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Following orders from the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, Baraka led his Tarkatan hordes in the attack on the Wu Shi Academy, thousands of Tarkatans unsheathed their blades from their forearms ready to be stained with human blood. As Shaolin monks, including those in Special forces, defend themselves from the Outworld Invasion, Raiden strikes the ground with lightning, electrocuting nearby tarkatans. Kung Lao and Lui Kang fight side by side. Raiden teleports before Baraka as he lifts a monk into the air and springs forth his 15-inch blades into the man's chest. Baraka has two little spikes coming out on each of his upper face cheeks; making him more unique and easier to identify among other Tarkatans. His fang like teeth protrude out very beastly, easily used to kill his prey with.
Raiden: You're a dog Baraka. Heel before you lose your life.
A deep, rough voice replies back to the Thunder god.
Baraka: I owe my loyalty to Shao Kahn.
Raiden: By conquering your realm? You should know, he's the enemy.
Baraka: Enough barking... time to taste your godly flesh.
Suddenly, in the distance from the Academy a large explosion erupts into the sky. Several pale creatures rise into the cloudy firmament leaking black fluid into the air, seemingly covering the sun's light like a blanket with ink. The instant situation snaps Raiden's attention, Baraka glares in excitement.
Raiden: Now What? You wish to destroy innocents?
With Raiden's back turned to Baraka, a female tarkatan warrior lunges toward Raiden. Her hair in a ponytail and teeth much like Baraka's, she swipes for Raiden's neck. However, Raiden catches the blade and sends powerful electricity throughout her body, electrocuting her organs and killing her.
Raiden: I shall return.
Baraka then plunges his strike for Raiden's death, but Raiden is gone and Baraka's blades are not stained with godly blood. Baraka roars in fury, continuing his slaughter on the Wu Shi Academy. Raiden's bolt strikes on top of a tall building scorching its surface as Raiden  looks over the terrorized city, hideous spider-like creatures, corpsers and reavers, burst out of the ground, creating emergence holes. Nemacysts poison the sky with darkness while pale humanoid creatures bust out of the earth's crust, mounting terrifying creatures and killing any human in sight.
Raiden: These aren't any Outworld species I am familiar with.
Out of the emergence hole Raiden stares at a ten foot tall Theron Locust rises out of the hole riding a reaver, he seems to command the Locust horde. He wears thick armor with many weapons, like his serrated sword. Inhuman gold eyes peer from his sunken underground face. His teeth stick out like a tarkatans, however, they are more yellow and resemble beat up canines rather than fangs. General RAAM enters the battlefield and flying toward the inky firmament upon his squid-like reaver. Raiden hears his slow raspy voice which sounds lighter than the other Locusts who shout in an almost demonic tone.
RAAM: Seeerrrve the Queen!
Raiden glances toward his far left hearing monstrous shouting and roaring, tarkatans have made it to the city. Raiden needs to improvise something, maybe he can get both hordes to attack each other. The thunder god raises his right arm calling on a lightning strike, its strong current pounds into the emergence hole causing a small tremor and the earth to collapse upon the Locusts currently trying to climb to the surface. RAAM's attention is turned by this, seeing the tarkatans charging their way down the street, what an interesting appearance these tarkatans have. RAAM glares upward, the inky black sky has fully covered the sun's rays. Black shadows of bird-like creatures soon dominate the skies, the almost indestructible Kryll. Fliers by nature, these individually meek creatures swarm together, becoming a near-unstoppable force that could shred people down to the bone in the blink of an eye.
RAAM: Atttaaaack!
The General flips his reaver around, leading a charge with his Kryll toward the unexpected humanoids with arm blades. Baraka glares up seeing the awkward flying squid with a scaly underground creature mounted on top.
Baraka: What kind of earthrealmers are these? Their scent is distasteful.
One-third of the Locust hordes see their General attacking the mysterious creatures and follow suit, while Baraka turns to his horde of tarkatans bathing in human blood with their blades.
Baraka: Rrgo-no-tay!
