Any further and Thel 'Vadaam could be minced by Grievous' light sabers, however, if he moves back anymore he would soon run out of room as the Merciless General inches forward, metallic talons force sharp impressions into the weaker metal of Law Giver's floor, blasting forth a sound that screeches like an old airplane experiencing terrible propeller problems. Without any hesitation, Arbiter reaches forward thrusting his right energy sword toward Grievous' chest, both light sabers stop the energy sword by colliding downward, Arbiter holds his own against Grievous being larger than the cyborg. As Arbiter and Grievous clash for a second, Arbiter raises his second energy sword thinking of ending the General quickly. Grievous laughs arrogantly as two more appendages disconnect from Grievous' arms. Two more arms snap out of his original, equipped with two more light sabers unsheathed. Another blue and green plasma sword hastily swung toward Arbiter, he barely catches this by raising up his second energy sword and blocking both strikes from Grievous' extra arms. The clash of four arms against two weighs down Arbiter more than he was anticipating, because of Grievous' strength, speed, and durability. Suddenly, a white blur surprises Arbiter. The cyborg talons of Grievous' right foot grips Arbiter's face. Tightening his sharp claws into the face mask of Arbiter, the General uses his strong foot to smash Arbiter's face into the floor. Causing a rather large dent, then he grabs the back of his head tossing him into the control platforms of the ship. The Law Giver takes an instant sharp right, toward the mastodonic planet of Utapau. Arbiter immediately stands, charging with both energy swords backed up with his superhuman might. With a battlecry, Arbiter hastily approaches Grievous. Grievous swings menacingly with all four light sabers, Arbiter dodges and clashes both swords into the bottom arms. Arbiter smashes a powerful kick into Grievous' chest which doesn't do much, however, just angers him. Grievous brings two blades downward, but Arbiter clashes with his swords. Kicking his arm away then slicing upward of Grievous' chest, causing only a shallow scar of his mixed metal body. Arbiter realizes another arm that swings toward him and slashes into his right bicep. He shrugs off the attack and raises one energy sword to lodge Grievous' light saber between both triangular blades, bringing it up in a U-form keeps the blade away from the Elite giving him time to bring his other blade to chop the cyborg hand of Grievous' bottom arm, losing one of four of his light sabers. The cyborg steps back glaring at the glowing heated slice of his hand growling in an echoing angered manner. Arbiter shuts off his left energy blade then equips his plasma rifle. The brute alien advances shooting and swinging point blank at Grievous. A few shots bounce off his cybernetic chest while blocking his energy sword. With one swift move, Grievous dashes into a shoulder charge knocking Arbiter onto his back. Arbiter loses his plasma rifle and energy sword. Grievous slams his foot upon his chest, doing a black flip he releases his grip sending Arbiter into the ceiling of the space craft. Arbiter flips onto his feet, gripping his second energy sword and plasma rifle. He charges a huge blast which when fired contacted Grievous' forehead, he staggers back with a black plasma mark just above his left eye. Arbiter keeps firing, however, Grievous uses all three of his plasma swords to block and deflect the bolts. He nears Arbiter and swings all three at Arbiter, two lowering toward him on his right and one closing in on his left. The plasma rifle is chopped in two then it slices into his left leg and blocks the other two with the energy sword. The Arbiter is chained down with Grievous' strength and weapon in his leg. But Thel 'Vadaam won't lose an arrogant species, reminding him of the bastard Prophets. Arbiter raises his right leg to kick Grievous into the opposite side of Law Giver. As the General stands groaning, Arbiter lunges toward Grievous slamming his large foot into Grievous pushing him back into the wall. The cyborg swings his top two light sabers which causes Arbiter to block both with his energy sword while the General sneaks his bottom arm, planning to thrust it into the alien's heart. However, Arbiter has another back up energy sword, the red-gold blade named Prophet's bane. Arbiter blocks the bottom sword just in time, sliding the light saber between the triangular blades disarming Grievous and taking his second bottom hand with it. Grievous slowly rises once again as Arbiter thrusts Prophet's bane into the weak cybernetic joint of the General's shoulder, all the way through the Law Giver, making sure Grievous goes no where. Arbiter uses his strength to push the exo-skeletal arms and their blades, giving him time to take his energy sword and end his opponent. Sharp points of the energy sword meet inches of Grievous' blazing eyes, while the General slowly regains his footing.
Arbiter: I am a warrior of Sangheilios, I lead the Sangheili into victory. I shall destroy your honor.
