Life is strange

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|Kaname pov|
I smiled down at the two sleeping comfortably on the floor of the Hotel.
We all stayed up late watching Horror movies together.It was nice and peaceful...well minus the gore and guts from the movie.
I walked over to the balcony and took a deep breath.
I can't believe I have my son back...I'm so happy!
I was thinking about the future all of a sudden.My cute little son getting married to Shouto and having cute little children~

I gushed over the idea...and I pray they stay together forever.
Hmm I should go to sleep now,I'll be to tired to move in the morning.
I stretched and walked back in and took my place on the couch.

Time skip

I woke up first and started cooking~I'm surprised after Being looked up for so long I still remember how to cook as well as I do.
"Morning mama/Kaname-san."

"Morning you two~I fixed pancakes,bacon,eggs and some French toast!Now eat up loves."
We all sat down and started eating.
"Oh yeah since you guys have about four days left,how about I show you all the fun places in Hokkaido!?"

"That sounds great!"

|M/n Pov|
Later on everyone got dressed and we headed out and Went sight seeing.In the distance there was a bright flash of blonde hair.
"What was that?"

"No clue but I see an old friend that won't try to kill us.Oi!Izuku!"Shouto yelled out to a boy around our age with green hair.
"Oh!Todoroki-San!It's nice to see you again!"

"Hi my name is M/n Mikazuki,it's nice to meet you izuku."We connected quickly over anything cute and then there was this loud booming voice.
"Young Midoriya!"

"Is...that all-might the famous business owner..."Izuku nods happily and waves to catch the tall male to come over.

"K-Kaname-chan!?"I looked between my mama and All might in confusion. All might blushing?!
I smiled and pulled Izuku and Shouto back a bit.
"All might likes my mama!"

"I see."They both said,in a sort we watched them interact with each other.All might was gentle with his words and actions like he wanted to be noticed in a love way.
"Let's get them together..."

"Yosh!!![Alright!!!]I'm getting my mama a boyfriend!!!
I was now pumped up and so was izuku.Now we need a plan!

|Shouto pov|
We hung back from all might and Kaname-san and made a plan to get those two together
"M/n I need you and izuku to distract you're mama for a bit so I can talk to all might."

"Yosh!"They ran off and pulled Kaname away,leaving me with All might.
"You like Kaname-san right?"

"Y-yeah...since high school....Belief it or not but he's been my mate but I was on the short end...some say it's possible to have two mates but he chose M/n's father...."

"Well today is your day because we're going to help you and Kaname-San get together.What I've learned so far is be yourself and he'll fall for you hopefully,First off;He likes Takoyaki!So let's go and remember be yourself."We walked in after M/n and sat down.I made sure he sat next to Kaname and I sat in the middle of M/n and izuku.Faze one is now in play.
"So,Kaname how long have you known All might?"

"Hmmm freshman year of high school!He was honesty my first friend because I was too scared to talk to anyone else.It was funny,All might walked right up to me and introduced himself and we became friends!"Kaname smiled happily while telling us about their past.
"There was that one day he saved me from getting hit by a car."

"Oh yeah.We were walking to school and the Car ran the red light.I broke my arm that day and you cried the whole way to the hospital."Kaname blushed and scratched his cheek

|All might pov|
That memory was the best and also the day I knew he was my mate.
"Remember how I order Takoyaki at the hospital to make you stop."

" did do that and you gave me the biggest smile I've never seen."

"I only did it to make you happy that's all."Kaname blushed brightly and we told more stories of our school lives.
Once everyone was done eating,I payed for the food and the for some odd reason the kids ran off leaving me and Kaname alone.
"All might I'm glad to see you again after all these years."

"Yeah same to you but if you don't mind me asking...where did you go?"His face turned grim for a moment.
"My mate...hypnotized everyone and made me believe I almost kill M/n..."
He then told me the whole story and how stupid he felt because he Had a one night stand with his Ex mate.
"But I'm glad I have my son back and I'm glad to see you again."

"Life is strange isn't..."

"Yeah~"Kaname placed a hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes.I leaned down with my eyes closed and I knew our lips touched.I felt the spark come back to life,my heart throbbed and once again I could feel his emotions...
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to imprint on you!"Kaname blushed with slight panic ruched through his voice and I too could feel the panic.
"Like I said life is strange."Kaname giggled and held my hand.

I was happy to be with Kaname but a question jumped to the front of my mind.
"Wait!So dose this mean we're-"


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