The tarkatans follow their leader, as he scrapes his blades creating a bright spark toward his descending enemies. The Kryll disperse as it makes contact with the night creatures. The tarkatans attack with sparks as well, Baraka quickly understood the fear these Night creatures have with light; hence the inky sky. RAAM lowers his reaver toward the earth lighting up the tarkatan horde with his handheld troika machine gun, puncturing the tough flesh of hundreds of tarkatans and impacting the busted ground. Baraka watches thousands of bullets drive into his fellow warriors, while the reaver swoops closer. Baraka's anger envelopes him and leaps into the air, using his blades he stabs into the soft flesh of RAAM's reaver which snags him. The screech of the reaver echoes with both blades into its stomach. Baraka glances at the tarkatans clashing against the Locusts, two deadly hordes known by their respected leaders who brought them to the pinnacle on behalf of their king and Queen. Tarkatan blades against the wide range of weaponry of the locusts. A boomer blows two tarkatans into nothing but karma takes effect as two more tarkatans attack. One stabs him from behind and the other slices his head off. A tarkatan warrior plunges his blades into a Locust soldier, and a Kantus tosses an ink grenade into a group of tarkatans. Choking on the ink cloud and killing off several. Using the chop chop technique, a tarkatan approaches from behind the Kantus hastily slicing off the hollow-dwelling creature's arms and legs. An emergence hole blows the ground beneath the battle, taking tarkatans with it as more Locusts break toward the surface. Riding on a mother corpser which wipes the floor with many tarkatans. Smaller versions of corpsers join the battle, digging within the earth and wounding tarkatans with their armored appendages. A tarkatan mage limps painfully into an alleyway, free from the bloodshed. His demon like voice echoes between the large structures and begins chanting an unknown language while his hands glow a dark purple, the spell opens a portal to Outworld. The mage gives his remaining strength and will as a sacrifice to bring forth three black-red fire dragons out of the portal and instantly one attacks the largest beast, the mother corpser. The dragon flaps its massive wings before the creature of the underworld, opening its impressive jaw and breathing a flame of induced heat. The corpser's six appendages over its plump head, which have amazingly durable armor plating grafted onto them, shield the mastodonic maw of the mother. The flames immediately wipe out the Locust soldiers sitting upon the creature's back who have been shooting their retro-lancers at the Outworld Beast. However, the flames do scathe the bright orange eyes of the corpser, temporarily blinding it. Suddenly, the dragon dives forward while the mother screeches from the burns, the dragon uses its overwhelming strength and speed to knock the mother onto its back. It's legs swiftly and creepily dancing in order to regain its footing and its body squirms, only tenderizing the meat. The armor plated legs try to grab anything to pull itself back to its feet to no avail. Two dragons then land upon the mother corpser, using their razor sharp claws and teeth, they begin to chomp and claw their way for a quick meal. Tarkatans and Locusts keep clashing, two Locusts grab frag grenades and toss them into nearby opponents. The explosions kill off many, although, one tarkatan is only flown by the force. Using this to his advantage, the warrior springs his blades into both grenadiers, killing them instantly. The nemacysts darken the sky even worse than it was, almost like it's night out, the city is soaked in gasoline-promised flames, even the dragons continue their destruction. Tearing reavers in two and burning anything that takes aim at them, whether it be boltok or ink. One dragon rips a reaver's body into nothing but guts and organs, prompting nearby Kryll and nemacysts to attack. The dragon only feels the itch upon its durable armor-like scales as the Kryll attack, trying to slice open its prey. Flames are the only response the dragon gives back, in mere seconds, the Kryll burn away. Next, the nemacysts lock on to their winged target as it flies into swarms of Kryll and melting their almost invincible bodies. Several nemacysts smash into the back of the towering dragon, blowing up upon impact with great force. The flying organic mortars forcefully detonate into the right wing of the particular dragon causing its massive size to spin out of control and smash through a large building then bursts out of the other side, landing face first into a smaller building, killing the dragon upon landing. The top half of the building collapses into the street, killing a large portion of the Locust soldiers and taking out vehicles, corpsers, and reavers that unluckily fly underneath the falling structure. Seeders, large, eight-legged beasts that fired nemacyst spores out of a second mouth on their rear end. They keep sending nemacysts, seemingly an endless supply of such that it continues to spawn. Raiden calls upon his lightning powers to strike a seeder very fiercely, killing it. As he levitates onto the roof of a building, Kryll attack with out warning. The thunder God strikes down "the hammer of the elder gods" as a massive bolt enshrouds him with bright light and millions of volts at once. The ink in the sky separates above him and the light burns off the Kryll instantly.
Raiden: I need to know what is going on? The Elder Gods must have an answer!