G. Grievous: Huh, hahaha. Over-dramatic are we? (Cough)
Suddenly before Arbiter could strike the final blow, his energy sword runs out of power the blade disappears. An arrogant laugh brews as Grievous kicks Arbiter with both cyborg feet, launching him into the ceiling again then onto the metallic floor landing upon one knee. Arbiter slowly rises to his feet, fighting the pain. The General rips the energy sword out of his shoulder and the blade disappears. Arbiter immediately throwing the first punch at the cyborg's head which doesn't effect Grievous, his instant response is to toss his slightly torn cape toward Arbiter, dazing him as he shoots three punches within one second. A right and left hook into Thel 'Vadaam's abdomen and rib and the final against his face, causing purple/indigo blood to splatter upon the floor and wall. The Elite leader is flown back, landing upon a few of his supplies, in the mess the Arbiter finds a plasma grenade. The iconic sound of two light sabers turning on indicate the General's finishing move is near. Before the cyborg took his first step however, the Elite alien throws an active plasma grenade with determination of defeating Grievous. The grenade sticks firmly onto the durable shell of Grievous' left arm.
Arbiter: Your arrogant thunder shall be quelled!
G. Grievous: Hmmm?
The grenade explodes, only blowing off Grievous' arm in the process, the explosion blew a hole into the Law Giver. The amazing pressure of the black void sucks the General out of the covenant spaceship and anything else free for the taking. Arbiter crawls to his seat, climbs onto it and straps on his safety belt to avoid being blown into the very fabric of space. Soon, the Law Giver enters the large green-tan sphere, Utapau's atmosphere. The Law Giver is going down... and Thel 'Vadaam can't prevent it from doing so. The alert systems blare all around Arbiter, breaking the atmosphere he slowly descends to the planet becoming a literal fire ball plummeting from space. The outside armor of Law Giver begins to break and melt as its limits of durability have been reached. Swiftly approaching the windswept and grassy habitable landscape, the Law Giver smashes into the soil. Rearing up grass and dirt as pieces fly from the spacecraft and flames burn the surrounding area. Only a few yards away is a vast sinkhole, one out of many that populate and grow throughout the planet. The Law Giver slides into the earth like area, creating a rather large scar into its land. Arbiter slowly releases himself of the safety and steps out while grabbing his Carbine sniper rifle that was thrown by the immense force of the wreckage. Injured but well, the Arbiter still has a mission to complete, find the Master Chief. Suddenly, something catches his hawk-like eyes. Scanning the ground, he notices foot prints that lead to the other side of the wreckage, they match his most recent opponent. The flames crack and ringing of the loud forceful crash flood Arbiter's ears, however, one stands out the most, a rusty cough. Arbiter turns toward the spacecraft wreckage, Grievous steps forward with a wrathful glare, missing his left arm and his mixed metal cyber body is glowing red from the extreme heat, almost at its melting point. Somehow, Grievous was still holding on to the Law Giver as it plummeted into the planet. Even though his cyborg body took a toll, his synthskin gut sack which protects his organs were impervious.
G. Grievous: Shall we finish this, vermin.
Arbiter aims his carbine, crosshairs lining exactly at his reptilian eye. Instantly before the shot is taken, the General leaps into the air almost vanished from Arbiter's view. He glances up and rolls away for Grievous to land where he was standing exactly, his force alone kicks up pressure and dirt. Arbiter rolls back smacking Grievous with his large Carbine then twirls it in the air hitting Grievous' face with its butt end. As it lands in the Arbiter's hands with the barrel facing Grievous, he takes the shot. The heavy plasma bolt knocks the weakened General off his feet. Giving time for Arbiter to take off the Arbiter helm and reveal his full appearance to Grievous who grips the handle of his last light saber, a red colored one. Grievous gets to his feet, Arbiter shoots another round into Grievous' chest seeing an opening to his heart. Unfortunately, Grievous smacks the gun out of the alien warrior's hand and punches him toward the ground. The plasma sniper flies toward the large sinkhole, landing just a foot away of never being seen again. While turning on the red colored blade, Arbiter kicks the General away which makes him stagger back. Arbiter dives for his carbine, the seemingly never ending hole of darkness doesn't faze the great warrior, once it is in his arms he uses his remaining strength in jumping to his feet. As he instantly turns, the Arbiter is met with Grievous directly in his face and a red light saber plunged into his chest.
Arbiter: End it swiftly for you have no honor.
G. Grievous: Honor is for the weak mind.
Alien blood drips from Thel 'Vadaam's maw while gargling more that fills his esophagus. Then Grievous slices upward splitting his upper body in half, blood pours onto the grassland. Purple/indigo spurts on the General's warm and filthy, white plates. He sheathes his light saber as the split corpse of the Sangheili falls back into the sinkhole, vanishing into the endless abyss. Then Grievous contacts his droids on his wrist communicator for an evacuation pod to pick him up.
G. Grievous: This is your General. I am wounded on Utapau, send an evac.
The Greedy General then rummages through the Arbiter's supplies gripping the handle of his most impressive energy sword, the Prophet's bane, adding it to his collection. As he waits for his rescue, Grievous plans to become the most powerful Creature in the galaxy by mastering the energy sword.

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