Good friends?;Katsuki and M/n talk

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[Song is the vibe of this chapter!]
|M/n pov|
A month went by and I'm pretty sure we have a better handle on Chaos and her quirk,but this morning was awfully quiet and I couldn't find our fur child but I assumed she's still in the room with Shouto asleep.
Hmm we need eggs and bacon.
Not thinking twice I grabbed a hoodie,put on some gym shorts,grabbed my phone and went to the front door to put my slides on.

It was slightly cloudy but still sunny out.It was a perfect day for a walk and the Market was down the street so this will be my walk for today!
I happily made my way down the sidewalk walk,occasionally saying good morning to my neighbors.When I walked into the market the first person I saw was Jin-san.
"Goodmorning M/n!"

"Morning Jin-san!How's the wife doing?"

"Doing just fine with little Hime~"Jin-san's wife just had her baby yesterday Afternoon and their very happy.They live next door to me and shouto.He told me that little Hime has a head full of his very own dark red hair and has her mother's eyes.
I grabbed a basket and we talked more about the baby as I picked up what I needed for the house.
Jin-san said his goodbye as he went to pay for the things he bought.

It's such a nice life I have now.I still keep in contact with my cousin and surprisingly Kanda and I sorta get along now.

"Ah hell!"I yelled activating my quirk quickly as possible to fight off Katsuki but he threw up his hands as if saying he wasn't going to cause trouble for me.
"W-why are you....Uh..Here?"

"I came to fucking apologize to you and that damn half and half."

"Excuse me?!"

"I said-"

"No that's not what I meant...umm give me a moment to pay for all this and we'll talk over some coffee."Katsuki nods and follows me to register's so I could pay.


"So uh what brings you back to hokkaido?"
I asked after order some coffee for us.
Katsuki shrugged at first while messing with the little creamer cups.
"I came back because my damn mom said i need to relax...I just flew in and caught myself walking around,I saw you then remember all the shit I subjected you to."

"Well besides that,How do you like Otaru."

"It's nice,I guess.Really quiet and homey,never thought I would be so..."

"Calm?Yeah my mama said this place is perfect for peace.Also I like that you grew out you're hair.You look very nice."

Katsuki's eyes widened a bit before returning to normal

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Katsuki's eyes widened a bit before returning to normal.
"T-thank you?"

"Not very familiar with compliments, are you?"

"Hell no."Katsuki said roughly,The waiter sat our coffee down and left quickly due to how gruff and grumpy Katsuki sounded.
"Well,how did it feel when I said that?"

"Nice i guess,I don't know."

"Hmm I think we'll be good friends!"

|Katsuki pov|
"Hmm I think we'll be good friends!"M/n said happily with this odd and bright ass smile.It was like this guy was a fucking ray of sunshine and I needed some damn shades to shield my eyes.
So this is what Izuku meant...M/n is one to give second chances...
"How are you...So damn nice?"


"Izuku told me about the thing's that's happened to you..How the hell do you manage to stay happy and nice all the time?"I asked again honestly not understanding how someone can be a literal ray of fucking sunshine!
"Life goes on,weather you like it or not.It's your choice weather you should be angry or happy!I choice to leave those who hurt me behind in the past and look forward to a better an brighter future!You won't get anywhere in life acting like an ass.I find that kindness is the greatest quirk of them all.It's a quirk that you obtain through life,you aren't born with it."M/n said with this kind smile on his face.

I think I understand it a bit but hell I can't change over night...
The waiter came back and spoke to M/n with ease.Each of them sharing a nice smile.The waiter then turns to me,smile intact.
"Are you enjoying yourself and the coffee?"


"Oh Katsuki,Yu made the coffee."M/n said patting the waiter on his shoulder.I took another sip of the coffee and found it was actually really good.
"You did great,Yu."I said in the nicest way possible and Yu smiled even brighter and said thank you before running off again.
"Good job with the compliment Katsuki!"

"Oi!I ain't a kid!"I yelled a bit but calmed down.M/n however didn't seemed fazed by me yelling at him.
He just smiled probably or seemingly understanding me in some sort.
This guy is fucking weird like Deku...
We talked about whatever came to mind.However my attention was drawn to the hood of his hoodie...It moved.

Any normal person would freak out a bit but it interested me to see what would come out...

"Something is in you're hood."

"Eh!?"M/n quickly reached in the hood and pulled out a kitten.
"Katsuki meet Chaos."


"Do I even what to know why you had a kitten hidden away in you're hood?"

"Honestly,I didn't even know she was there in the first place."M/n said with a sigh as the kitten sat on the table with a carefree vibe going on.
This kitten gives no fucks at all and just goes with the flow.
"She also has a quirk called disorder."

"The fuck?"I asked while poking the kittens forehead,to which she playfully swats at my hand.Her tail taps M/n's Coffee cup and it disappears then reappears in mid air.M/n quickly holds his hands out and caught it.
"We're still working on how to stop that from happening."

"Cool kitten."I said scratching under her chin causing her to purr.
"Yeah she's cool until things start to float,that's when you panic and pray to kami that whatever you grab is bolted to the floor."

"Now I see the reason behind the name,she's a natural born troublemaker."I said obviously impressed with how much trouble one kitten can cause.M/n then invites me to have breakfast with him and shouto.So I followed him to his house.

He opened the door and let little Chaos run off to who knows where in the house and leads me to the kitchen.
"M/n!We're out of bacon.."

"I bought some more and I found Katsuki."

"Oh that great....WAIT WHAT!"I heard the tiredness leave his voice when he realized what M/n had actually said to him.
"Sup half and half."I said as he ran around the corner,ready to fight might I add.M/n quickly told Shouto why in was here and whatnot.
"Really I am Sorry for the bullshit problems and actually injuring you."

"Question...How long did it take you to make that apology?"

"About two months."

"Sounds about right."Shouto said with a slight taunting smile on his face but I shrugged it off and sat at the table.
"Alright!I'll cook."M/n happily as if the three us had been friends for years.
I honestly don't get him but...We'll become good friends so I will In due time.


A/n-Ahhhhh!I couldn't leave things the why they were between you and Kacchan!I love that ash blonde angry filled child!He's still the same but on a much calmer scale lol!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Ja matane!


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