Raiden zaps himself out of earth and into the heavens. Meanwhile, as the sky becomes darker and fire losing its life, the Kryll begin to swarm even closer to the earth. Mincing and tearing humans, tarkatans, and Locusts alike, only thirsty for the pungent taste of flesh and blood. However, somewhere else in the blanketed firmament, above the inky blackness, Baraka uses his blades to inch up the reaver, each thrust makes it weaken to fly slowly descending. RAAM knows the tarkatan is under him and he is prepared to get rid of it. Baraka lunges on top of the reaver sharpening his blades with two full strokes against each blade. RAAM spins around and unsheathes his serrated sword, he stands revealing his large size. He takes two steps toward Baraka easily towering the tarkatan.
Baraka: My blades will find your heart!
RAAM: For the hooorrrde!
Suddenly, The reaver takes a dive into the inky clouds much like a dolphin breaks out of the surface and plunges back in the waters. RAAM utilizes his ability to connect with the Kryll, using them to surround him with a black swarm of Kryll. Baraka lunges forward with his blades out ready to rip into RAAM's flesh, however, RAAM steps away delivering his short blade into Baraka's abdomen. Instantly, RAAM's Kryll drive their sharp appendages through Baraka's stomach which almost knocks him off the flying reaver. Baraka is knocked toward the reaver's head but the rider's seat blocks him from falling.
RAAM: Riiiissse!
Baraka's healing factor takes effect as he rises and tears off his black Outworld tunic and tightens his fist, tensing his arms. Next, his blades unsheathe from his arms, RAAM glares down his opponent realizing his healing factor. RAAM growls at Baraka, his Kryll still swimming around him, protecting him. The tarkatan glances behind him at the weakened reaver, and gripping an idea, he needs more room in order to assure his victory. Baraka flips backward slamming his right blade into the head of the reaver, it screeches in pain as its blood sprays into Baraka's face and inhuman chest. Finally dying and descending toward the earth, however, it collides into an apartment building, launching Baraka and RAAM off the reaver which, after smashing its skull into the structure, the lifeless creature then slams into the battered street. Baraka is flung and rolled onto the roof platform, he sheathes his blades as his upper body stares down the edge of the structure's roof. The Kryll catch RAAM helping him to his feet. Baraka looks downward watching an Outworld Tormentor, a massive beast forty feet in height, scaly back, armor that withstands tanks, and devilish piercing eyes. Once chained in Outworld and now lose upon earth to spread torment toward any species. The giant grey beast charges toward a brumak, a dinosaur-like beast with a rocket launcher on its back and twin machine guns on its wrists, just about forty feet tall. The slow run of the Tormentor roughly gains on the brumak then the locust tank roars, spitting and breaking the sound barrier, next the beast fires several rockets from its back impacting the tormentor's chest. This only causes the titan to step back from the force of the explosives, then bellows in a wrathful roar. The Tormentor rams into the brumak tearing off its rocket launcher on its back while the machine wrist guns fire point blank into the giant's stomach. Lastly, the Tormentor rips off the brumak's left arm causing it to roar in agony then bites the neck of the bipedal beast and tears. Ripping out flesh and blood pours on the street in puddles. However, surprisingly fast, The Tormentor lifts its leg on its broad shoulder and wraps its massive clawed hands around the brumak's head. Keeping its large head from snapping its jaws, with an immense pull, the Outworld monster rips off its head, using its huge foot to push the brumak corpse on its back. The beast munches on the head. Just below the same apartment complex, a berserker tackles a female tarkatan warrior through the building while two more grip upon its back, slicing and thrusting their attached swords into the female locust, although, the blades don't harm any part of the berserker. The locust screams with the tarkatan in its hands, slamming the Outwolder upon the concrete. The other females leap off their enemy. The berserker pounds onto the warrior breaking through the concrete and ragingly swings its fists into the tarkatan, shattering all of her torso bones. The other two females cry out while chopping their blades into the durable armor that can withstand bullets. One female climbs onto the Locust's back as the other swipes at the berserker's legs. A loud chink is heard and blood splatters upon the concrete, her right blade has broken due to the female's hide. She screams with discomfort while the second warrior's arm is gripped by the berserker and smashed into the ground. She swiftly stands grabbing her friend's blade and drags her fellow warrior behind a parked expired car, thinking it should be safe. However, the berserker's hearing discerns the dragging on concrete and her acute sense of smell detects the otherworldly blood of the tarkatan. She's almost to the metallic vehicle, just a few more steps but she hears the screech of the blind berserker, beginning to plow into the injured warriors. She becomes prepared for death fighting for her Emperor. Suddenly, an Outworld fire dragon bellows forth flames upon the street, showering the berserker who jolts up in panic with its armor melting. Her screams light up the vicinity then the dragon uses its powerful talons to grip the berserker and fly into the distance, the beast drops the female locust. It's scream becomes wild until it impacts the ground, shutting it up. The two females are alive and they will continue to fight for their own. Back at the apartment's roof, Baraka clashes his blades into RAAM's sword. His Kryll swarm around Baraka, giving a distraction which gives RAAM the opportunity to grip Baraka's face tightly with his right clawed hand, throwing him in the opposite direction, however, Baraka gains his footing landing on his feet and hastily cross thrusting his blades into RAAM's lower abdomen trying to push deeper. This does not work as RAAM swings a left jab into Baraka's face which releases his blades from the Theron, using a front kick to launch Baraka into a waiting swarm of Kryll which begin to cut and mince through him. His fast healing factor heals his wounds while he scrapes a bright spark with his blades, freeing himself from RAAM's Kryll. The Kryll flinch from the spark and return to RAAM, surrounding him once more. Baraka fires a few more sparks into RAAM's Kryll, creating a an opening for Baraka to strike. Once he is, Baraka swipes his blades forward slashing RAAM's chest. Next, he swings his right blade toward RAAM with the urge to decapitate his enemy, the locust deflects the blade with his sword. Then, Baraka swings his left which also becomes deflected with his sword, he brings back and forcefully thrusts his blade into Baraka's chest. The brute force of RAAM knocks Baraka back, however, the tarkatan's speed caught up with the momentum flipping onto his feet. Finally, Baraka launches him toward RAAM puncturing the Theron's left thigh and using his other blade, slicing upward which carves through his armor. RAAM loses his balance and falls on his back. Within a second, Baraka leaps onto RAAM with both his blades crossed over the locust's neck. The tarkatan inches toward his face, saliva drips off his elongated teeth and snake-like tongue as he speaks.
Baraka: I wonder what your meat will taste like, foul creature!
RAAM exhales causing Baraka to flinch his neck from the terrible stench of the Theron's breath. Instantly, a small group of RAAM's Kryll dive into Baraka, throwing him off the General. Baraka almost instantly strikes again as RAAM slowly stands, he thrusts both blades wanting to dine on new flesh. Instead of flesh and blood, Baraka's blades impact hard steel of RAAM's serrated sword. Baraka releases his left blade from the clash and springs it into RAAM's upper abdomen, this prompts the large locust to thrust his sword into Baraka's chest, slicing upward. Next, uses his left hand to grab Baraka's head and squeeze while lifting the tarkatan inches above the surface. RAAM rips out his sword from Baraka's deep wound, a twelve-inch scar pours blood like a waterfall, then swiftly strikes the tarkatan's head through the chin, poking up from the top of his head. Baraka releases his blades, sheathing back into his forearms. The General glares for a minute relishing his newly victory. Suddenly, Baraka snaps open his eyes of white then hastily forces both blades through RAAM's armor and into his stomach. His blades stained with Locust blood as he finally plunges them all the way through, RAAM spits blood on Baraka's face and his gold eyes go dark. The General's blade still stuck within Baraka's head as he becomes filled with bloodlust.
Baraka: Ahh, Now where's your heart?!
Instantly, RAAM's lizard like head twitches at the same time the Kryll surround both humanoid monsters. He opens his eyes gaining the upper hand by the help of his Kryll. Baraka can't count them, there must be thousands... millions of them which gives the merciless warrior an unexpected sense of fear.
Baraka: What!?
RAAM: Diiiieee!
The towering Theron grips his Kryll grenade and sticks the beacon onto Baraka's chest, he staggers back in pain as the grenade activates and engulfs Baraka in an ink like substance. The Kryll drive into Baraka killing him with an intense attraction to the black cloud and a lust for blood that seems to never leave their appetite. RAAM steps away from the black cloud of Kryll swimming in darkness, and walks to the edge of the building while millions of Kryll disintegrate the tarkatan, leaving his Outworld bloody skeleton left from the attack. As they all disperse back into the inky firmament, RAAM overlooks the carnage. His species will fight for the earth's surface, even if it means obliterating everything. However, in the distance, thousands of high tech helicopters charge toward the cloud of smoke and flame, COG soldiers gather together in order to thwart the increasing threat. Using spotlights to keep the Kryll at bay, enshrouding their men in light. RAAM glares at the choppers releasing Gears into the battlefield.
RAAM: For the Queen!

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